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clearly and in a few words: One, this is what I want, and two, this is what I want. Keep it in your desk
drawer, and read it regularly.
Memorize it. Say it over and over. Keep the list in your purse, and every time you open your purse
you will be reminded of it. Put it under your pillow, pull it out, and look at it. At all times fortify
yourself with it, keeping it in the forefront of your mind.
Sit in a darkened room, with a candle lit, perhaps incense burning, and some music that you like - all
the things that turn you on. When these things are going for you, creating this new experience, tell
yourself, "Because every night at midnight I light this candle, I am going to get what I want,
everything I want." You don't have to know anything, just be yourself. Because you light a candle,
what you want on your list is going to come to you; tell yourself that aloud, repeatedly.
Light a candle: you can trust that because it is something outside of yourself, and it is easier to have
confidence in things that are concrete. If you repeat the process regularly, you will advance to the
point where a lighted match in a restaurant will reinforce you with all the power of the candlelight
ceremony in your home. And pretty soon just visualizing the tiny tip of the candle flame in your mind
will have you feeling that you are on the road to success.
Everybody has heard of single-minded people, strong-minded people, the one-track mind type, the
kind of driving mentality that gets what it wants. This is the same kind of person you are teaching
yourself to be. But this isn't something that happens overnight.
You have to give yourself at least the same length of time you'd give a particular facial cream before
you can expect to see results. If you go on a diet, you can't expect results overnight, and witchcraft is
something that's going to change your entire life, not just your weight. Crash diets seldom work and
neither will crash witchcraft.
Another thing you've got to do is work over years and years of doing things the wrong way, if that's
the way you used to do them. It's not necessary to spend the same number of years to start life anew,
but it may take you at least a month or six weeks to change your pattern of doing things. But if you
follow this practice every day, you will be completely transformed. Within a month you will see the
first signs of something new happening.
Knowing that you have the knowledge within yourself to achieve any desire, and that by lighting the
candle you'll trigger that knowledge, the more you can relax about it the more quickly you'll trigger
that knowledge, the more quickly you'll move towards your goal.
These methods have proven very successful for witches in the past. If it is not difficult, it's a good idea
to rhyme your major desire. Rhymes are used because there is an hypnotic effect to reading poetry. It
flows; you get into the swing of it, and it's easy to remember. You want things to be smooth and
flowing. You could either rhyme your own or find a piece of poetry that pleases you and adopt it,
substituting your key desire words.
You should use the same rhyme over and over, writing it down: "I'm going to have a handsome son, a
home and man when next year's done." This will have a subtle effect on your subconscious, so that
you will begin to act in the way needed to set into motion events that will result in your obtaining your
desires. The primary thing about happiness is that you can't kid yourself: If you do not know what you
want, you will never get it.
A man called me on two-way radio recently to ask my advice about an upcoming business deal that he
said was very important to him. I felt that his main problem was emotional, not business, so I said to
him: "I don't think this business deal is your problem at all. I think you have a very deep emotional
problem that is pressing on you right now, and that is worrying you a lot more than this business
deal." He admitted it.
People always want to discuss their emotional problems, it seems, but find it hard to begin, or perhaps
don't know how. One woman who called me during a radio show indicated she was primarily
interested in her upcoming wedding. From, all the surface facts it would seem that she was extremely
happy, a lucky bride-to-be who was about to start out on a happy new life. But suddenly I said to her,
"You're not in love with this man at all, are you?"
I detected that although she seemed preoccupied with getting married, the partner was a secondary
consideration. The girl confessed that she did not love him but could not tell me why she was
marrying him. It wasn't for wealth, position or pregnancy, and I can't imagine why she was going
ahead with it at all. Just because he asked her?
To know what you want, you have to learn to know yourself. Always study yourself and discover why
you do things. Analyse everything. You say, "I did that because I wanted this to happen," always
looking at yourself and the things you do and why you do them.
With my own intuition, psychic insight, and a few other things, I try to get people who call me on the
two-way radio to look at themselves. They ask me for advice, or they ask me what to do, but I never
give advice. I tell them that they are failing to explore their real needs. I say, "What you are really
telling me is that you want to do this because you feel ..." They say, "Yes." They end up being very
happy that someone clarified their thinking for them. They are people who have usually been living in
a pattern of hiding from themselves.
People ask me if one can control or create the future. Yes! What you control is yourself. You can
change or adapt to things and situations that will be happening.
One of the biggest problems in approaching a new way of life is that so many people look at the future
blankly and either deceive themselves or have to admit that they are not sure what they really want.
So if you have been unable to clearly plot your list, perhaps you need an inventory to lead you to the
insight of what your future should have to make a happy you.
You must sit down and make a list of everything that applies to yourself, even very simple things, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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