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 You do, do you? Mika said with a leering grin.  I think maybe you should show me
since actions speak louder than words and all that.
Gabe pinched a firm ass cheek, making the other man yelp.
 That works both ways, lover, he pointed out as he grabbed Mika s ankle and tugged,
dropping him to his ass.  Stay right there, don t move. Gabe started removing his clothes,
teasing his man by doing it slowly. By the time he took off his shirt, the final article of
clothing, Mika was stroking his own cock, moaning lightly as his eyes burned into Gabe s.
Damn, that had worked better than he d hoped. Gabe sauntered over and sat beside
Mika, hip to hip, facing his lover, his mate. He arched his brow and watched as it dawned on
Mika what he was proposing, watched as the man s hand stilled, then Mika just sort of slid to
the floor as he turned a ghostly shade of white. Gabe laughed at Mika s stricken look.
 Without the biting, mate! Relax& I won t bite if you won t.
Mika s whole body trembled at his words, and Gabe knew what had caused that
reaction. One word mate. Seeing Mika s reaction made Gabriel feel like an ass for taking so
long to come around, no matter that it had only been days. Well, he figured he would just
have to work to make it up to Mika. He scooted down until his hips were by Mika s
shoulders, then rolled to his side, pressing up against him. Gabe propped himself up on his
elbow and ran his other hand down Mika s stomach, relishing the feel of the chiselled abs
under his palm.
Threading his fingers through the springy hair that nestled Mika s cock, he tugged
gently, encouraging him to roll towards Gabe. Fisting that gorgeous cock, Gabe brought it to
his mouth, engulfing the moist, salty head, laving it with his tongue. Mika groaned and
clasped Gabe s ass, pulling him close, then sucked his prick down to the root.
The hand on Gabe s ass slid down, following the crease to the furled opening hidden
there. The hand disappeared for a few seconds as Mika slid his fingers his mouth alongside
Gabe s dick, and rubbed against him. His balls tightened, knowing what Mika was going to
do next. Those fingers slipped back out, back around to the snug entry, pressing in and
burrowing deep. Gabe groaned around Mika s cock, bobbing his head as he worked his
mouth and tongue over it faster and faster. The fingers in his ass moved in sync with Mika s
head, then Mika twisted his wrist and pegged the smooth gland inside. Gabe s orgasm hit so
RESCUED Bailey Bradford
hard he saw stars as he stilled, pleasure coursing through him as he shot his seed down his
lover s throat.
When he could think again, he realised he was lying slack-jawed with a very hard prick
nudging its way in and out of his mouth. Grunting, he clamped his mouth down and sucked
hard, pulling Mika s cock all the way in. He dug his fingers into his mate s hip and hummed,
knowing the vibration would push the man into a shattering climax. Mika s entire body
coiled with tension when his orgasm hit, tremors running all over. His cock swelled and
pulsed in Gabe s mouth, shooting hot spunk that was swallowed as fast as it was squirted
out. He flopped back on the floor, so happy he felt like he could burst.
 See, Mika? No biting. Not any intentional, not that he knew of, anyways. He d been
so entrenched in the pleasure that he could have missed something, he supposed.
Mika chuckled.  Yeah, no biting, but if it s always that fucking hot, I don t think even
biting my prick would stop me. Maybe.
 Well, let s not find out any time soon,  kay? Gabe tapped Mika s hip, laughing as they
helped each other up and gathered their clothes.
* * * *
Looking up from the list of adoption applicants he had printed off of Small Town Dog
Rescue, Gabe watched Mika playing on the floor with Iko. They had finally gotten around to
naming the puppy, choosing something they both liked. Iko was doing amazingly well, all
things considered. Adam would be stopping by soon to check on him and, if Gabe needed
him to, take Iko home with him for the next couple of days while he and Mika delivered
three of the rescued dogs for adoption. Since everything on the forms looked good, Adam
was most likely going to have a four-legged guest. Todd would be taking care of the dogs
still waiting to be adopted out. Gabe had invited him over around the time he was expecting
the vet. Maybe a little nudge would work things out for those two, one way or another.
Mika rose up with Iko in his arms, carrying the pup outside to the fenced backyard. He
strolled back in and leaned down to nip Gabe on the back of the neck, laughing when Gabe
jumped and cursed.
 Did you find suitable homes for Max, Moe and Annie?
RESCUED Bailey Bradford
Those warm brown eyes were not going to get Mika out of trouble this time. Glaring,
Gabe rubbed the nipped spot.  Yeah, I did. We have to take M and M to Lubbock. Annie is
going to El Paso. Normally, it s about a nine hour drive to El Paso, if everything runs
smoothly. But, we ll be tacking on some extra miles on the drive there since we have to
detour through Lubbock. I thought maybe we could drive on up to Gila, get your personal
belongings. Since, you know, it s not very far from El Paso and all, only another four or five
hours. Because he really did want to see this alpha asshole who had hurt his mate. He
normally wasn t a confrontational man, though he didn t exactly go out of his way to avoid
one, either, but the idea of actually going to get Mika s stuff, well, damned if that didn t put a
smile on his face all over again.
Mika looked stunned for a few seconds, then his lips quirked with amusement.  You
want me to get my stuff, or you want a chance at bitching out Zane?
Hm, the man knew him entirely too well already. Gabe tried to look innocent,
shrugging. Mika laughed and tugged on his arm, pulling him in for a kiss, a soft peck that
quickly turned into a mashing of tongues, lips and teeth. They stumbled to the couch, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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