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armsmen." She gave a wry smile. "This year's been hard on everyone, especially
the armsmen and lancers." Her eyes next went to Himar. "Himar has taken over
as arms commander, now that Hanfor is the Lord High Counselor of Neserea."
"We have chambers most suitable," Herstat replied. "Lord Jecks had sent
several scrolls by fast messenger." After a pause, he continued, "If you would
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follow me..."
Anna still held on to the lutar as she climbed the steps behind Herstat toward
the upper levels of the keep. Blaz carried the saddlebags, and Lejun the
mirror case. The bricks that formed the floors had been thoroughly cleaned and
covered with a shimmering varnish of some sort since Anna had last been at
Synfal. The walls had also been scrubbed and repainted with a form of
whitewash. The keep looked lighter, and smelled far better, although there was
a lingering hint of mold still.
Halfway down the second-floor corridor, Herstat opened a polished-oak door,
stepping through and gesturing. "The guest chamber that will always be yours,
Regent Anna." Herstat bowed.
'Thank you. It looks much better. Much cleaner."
"There has been much done in the main keep, and much left to do."
Fielmir carried in the saddlebags and mirror, then took station outside the
door, as did Rickel. As the two guards departed, Anna studied the room. On the
fresh white-painted plaster of the wall hung a newer mirror. Herstat had
clearly remembered what her scrying did to mirrors. There were also tapestry
covered floor screens set around a copper tub in the corner of the room away
from the shuttered windows.
Anna swallowed as she looked at the stacks of scrolls set on the old oaken
working table between the bed and the windows.
"The top one is from Lord Jecks. He suggested you might wish to read that
first." Herstat bowed. "Is there aught else you might require, Lady Anna?"
"Ah... some cheese and bread, any fruit you might have, and several buckets of
water for a bath."
"The tub is filled already. I took the liberty of having that done. And I will
have someone bring you the food." The saalmeister bowed again, then eased back
out the door.
Anna picked up the top scroll from Jecks, then set it down. She decided the
scrolls could wait until she had something to eat and had taken a bath and
gotten into dry clothes. She glanced around the chamber once more. There was
even a large robe lying on the foot of the bed. Herstat definitely knew his
business, but, then, that was why she and Jecks had selected him to run Synfal
for Jimbob.
She went to the window and eased the shutters full open. The fog had become a
white shimmering mist that promised the sun would burn through. Yet, as she
watched, the mist dimmed into a darker, milkier white.
"Lady Anna?" came a voice from the door.
"Yes?" Anna turned.
"A serving girl with bread and cheese"
"Escort her in" Anna was probably getting paranoid, but it sometimes seemed
like a lot of people wanted her out of the way.
Fielmir came in with the young woman, a girl really, whose eyes widened as she
took in the sorceress. The serving girl carried a wooden tray with a basket
holding two loaves of bread, several wedges of cheese, an apple, and a quince.
"Thank you." Anna smiled.
"Regent... the saalmeister..." The girl half bowed, managing to keep the tray
level. "He said... you..."
"I appreciate the bread and cheese. It's been a long ride." The serving girl
seemed frozen in place, as her eyes remained fixed on Anna.
"I am the Regent," Anna said, "and I do have children far older than you, but
probably most of the other tales you've heard have been exaggerated."
Fielmir stepped forward and took the tray.
"If you would put it on the bench at the foot of the bed..." Anna gestured.
The serving girl swallowed.
"Come, girl," Fielmir said gently. "She's the Regent. She won't turn you into
ashes or ice or some such."
The girl bowed abruptly, then practically darted from the chamber.
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The sorceress shook her head, afraid that such reactions would get worse the
longer she was in Defalk and the more successful she was. If you are.
Anna ate an entire loaf of the dark bread, as well as almost all of one of the
cheese wedges. Then she picked up the lutar, hoping that the spell for heating
and cleaning the water wouldn't give her too much of a headache.
While the steaming water cooled enough for her to climb into the tub, she used
the lutar once more, this time to dry and clean her single traveling gown. The
bath helped with various aches, but her eyes kept straying beyond the screens
toward the pile of scrolls. So, in the end, she washed more quickly than she'd
thought, including her short blonde hair, then dried herself and dressed.
Once she seated herself at the writing desk, Anna took out Jecks' scroll,
skimming through it quickly, trying to root out the important points. She'd
have to read it again, and probably again after that.
Lord Dannel left two daughters, but Lady Resengna fled with them... northward,
it is believed, to seek safety in Nordwei with them, taking more than two
thousand golds. I have dispatched Gelen to take the hold under his control...
not be my first choice, but will not disobey me...
Anne frowned. The same problem-not enough. people either she or Jecks could
...Lord Genrica weakens, but will doubtless last for some seasons yet... and
Lord Clethner paid the hold a visit, at my suggestion....
The Regent smiled-that might hold off the greedy Fustar for a bit-at least
until she could deal with the problems in the south.
the lady Ytrude arrived safely in Suhl... seems to have taken the household
reins gently but firmly...
you will see.. . Lord Tybel claims that Flossbend must be ceded to his brother [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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