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arms was only beginning.
It was time.
Chapter Five
The warmth behind her sizzled down Cailin s spine, and she snuggled closer, wanting more. A
large hand moved up and cupped her breast. Her nipple pebbled against the palm, and she opened her
She looked down at the sexy, tan hand palming her breast, and stiffened.
Logan froze behind her, but that wasn t the only thing stiff in his bed. She licked her lips and
thought about rocking back into that very large cock to see how fast she could get off, but then she
remembered why she was in bed with him.
The memory was like a splash of cold water, and she cooled down before moving so she could
sit up. He let her go quickly but kept his hand on her back, as if afraid to let her go completely.
Honestly, she and her wolf loved it. Her wolf preened, ready for their mate, but the human part of her
still had reservations.
No, that wasn t the right word.
She wanted the man in front of her. In fact, she d come to his house, searching him out
deliberately. She might have come for a full mating at first, but in retrospect, mating that night would
have been a mistake. No, she just needed to be held by someone who wasn t family. Someone who
didn t have others to comfort.
She needed Logan and only Logan.
Cailin Jamenson didn t like to need anyone.
Was that what mating was supposed to be about? Needing and relying on others? She didn t
know if that s what she wanted. Maybe if they found themselves in a mating bond, they could find a
way to work together because she didn t want to lose herself to it.
That had been her worse fear.
It didn t even make sense in some respects. She d seen her brothers mate and create a bond that
looked as if it was equal between them. Her parents had shown her that mating could work and
provide a strength she wasn t even sure she d been aware of at first. Yet she was so afraid to lose
herself that she created a fear in her own mind that might not even manifest at all. She was afraid to
lose the self she hadn t yet found.
Well, the fear had been her worst. She d already faced the fear she never thought she would face
and lost. Without Logan there, she wasn t sure how she d come out of it. She d broken down in front
of him, and he hadn t judged, just picked her up and held her. He hadn t told her everything would be
okay, because it wouldn t. She d lost her parents, and there was no changing that, no coming back
from it. Not in a way that would make her feel whole again.
But he d been there for her.
 Cailin? Princess?
She blinked at Logan s voice, warming on the inside at his endearment. When once he d used the
title princess to sneer, to taunt, it held a different meaning now like he wanted to be closer. Like
he d cherish her and treat her like a princess.
Not that she necessarily wanted that.
She d love to be treated like a princess who could save her own ass.
If Logan could be the man who could do all of that, be the man who could treat her like she
thought she needed, then she d have the mate she so desired.
Only time would tell.
Cailin turned so she could look down at him, his mussed dark hair making him look even sexier
than usual. Damn that wolf. He tilted his head, his hazel eyes seeing far too much.
While part of her loved waking up next to him, an equal part of her was downright terrified. She
didn t like being terrified. No, she hated it. That was one more reason she stayed away from Logan as
much as she could.
Even if she failed at it more often than not.
 Thank you, she whispered. He d held her and had done exactly what she d needed. She might
have no idea what she really wanted, but she wouldn t be ungracious.
He sat up, reaching his arm out for her. Without thinking, she leaned into him, letting his hand cup
her face. She closed her eyes and sighed, her wolf needing the touch more than she d thought.
 Anything, Cailin. Anything.
If only.
 I need to go get ready, she finally said after a few moments of silence. Her heart ached, and
she had to hold back a shiver at the thought of just why she had to get ready.
Today they would bury her parents and say goodbye.
There would be no waiting, not when the Pack needed to stand together now more than ever.
They needed to see Kade and Melanie in positions of power and grace. The other wolves would feel
more at ease, feel that connection to their new Alpha if they could see them, grieve with them.
They also had to let go of the past. No, they wouldn t forget, goddess no. But without
remembering and celebrating the lives that were being lived, the Pack would dwell on the lives that
had been lost.
Cailin knew she had to be the strong one, just like she d always been. The Pack would be
looking to her, the lone daughter, the princess, and act accordingly.
She d be the only one standing up at the altar alone. The others would have their families, their
With a quick intake of breath, she shuddered.  Stand with me today, she whispered, surprised
she d voiced the words.
Logan s eyes widened, and he nodded.  Of course, Cailin. He sat straighter, removing his hand
from her face. She immediately felt cold at the loss but pushed it aside.  I ll stand up with you. He
frowned for a moment.
 What is it? You can tell me.
 Aren t you worried about what others will think? I m not, and I know you aren t usually. That s
one thing I like about you. I just don t want you to have to deal with the additional burden of what
others might infer from me being by your side.
She shook her head.  I don t care. You re right. People will talk, and frankly, if it gives them
something to talk about other than what happened, I think that will be a good thing.
Logan narrowed his eyes.  So you re doing this to take the focus off the pain and hurt?
She swallowed hard then shook her head again.  No, that s not what I mean. If the fact that they
think about something else works, then that s a bonus. I m selfish enough to say I need you by my side,
even if we haven t mated.
He nodded then ran a hand through his hair. Her gaze followed the movement, taking in the
definition in his arms.
 We re going to talk about that last part soon, Cailin. His gaze met hers, and she froze, prey in a
predator s path.  It s beyond time we at least discuss it, but right now I know we both need to&
He stood up, his erection tenting his sweats, but he ignored it. He held out a hand, and she took
it, standing close to him. So close she could scent the wolf, power, and sin radiating off of him. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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