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Tanner had been out by the pool all day, watching
the girls play. Molly pissed Holly off when she sprayed
her in the face with a water gun. Holly now avoided
her sister at all costs.
 A boy, Tanner mumbled, despondent. She d
had a difficult pregnancy and even though Tanner was
secretly paying the doctor who visited the home she
shared with Santino, sometimes he went days without
receiving news from the Cayman Islands. David had
been staying in Grand Cayman, just in case she
needed anything.
Tanner tossed his sunglasses on and stood up.
 Did you tell your mother?
 Momma hopes you ll let her come home now.
The Colombians aren t going to keep pursuing this
since we stopped moving the merchandise. Momma
wants to see her grandson. We all want Ally home.
Tanner watched his girls swim around in circles,
defiantly avoiding one another. He smirked at the
irony. Right now, he wanted to avoid Santino and he
imagined Santino felt the same way.
 It s safe for her to come home now. The
Colombians have stopped searching for her, moved on
to other things. Most assume she s in a witness
protection program. Some assume she s dead.
 Why didn t you let Ally know you were there
when you visited Little Cayman? Darren was curious.
He d wanted to ask before but he hadn t dared.
Tanner was so distant, it was a topic they didn t
discuss because Tanner threw himself into raising his
daughters and setting up one offshore casino and
sportsbook after another.
Behind The Game
 I went there to bring her back. I went there
because I m a jealous man. I m a controlling,
egotistical person who wanted Ally back in my arms
just so I knew she wasn t in his. If it meant putting
her life at risk, I didn t care. It wasn t something I
was willing to think about or consider because I was
going crazy without her.
 And that changed when you found out she was
 No, he said, shaking his head. Then he cleared
his throat.  Maybe, yeah some. I never told you this
but when I went to Little Cayman, I watched Ally all
morning. She was in their villa, watering plants,
humming, dusting the tables, putting dishes away,
and living this perfectly normal life.
 Well, I guess she didn t have a lot to do other
than make the most of her life. She didn t have any
idea how long he was going to keep her there.
 Santino ran out to the market that day. Before
he came home, I saw her dash to the bathroom with
her hand over her mouth. A few minutes later she
came out with a washcloth to her head and her hand
resting against her stomach. I knew right then.
 So you left.
 No, I waited. I watched DeLuca come home, kiss
her and then stand in the kitchen, stunned as she left
him there to digest whatever she told him. I hate to
say it but I almost felt sorry for the guy. He looked
helpless. I don t know what she said to him then but
he followed her upstairs. I tried to find an open
window so I could listen too but when I didn t I
started to give up and go to the front door and just
ring the doorbell. Hell, I didn t know what I d say but
I wanted to take Ally away from him. I longed to stop
her before she told him the truth.
 Then, I heard them talking. I heard the little
quiver in her voice, the anxiety she must ve felt
because of another pregnancy with a man who was
nothing more than a criminal. And I heard him tell
her he loved her. Tanner walked away from Darren
Destiny Blaine
then.  He loves her and I want her home with me,
with Molly and Holly. How s this supposed to work out
for Ally? Has he thought about that? Have I?
Darren shook his head.  Man, I don t know what
to tell you, but you need to resolve your troubles
with my sister. We can t afford Santino, if he s still
running up a tab with us, unless we re operating at
full capacity, and you know I m talking about all of
our businesses. David has new contacts to replace our
previous partners in Colombia and the casinos are
profitable. It s supposed to be a year for the bookies.
Still, we have to get this Ally-problem under control
 I know. I m going to give her and DeLuca a few
weeks to enjoy their little boy. I ll let them have
what I didn t have with my girls. I owe them that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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