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there was a man who knew how to make a woman feel like a woman! "Maybe another time, when that
little girl's likely to be awake," she said gruffly. "We'll be late for church if we stop any longer."
Cullen smiled again, white teeth flashing wickedly against his tanned, stubbled jaw."Thank you for the
gift. And don't forget to stop by. Rachel enjoys company."
On the way to the car, Isobel fanned herself. "Whew, it certainly is boiling today, isn't it?"
Eleanor settled into her seat with a dreamy look on her face. "That man is downright beautiful."
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Isobel set the car in gear, the tyres spitting gravel as her gammy leg pressed just a bit too hard on the gas
pedal. The burst of speed certainly had nothing to do with her irritation at her daughter for living in such a
dream world and not supplying her with a whole bunch of sweet babies like the one draped across
Cullen Logan's shoulder. "You had your chance at him, girl," she muttered, peering at Cullen's battered
cattlestop and aiming for the centre, "and you messed it up big time. You can't expect to catch one of
those wild ones if all you ever do is look with your mouth open!"
* * *
Cullen snagged Rachel's hand as he walked down the hallway.
"Bed," he said as he towedher upstairstotheir room.
Insteadof putting his little darling in her bassinet, he simply lay down on the sunny, tangled bed and let
her sleep on his chest. She seemedtolike that best of all and usually slept twice as long, which, since she
was such a lively little critter at night, meant that he and Rachel could catch up on some sleep of their
He tore his wondering gaze from the tiny, snuffling scrap of baby splayed all over him, her diapered
rump stuck up in the air. Rachel settled in nexttohim, snuggling into the curve of his arm. Right where she
belonged. "Hmm?" he rumbled lazily, running his fingers up Rachel's arm, then letting them sift through her
gorgeous, silky hair.
She smiled, putting the sunlight in the shade. "Did you see what theReeses brought?" Sheunraveled a
large T-shirt and held it up. Another tiny matching T-shirt fell out.
"The old devil," Cullen said, chuckling.
The T-shirts both read, Made inRiverbend and Proud of It.
* * * * * [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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