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the pun. You are to be our secret weapon, you mentioned expanded powers& 
 Yes, I have been practicing mass altering or shape shifting, if you will.
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Lil Gibson
 Well, I hope your growing powers of shape shifting are on a par with your
I ll bet you have grown a head taller and gained a hundred pounds. Exactl y
how big do
you get?
 I suppose we ll know the answer to that when I stop growing, he answered
logically.  We will retrieve them, not to worry. The little one awaits with
your mate and
must be taken, as well. I will do what is necessary, you, watch your back.
 That is what brothers are for, Sherem answered and turned to his normally
carefree brother who looked every bit the Nefari warrior.
They arrived at the trans station and all was prepared except for the sheer
mass of
the ankou. It was decided after the calculations were adjusted that Bran
would transport
initially followed by the rest of the party. Bran fell into a black void
then felt his body
materialize. He opened his eyes to reveal the scrawniest, tiniest human he d
ever seen
staring quizzically at him with no sign of fear or even caution.
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 You re the biggest dog I ever saw, can I ride you?
Bran did not understand the question but a clear vision entered his mind as to
child s inquiry. He shook his head and thought that when he had th em safely
away he d
let the human flee climb up and trot him down the hallways of the Miramid to
 How long do you think it will take until then? he asked, and Bran realized
something impossible to comprehend.
 Can you hear my voice inside your head? Bran asked.
 Uh-huh. I know Nadi talks to her brother and you that way all the time. Are
here to rescue us?
Afraid the miniature being would be trampled whe n the rest of the party
he grabbed him carefully with his mouth and hooked him onto his back . The
surrounded them, their gazes running from shock to amusement at the sight of
ensconced on Bran s neck.
Sherem spotted a furtive Ryder moving toward them with two others carrying a
load of furnishings which they dropped to approach the warriors now guarding
 Let s get her and depart. No sooner did he utter the words than armed
poured into the corridor from the other cells including Nadia s  with Nadia
nowhere in
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 What is this, Ryder, a trick? Sherem demanded under his breath.
 No, I swear it, we are surrounded. You do not know him, he will kill us
Zorroc chuckled.  Do not worry, they cannot win against us .
will surround Kindarak s troops. Be ready for anything.
 How will they avoid the laws of physics? If they try to trans here we all
 We have the plans to this vessel; they will enter on level seven and make
way here. In addition, Ryder, have you never seen a Nefari warrior in action?
If not you
are in for a treat. Zorroc could hear Ryder s relief.
Kindarak strutted through his crew until he caught sight of the Nefari forces.
smile faltered along with his confidence. They were dead, he had killed them.
these warriors from the Miramid posing as the lethal warriors ? He could see
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
they were
not; for their was no mistaking the team of Gattonians in the mix with
Ryder s forces.
Unable to suppress a shudder he faced the biggest warrior coated in Kameri.
Maybe if he
destroyed him, the rest w ould flee. E ven as the thought formed it kne w it
for a lie.
Nefari warriors were purported to be indomitable which is why he had decided
to destroy
their ship when their defenses w ere down. He had wanted to avoid a face to
confrontation with these alien-like monsters. The leather covering their eyes
and faces,
he found particularly chilling. He had known what to expect, had studied the
holos, but
nothing could prepare one for an actual sighting. They were huge in height
and bulk and
all held the swords that made their reputation even more chilling. They all
looked alike
and worse inhuman and invincible. Still, they were surrounded and he
controlled that
which they most wanted& plus a surprise that would keep them under his control
. Yes,
he would make them bow to him. The Supreme Leader.  You are dead, he
confidently, though a trickle of sweat separated from his hairline and ran
down his temple
to his jaw.  This is a trick who are you and what do you want?
 Why uncle, I think the answe r would be obvious. I want my mate; where is
 No, it can t be I killed you, I killed you all.
 Sorry to disappoint, Uncle, but you missed. May I inquire as to the location
my mate? As usual she is not where she belongs.
 Lay down your arms and surrender and I might oblige you, Kindarak answered.
 Find Nadia, Sherem mind-spoke to Bran before answering his  Uncle .
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Lil Gibson
 I take the child, Bran replied,  and will check her former cell to make sure
was moved and not hidden somehow. Sherem coul d find no trace of either,
was he
cloaking the urchin, as well? The hint of a grin touched his mind.
 Sorry Kindarak, but your luck has run out along with your life and that of
crew. You now have two star ships surrounding the Stealth. The only hope
that remains [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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