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Sarah dropped back to her knees in the rain-flooded highway, hugging her wet
children to her. "Daddy's alive!" John, she thought. John...
She could tell the difference. Now not only was there rain water running down
her cheeks, but tears.
Sarah Rourke looked up at the fisherman. "After I get the horses, how far is
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"I don't follow you, lady."
"To Texas, I mean." She hugged Michael and Annie again, not hearing if he had
answered her or not.
Chapter 50
John Rourke stood in the rain. He'd landed the Beech-craft because the plane
had almost been out of fuel. As best he'd been able to judge from the maps,
the plane was about twenty-five miles from Chambers and U.S. II headquarters.
Paul was sitting in the plane, talking to his parents, the pilot had gone to
find some kind of transportation. The radio wasn't working well, too much
Beside Rourke stood Major Natalia Tiemerovna. "The truce will be over soon,
John it is over now, I think."
"At least it showed we're still human beings, didn't it?" Rourke said
quietly, his left hand cupped over his dark tobacco cigar, his right arm
around Natalia.
"You will go on looking?" she asked.
"Where do you plan to go?"
"The Carolinas, maybeGeorgia bySavannah . She was likely headed that way."
"I hope you find her and the children."
Rourke looked at the Russian woman. Rainwater streamed down her face and
his. "Thank you, Natalia."
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The woman smiled, then lowered her eyes. She stood beside Rourke in the
pouring down rain.
The End
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    Design: Solitaire

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