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together, she needed to work harder starting with making herself a little more presentable. She d
gotten into the habit of wearing her sweatpants and a shapeless top around the house. Wade hadn t
seemed to care, but the man deserved better. She scrounged through her drawers to find her sexiest
bra and panties. She remembered how much he liked the outfit she d worn when she interviewed with
him and plucked up those. Wanting to dress in something that was easy to remove, she donned a sheer
black blouse, and a stretchy skirt that he could tug off.
While she couldn t have anything to drink, she certainly could eat. The other day she d purchased
her usual half-gallon of chocolate ice cream, but she d also picked up some chocolate sauce and a can
of whipped cream, and her imagination ran wild. Wade would be in for a surprise when he came
Her strategy was to seduce him, and then she d feel more comfortable having the discussion about
their future.
* * *
BEFORE WADE WENT back to Em s house, he visited his parents. While he was confident they d be
thrilled with his decision to be with Emmaline on a permanent basis, he wanted to make sure they
didn t have any objections. While there, he wanted to pick his mom s brain. Hopefully, she could
provide some insight as to how to deal with Emmaline s mood swings. After all, Mom had been
pregnant twice.
He only spent forty-five minutes with them, not wanting to keep Emmaline waiting if she was
home, but the trip had been insightful. Basically, his mother said to give Emmaline anything she
wanted. His dad had disagreed, but from the sparkle in his eyes and the stories his father told about
some of his mom s strangest demands, he d probably done just that. All in all, they d shared some
good laughs.
While he d texted Emmaline with his time of arrival, she d never gotten back to him. He d
debated picking up some flowers as a peace offering to surprise her when she arrived home, but not
only would the stores be closed, he had no idea if she d go off on him. She might say he was trying to
buy her. Of late, Emmaline s reactions had made no sense, but that only made him more determined to
win her over.
When he spotted her car in the drive, his gut tightened. Tonight, he planned to tell her just how he
felt that he wanted a life with her. A man could only wait so long. He unlocked the front door and
stepped in, but he was not prepared for what he saw. Candles lit the room, creating a sexy, warm
vibe. Emmaline was leaning against the back of the sofa, dressed in the most seductive outfit he d
ever seen, and his brain ceased to function.
 What are you doing? As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized he d probably made a
mistake. Fuck it. She couldn t expect he d always say the right thing.
 I want a fresh start. She walked toward him, slowly, enticingly, with purpose, causing his cock
to painfully harden and his mouth to turn dry.  I know I ve been difficult to live with and to work
with but I want to make a change.
The animal in him nearly exploded.  Do you want to sit down and talk about it? Please say no.
 Do you? She ran a finger down his chest and then latched a finger in his jeans waistband.
His thought process completely stopped.  Not really.
 I say we table the discussion until later. Showing is so much more fun. She winked and his
pulse raced.  I d like to try something new.
 Oh, yeah. What s that? A vein in his neck throbbed.
 I bought some whipped cream and hot chocolate sauce.
The bear in him nearly burst out of his skin, and he had to clear his throat to even speak.  Where
do you suggest we put this cream and sauce? He closed his eyes for a split second and pictured
licking the cream off her tits and the chocolate sauce from her belly. His bones nearly cracked,
desperate for release.
 I m open to suggestions; wait here a second. Emmaline sauntered over to the kitchen and picked
up something then twisted around, but he couldn t tell what it was since her hands were behind her
 What do you have there? He tried to look around her, but she twisted to the side. With a sense
of dramatic flair, she slid her arm from behind her back and dangled one of his ties from her fingertip.
Lust raced through his veins.  You asking me to tie you up? He d like nothing better.
 I thought it might be more exciting if I blindfolded you.
His first thought was to say no, but then he remembered he d promised himself that he d loosen up
and give her what she wanted.  And then what?
 Where would the fun be in that if I told you? She stepped closer and wrapped the tie around his
neck. When she pressed her breasts against his chest, white-hot need sizzled through him. He wanted
nothing more than to slam her against the wall and make love to her, but this wasn t about his need.
Emmaline had an agenda, and he needed to be brave enough to go along with it.
 I m game. How long he would last with her hands and mouth on him was anyone s guess. She
dragged her fingers up and down the tie, and he pictured her doing the same thing to his cock. His
need grew to epic proportions.
 By the way, she said,  I told my parents that I was pregnant and that you were my mate.
She d said that so casually, it was as if all had gone well, but he didn t want to break the mood by
asking for details. Instead, he focused on the second half of her comment.  You believe you re my
She laughed.  I know I haven t been very receptive to that idea, but when I gave it some thought, I
realized we were destined to be together.
Happiness nearly drowned him. He circled her waist and spun her around.  That s fantastic.
When he set her down, he kissed her with every ounce of passion in his body. He would do anything [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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