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Dena Garson
 And you are a guest here.
 Yes, that s correct, Katie said as she kept one eye on the exit. She hadn t realized
craziness carried over into death and obviously Etain s mood could turn in a split
 What is it that you wish to know?
Katie tried to think of the best way to ask about the curse put on Seamus, but
suspected launching into that topic wouldn t get her anywhere.  You were married to a
lord, correct?
 I was.
 What was that like?
A peaceful look passed across Etain s face.  In the beginning it was nice. I had
lovely dresses and he gave me lots of jewels. He told me I was the most beautiful
woman in the land. Her face fell as she remembered the past.  But the workers were
always coming to ask for help or they needed him to settle some dispute. The late
nights working in his solar became more frequent. Then he started traveling to check on
the other estates. Leaving me here, alone.
She looked directly at Katie. Some of the wildness had returned to her eyes.  I
didn t like to be left alone.
 Wives have complained about their husbands jobs getting more attention for
centuries. Seemed like a safe response and seemed to satisfy Etain s need to be heard,
if not understood. Then Katie was inspired with a way to broach the subject.  Long
separations sometimes lead wives to look elsewhere for affection. Knowing she might
be pushing it, she added,  Did you ever have someone fill that void for you?
A dreamy look passed over Etain s face.  There were others, she said
enigmatically then floated away from Katie. At least she acted embarrassed by having
taken other lovers.
 Were any of them more special than the others? Katie s pulse skipped and she
resisted the impulse to hold her breath.
 One, Etain said quietly. Her face fell and her eyes strayed to the edge of the
battlements. She floated to the short wall then stared off in the distance as if
remembering something.
Katie asked quietly,  What was his name? She needed to be sure who Etain
referred to.
 His name was Seamus. He was a lowly woodworker but he was beautiful and
strong. But he&  Her voice dropped and her shoulders slumped a little.  He didn t
want me. Etain lifted her head.  I tried to get his attention by dressing prettily when he
was around. I always wore my best jewels and made sure my hair was perfect. I
ordered refreshments for him when he worked. I even tried to make him jealous with
other men. She turned her head to look at Katie.  But nothing worked.
Ghostly Persuasion
 What did you do then? Katie urged her to tell more.
 One of my maids told me about a woman who sold love potions. Etain turned her
gaze to the fields outside the castle walls.  I had heard of the woman before. She was a
very powerful witch. So I went to her for help. I wanted something to make him fall in
love with me. Etain faced Katie with wildness in her eyes once again.  But she refused
to help me. Me! Etain s chin lifted a notch.  The Lady of Tullamore.
 Why would she refuse you? Katie asked.
 She said she couldn t force anyone s will. The potion she created would only
enhance feelings that were already there. If he were attracted to me, it would make him
desire me more. But if he didn t love me, it might make him hate me.
 So what did you do?
 I took the potion. She smiled a wicked grin.  And her book of spells.
 So I could make my own potion, Etain snapped, as if she thought Katie should
have known the answer already.
 But did you know how 
 It wasn t difficult to do. The book had the ingredients and the way to prepare
them. I just mixed a couple of spells together to make sure I got what I wanted.
Katie had to hold her anger in check. It was an effort to keep her voice level.  And
did you get what you wanted?
 No, Etain said flatly.  He vanished after I cast the spell. I don t know where he
 They tried to say that I killed him!
 Did you not? Katie asked, knowing she was probably pushing her luck with
Etain s stability. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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