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demons and devils. I was never sure if any of it was real or not, but I was still around it, and I guess& "
He shrugged.
She waited.
He said, "I guess some of it rubbed off."
Marcy nodded.
He waited there in front of her, in the kitchen. There were few people outside of his own culture that
he'd told about hisbruja abuela  and all she did was nod?
Then she stepped closer to him, rose up on her toes and kissed him. Soft. Light. But not at all timid.
The sensation swam through him like lemonade on a fiery day. He recognized it, despite never having felt
quite this kind of easy understanding before.Madre de Dios .
He was falling in love with Marcy Bridges!
"Thank you for being here," she whispered, her heels sinking back to the linoleum.
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He could have simply said she was welcome. He could have made another joke about inoculating her
against sacrifice by taking care of that little virginity problem. But her virginitywasn't a problem and, to be
honest, he understood exactly why she wasn't going to be blackmailed into doing anything against her
He respected the hell out of her for it.
So he said, "Let's go look at all those pictures again."
Maybe a half hour later, they found their man.
It happened when, after having little luck examining yearbooks and class-reunion pictures, Marcy
thought to find more information about her classmates who'd died. While Tomas looked up every
possible picture of them in the old books, she did more Internet searches, confirming that all three women
had been killed in suspicious fires.
"How suspicious," asked Tomas from the sofa, "is suspicious?"
"Their bodies seem to have burned more than anything else around them. I found a Web site that's using
one of the deaths as proof of spontaneous human combustion."
"Okay," he agreed. "That's suspi Hold it."
She turned to look at him. He looked good, leaning over the coffee table, his elbow braced across his
knees. She felt guilty for admiring the long, supple line of his body when a priest and Snowball were both
gone, possibly
But no. She couldn't allow herself to accept the possibility that they might be as dead as Liz Carpenter,
Judith Barstow and Cassie Adams, much less that tonightshe &
She would not become the bride of the fierything that had stalked her since this morning, especially not
if that meant the person who'd done this to her in the first place would get some kind of demonic referral
points. She would sleep with Tomas before she let that happen&
She realized that the idea of sleeping with Tomas Martinez wasn't at all unpleasant. She would prefer to
take her time, of course, to get to know him better, to have a better reason than some kind of demonic
A reason like love?
She looked quickly away from the lean, swarthy man thumbing through her old yearbooks. True, he'd
come to her rescue more than once. And he seemed to get along with her family. And his kiss gave her
hope that sappy movies and romance novels got some things right after all. But there was a good chance
he felt little attraction to her, kisses aside circumstances had all but dared him into those. He might just
be doing this as a thorough apartment manager, or because the abduction of his priest made things
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On the other hand, he'd complimented her at lunch. And the kissescould be more than a dare.
Was it possible that falling in love could feel this easy?
If anything about this day could be called easy.
Then Tomas said, "Here! Marcy, look at this!"
She went gladly to his side, and not just because he might have a solution to all this. She went gladly
because sinking onto his sofa, the slope of cushions sliding her hip against his, felt surprisingly right.
Surprisingly safe.
He showed her a glossy black-and-white rendition of early nineties varsity cheerleaders forming a
pyramid, Cassie Adams second from the top.
"She was a cheerleader," said Marcy. "Why's that matter?"
Tomas moved his index finger, which had been indicating Cassie, to note a small form standing in the
background of the picture, watching. "Who's that?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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