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She just felt her body moving forward, felt her feet take the small step down into the
bedroom area, and she stepped to the bed and took Erik s hand.
* * *
Erik hadn t been sure Kayla would accept the invitation, but he knew he had to
ask. Even if he couldn t do it aloud. And when her fingers closed around his, his eyes
closed in relief, and he let out a breath he hadn t known he was holding.
Jason was unmoving between his legs, his cock hard and deep inside. Energy
crackled between them -- Erik wouldn t have been surprised if it had been visible, but
of course it wasn t. It just threaded all over his skin, fusing him to Jason, quickening his
heartbeat. It had built and risen just the way it always did, but somehow it slid through
him easier. The power came into him like drawing a breath, rather than like trying to
absorb it as quickly as possible through his skin. So easy. So perfect. Just because it had
come from Kayla instead of some anonymous groupie in the alley behind the night s
 Kayla. Jason whispered the words as Kayla s hand, still joined to Erik s,
stroked down his back. She moved close against them, and Erik moved over as much as
he could, giving her room. After a moment, Jason realized what was happening and
shifted with him. Kayla slid into the bed next to them.
The moment her body slid against theirs, it was as if a puzzle piece had moved
into place. Her aura, her warmth, even the lush curves of her, fit perfectly into the
Faith Talbot Beautiful Music: Daze on End 50
spaces where Jason s body met Erik s. She kissed Jason, then turned her head to
tentatively set her lips against Erik s half-open mouth.
He groaned into the space between her lips. It had been so long since he d let a
woman touch him like that, afraid of the consequences if things went too far. But her
mouth against his was perfection, beauty, with nothing of danger in it for him.
Could he& ? But the thought trailed off as she pressed more firmly against him.
Her hand moved between Jason s slightly open thighs and her fingers clasped Erik s
 God&  He wasn t sure he said it out loud, but at the same time it felt as if the
words had been torn from him. He flinched, waiting for her touch to hurt him, but there
was no pain, only a searing arrow of desire that shot from where her fingers gently
outlined his testicles all the way to the middle of his chest. His balls drew up hard
under her touch, and he came with a violence that made it impossible to breathe.
He felt Jason come hard inside him, piercing him so deep he thought he might
tear open, but he didn t, and then Erik s heart was in his throat, pounding, pounding,
and then everything around him went utterly black.
Chapter Eight
 Oh, my God. Erik.
Jason was still in a haze of fading orgasm, and it took him a moment to realize
Kayla s tone was fearful, not aroused. Erik wasn t driving her to heights of ecstasy -- he
was limp under Jason s still-taut body, and his eyes had closed, his head lolling to one
 Erik? He added his own voice, then gently cupped his lover s face.  Erik?
 What happened? Kayla was moving back away from them. She was still fully
clothed, though at some point her jeans had been unzipped and unbuttoned. Bright
purple cotton panties showed past the open zipper.  Is he okay?
 Shit, said Jason.  Not sure.
He levered himself up from Erik, touching his face, his shoulders, his hands. Erik
was breathing evenly, and as Jason began to gently pat his cheek, he gave a deeper,
shuddery breath and opened his eyes.
 Shit, he said, echoing Jason.  Shit, what happened?
 I don t know. You okay? He peered intently into Erik s eyes, as if their lust-
darkened color or the passion-blown pupils could tell him anything.
Erik shook his head, a trembling hand rising to his forehead.  It was& I think it
was too much.
Barely aware he was still naked, Jason carefully helped Erik to a sitting position.
Kayla hovered behind him as if she wanted to help but wasn t certain what to do or if
she should do anything at all. Jason thought she might be right to stay back for the
moment. He was fairly sure something about her touch had sent Erik over the edge.
 Too much what? she asked. Her voice sounded uncertain and a little shaky.
Faith Talbot Beautiful Music: Daze on End 52
 Too much of&  Jason trailed off, suddenly realizing he had no words to
describe the phenomenon to her.  Too much of& what we get& here. The vague
words and an equally unhelpful gesture toward the bed were the best he could do.
Surprisingly, Kayla nodded.  I felt it. I felt it before, when I was with you.
Jason eyed her levelly and saw nothing but sincerity on her face. She knew. She
didn t quite understand, not yet, but she did know.  Yes. That.
 It was me? Now she sounded steadier, strangely enough, but her concerned
tone remained genuine.
 I think so, yes.
She only nodded, then stepped back a bit more while Jason tended to Erik as best
he could. He fetched a glass of water, propped pillows around the other man, then sat
back, cross-legged, on the bed next to him.  What do you need?
Erik sipped the water, then shook his head.  I m better.
 He ll need food, Kayla said decisively.  Food, rest, water. Jason, why don t
you get cleaned up a little? I can sit with him while you get him some breakfast. And
something for you. How long since the two of you ate?
Jason blinked at her, barely comprehending.  Um& I m not sure.
 That s what I thought. Her tone had gone crisp and commanding and nearly
impossible to defy.  Go. She made shooing motions toward the bathroom.  Go. He ll
be okay for a few minutes.
Jason took a step toward the bathroom, then looked at Erik for confirmation. Erik
nodded, a grin lurking around the corners of his mouth.  I m fine.
Jason nodded and headed toward the bathroom.
When he had closed the door behind him Erik said to Kayla quietly,  I m not
 I know, she said. Gently, she stroked his hair back from his forehead. His skin
felt warm and dry.  Is there anything I can do?
 I don t know.
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