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that would be easy. He didn t need to see her to know when she was near; he
knew her scent. His hands curled and he quelled the urge to smash them into
the smooth walls of the cave. Her scent would warn him if she was near, as
would the sun glinting off the rich copper of her hair. He had touched that
hair in his dreams. He had run his hands along the length of her smooth skin,
reveling in its softness. And she had touched him in return, stroking his body
as if they were lovers. He had seen the memory of that touch reflected clearly
in her eyes. He had longed to respond to it, just as he had longed to respond
to her body as it had shuddered beneath him in the last dream.
 No! he roared.
He could not allow it to happen again. He had one chance to right his past
wrong. He must not love her. He could not. And this time he would not delude
himself into believing that there was any chance she could love him in return,
though in reality her feelings mattered little. She was Hecate s Empousa;
therefore, she must die.
The Guardian sank down on the thick pallet of furs on which he slept and
buried his face in his hands. He wanted to weep, but he felt empty of
everything except pain and despair. There were no comforting tears within him.
 Are you sorry that I allowed her to awaken you?
The Guardian s head snapped up and he beheld his goddess in her full
regalia headdress of stars, cloaked in the veil of night, with her torch
blazing in one hand and the other resting on the head of one of her massive
hounds. He fell to his knees before her, supplicating himself with his head
bowed so low that his horns touched the ground at her feet.
 Great Goddess! I rejoice that I am in your presence once again.
 Arise, Guardian, Hecate said.
 I cannot, Goddess. Not until I beg you to forgive my crime.
 You did not commit a crime. You simply succumbed to the humanity I placed
within you. I was mistaken when I punished you so harshly for a weakness that
I was ultimately responsible for gifting you.
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His shoulders shook with the effort it took for him to maintain control of his
turbulent emotions.  Then I beg that you forgive my weakness, Great Goddess.
Hecate bent and touched his bowed head.  I demonstrated that forgiveness when
I allowed my new Empousa to awaken you. Now arise, Guardian.
Slowly he stood.  Thank you, Goddess. I will not disappoint you again.
 I know that. We will not speak again of a past which is dead. You have
finally returned to me. The realm has felt your absence keenly, as have I.
 I am prepared to resume my full duties, Goddess, if you will grant it so.
 I do. Hecate scooped her hand through the air, gathering invisible power
until her hand glowed. Then, with a quick throwing motion, she tossed the
brilliant pile of light on him and said,  I hereby return to you dominion over
the threads of reality.
The Guardian s head bowed again as the magickal power resettled into his body,
filling him with its familiar warmth. When he was able, he met his goddess s
gray eyes.
 Thank you, Hecate.
 There is no need to thank me. I return to you what is yours. In all the time
you were gone, the handmaids never got the knack of it, not even the
Elementals were as adept at turning reality into the threads that bind the
garment of mortal dreams as you.
 I am eager to begin again, Goddess, he said.
 I expect no less of you. But tonight I command that you rest. Tomorrow is
soon enough to begin.
 Yes, Great Goddess, he said. He bowed his head again, expecting that she
would disappear as she normally did in a shower of stars. When she didn t, he
glanced up, curious as to her hesitation.
 As you know, my Empousa has returned.
Silently, he nodded his head.
 She is . . . Hecate paused, choosing her words carefully.  She is not like
the other Empousa. She is, of course, from the mundane world. This realm is
strange and new to her.
 And she is older than the other priestesses, he said. Hecate s quick,
knowing gaze made him silently curse himself for speaking at all.
 That is true. It is also true that she is inexperienced in the duties of my
High Priestess. Keep a watchful eye on her, Guardian. She has much to learn
and very little time in which to learn it. Beltane is not far away.
He bowed his head.  I will do your will, Goddess.
When she glanced up at him, her gray eyes were piercing.  This time I have
taken steps to insure that you will not be so easily tempted to err. With the
return of your power over the threads of reality, I have given you a  she
paused and her lips tilted up in a humorless smile  let us call it a special
thread of reality of your own. I know your body burned for my Empousa and that
she used that desire against you as you sought the impossible. So you will
never be tempted to betray yourself for lust again, know that I have made it
impossible for you to consummate your desire for a woman unless that woman
loves and accepts you for the beast you are, as well as the man who lurks
within the creature s skin. Henceforth, you will be safe from your own
impossible dreams. Do you understand, Guardian?
Awash in shame, he bowed his head again.  I do, Great Goddess.
Her voice softened.  I do not do this to be cruel. I do this as protection for
you, as well as the realm. For what mortal woman could ever truly love a
Awaiting no response from him, Hecate raised her torch and disappeared in a
whirlwind of light, leaving her Guardian as he was before, alone and filled
with despair.
UNLIKE the first time, there was no confusion or lingering sense of
displacement when she woke up. Mikki knew exactly where she was. She opened
her eyes to the perky light of full morning shining in a golden wave through
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the wall of windows. Someone had drawn back the curtains, and she could see
that the table she d eaten dinner at the night before had been reset for
Had he directed that breakfast be prepared for her? Was he out there again,
watching? Mikki s stomach gave a sickening lurch as she wondered what it would
be like to see him in the full light of day. Last night he had belonged to the
darkness, like the boogey monster or a nightmare creature. Or . . . her
imagination murmured . . . a forbidden lover.
 Get a grip on yourself. Mikki sat up, shaking her head as if the physical
movement would clear the ridiculous thoughts from it, and she was struck again
by the beauty of the room that was now hers. Pushing the Guardian from her
mind, she intended to leap out of bed and glide gracefully to her balcony, as
should any woman lucky enough to live in a room this incredible, but the leap
turned into a stagger, and the glide became a stiff limp accompanied by a
groan when she made her body straighten fully.
Oh baby, she was sore! She hobbled to the door. When the handmaidens had first
met her, they had seemed to think she was unusually old for an Empousa. Maybe
that was because it took a damn teenager to withstand the hidden torture of
casting a circle and dancing around with a gaggle of women. Who knew? Even her
hair hurt. She sniffed at herself. And she needed a bath. A long, hot one.
She opened the door and was met by a cool, rose-scented breeze. It pulled her
attention from the waiting breakfast, her sore muscles and the mysterious [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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