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mind, the waves in her brown hair, her smile, the gold-flecked brown eyes, the
clear skin, and her warmth. He tried to picture her as he d first seen her, in
the mess at Nylan.
As his rage receded under that remembered warmth, he could feel his
order-senses returning, if not completely.
 What was that all about? asked Talanyr.  You just stopped and closed your
eyes. Are you hurt?
Rahl shook his head.  No& well, not&  He shook his head again.  It s hard to
explain, except that. . trying to regain what I once had isn t easy. Even
keeping it isn t easy, either.
 I m amazed at what you have,, done, Talanyr said quietly.  Not many escape
the drudge jobs of the ironworks, and very few become mage-guards.
 I m just a mage-clerk  Rahl pointed out.
 That s still a great accomplishment, and you will be a mage-guard. Taryl
wouldn t spend so much effort on you if he didn t think so.
Rahl had his doubts, not about Taryl s efforts, but about whether anyone
besides Taryl would see it that way. *  We need some dinner, Talanyr said.
 Especially you.
 I could use something to eat.
They both laughed. .
Rahl was up early on threeday, washed, shaved, and dressed well before
breakfast. He looked over the letter he had taken two nights to compose and
that he had finally written out in a final fair copy the night before. His
eyes scanned the careful script that he had fitted on one small sheet.
My dear healer,
I am writing you for several reasons, the first of which is to tell you that
the past does indeed have a hold upon me, one far stronger than even I would
have believed possible, especially on that night when you uttered those words.
Your image and memory have indeed redeemed me, though in ways you well might
find ironic.
The second reason is to ask you to let others know that I have survived
leaving the Merchant Association in Swartheld and, so far, the ironworks of
Luba where I am now a clerk and working with order for further advancement in
due course. What the future will bring exactly I cannot say, ! but I hope to
convey such events in future letters, although they needs must be infrequent
and brief.
Rahl had debated saying more about Shyret and what had happened, but, again,
he had no proof. Without it, especially in a letter, there was no way he would
convince anyone in Recluce what had really happened.
The third reason is to implore you, if you find it in your heart, to send word
to my parents, Kian and Khorlya, scrivener and basketweaver in Land s End,
some word that I am indeed well. I can only promise that when possible I will
reimburse you for every copper or silver it may cost, and I would have done so
myself, save that it has taken all that I have earned this season and that is
all that I have earned to pay to send this one letter to you.
He d debated many closings to the letter, but finally had written,  With all
gratitude and affection. He hadn t wanted to be overly demonstrative, but
neither had he wished to be matter-of-fact. He thought of Deybri every evening
in the darkness. He did worry that he might just be thinking of her because
he d met no one else, and because, in such circumstances, absence did make the
heart pine. Yet he thought it was more than that, but how could he know?
Finally, he folded the letter and slipped it into the standard envelope for
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Hamorian post. Then he made his way to the station s duty desk.
 Ser? he said politely.
 Yes, replied Rymaen, the mage-guard holding the duty until after breakfast.
I d like to post this letter. Rahl extended the envelope.
 To Recluce? That s a far piece, observed Rymaen.  Let me see& that s three
silvers and a copper for delivery in Nylan. Be four and two for Land s End.
Rahl handed over the coins.
 You must have saved every coin you could. She must be special.
Rahl laughed.  I did, and she is, but she s a healer, and she can get word to
my family.
 You don t sound like an outlander, not at all.
 I ve been here a while, but I learned from a scholar of Atla.
Rymaen nodded.  It ll go on the down-barge this afternoon. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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