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And in the end, he intended to give her the ride of her life.
But temptation being what it was, he couldn t stop himself from inching closer to her as they
walked toward her car, intentionally allowing his thigh and hip occasionally to brush against
hers. Her sharp intake of breath at each contact sent shivers down his spine. When they did
sleep together, there was no doubt in his mind they would go up in smoke. They were just that
He stood back and watched her open the door to her compact sedan. She turned to him before
getting inside.  Thanks for walking me to my car, Thorn.
 Don t mention it. His gaze was devouring her but he couldn t help it. He blew out a long
breath before taking a step toward her. He could tell that she was ready for his kiss, and he
was more than happy to oblige her. He leaned forward and placed his mouth on hers, lightly
tracing the tip of his tongue along the line of her lips, repeating the gesture several times
before she easily parted her lips and drew his tongue inside her mouth with her own. His heart
thudded deep in his chest at the way she was eager for the mating with his tongue, something
that seemed a necessity for both of them. At this moment in time, it all made sense. He would
probably think he was crazy later, but for now, standing in the middle of his parking lot,
devouring her mouth like there was no tomorrow seemed perfectly normal to him. As far as
he was concerned, it was the sanest thing he had done in a long time.
Her taste seduced him. It made his mind concentrate on things it shouldn t be thinking about
this close to competition time. He needed to pull back, but he was steadily convincing himself
He only brought the kiss to an end when he detected her need to breathe and wondered just
how long their mouths had been joined. He stared into her eyes, watching the play of
emotions that crossed her face. Confusion? Curiosity? Caution?
He took a step back. They had shared enough for tonight. The next time they were together
they would be around family and friends who would serve as the buffer he needed between
 Drive home safely, Tara, he said, deciding she needed to leave now so he could pull himself
together before he was tempted to do something he would later regret.
She nodded and without saying anything, she got into the car. His heart skipped a beat when
he got a glimpse of her thighs. The hem of her dress inched up as she slid into the driver s
seat. Forcing breath into his lungs, he watched as she slowly drove off, all the while thinking,
that he had five weeks of pure hell to endure. Five whole weeks he somehow intended to
 O kay, Mr. Westmoreland, I only need a few more shots and then this session will be all
over, the photographer said as she adjusted the lighting.
Thank God, Thorn thought as he sat astride his bike once again. He had plenty of work to do
back at the shop and had been at this photo session for three hours. The photographer, Lois
Kent, had decided the best place to shoot the photos was outside to better show the man, his
bike and the open road.
They had taken over a hundred shots already and Thorn s patience was beginning to wear
thin. The only thing that kept him going was knowing that he was living up to his end of the
bargain, which meant he could make damn sure Tara lived up to hers. This past week he d
been restless, agitated and moodier than ever.
 It will only take a minute while I reload the film.
Thorn nodded. Things hadn t gone as badly as he d thought they would. Lois Kent was
strictly a professional, unlike Patrice. To Lois this was a job and nothing more and he
appreciated that.
He glimpsed behind her and saw a car pull up. His heart quickened when he recognized the
He watched as Tara got out of her car and walked toward them. She was wearing a pair of
white slacks and a pullover blue sweater.
And as usual she looked good.
It had been a week since he had seen her; a week since he had taken her to his brother s
restaurant for the Super Bowl party. Even surrounded by family and friends, he hadn t been
able to keep his eyes off her. His interest in Tara hadn t gone unnoticed by his brothers. And
they had been teasing him about it ever since, which only pissed him off even more. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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