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she couldn't quite place it.
"I must speak with you." Nizhoni approached the bear. "This conversation would be
easier if you were human."
He looked at her as if to say, "I don't think so."
"Fine." She paced frantically in front of him. "I have decided to follow Michael to
his compound."
The white beast rose up on his haunches and bellowed at her.
"I know. I know. The trek will be risky, but I feel I'm ready for the challenge, and as
soon as I find him, I will tell him I wish to mate with him."
Chief Shulya snarled and pounded one of his front paws on the sandy banks.
"Don't tell me you've changed your mind?" Nizhoni grumbled. "You were the one
who said he was perfect for me!" She raised her hands in exasperation.
The bear took a swipe at her.
Nizhoni teetered off balance and staggered back to an outcrop of trees. She stumbled
and landed against a body. It was her father, lying face down, blood pooling from his
head. She noticed her father's hand move. He was alive.
"Who are you?" Nizhoni scampered to her feet quickly.
The bear changed before her into a golden man she recognized well. His lean form
was still graceful and strong. His finely arched brows and aquiline nose were perfection
with his shiny sapphire eyes. His beautiful face belied the monster he was.
"Limikkin?" Her voice wavered saying his name.
"Nizhoni, mate of mine, you look lovely." His saccharin voice sickened her.
"I'm no longer your mate, Limikkin." She stood tall, forbidding herself to show any
"You are mine! No other would have you after what you've done for me!" His face
reddened, making his delicate features harsh.
"That's not true." Even though she said the words, a part of her believed Limikkin
might be right.
"Let us not argue, my beloved. Why don't you come with me?" He reached his hand
out to her.
She pulled back.
"Come with me, Nizhoni, or I will kill him." Limikkin walked toward her father.
"No!" She held her hands up to stop him. "I'll go with you." Nizhoni hung her head.
"Where are you taking me, Limikkin?" If her father could hear her, there was hope
Nizhoni could be reclaimed.
"To your new home in Sin Vegas."
"Where?" she persisted.
"You ask too many questions, Bride." He gave her look of annoyance.
"Fine." She walked toward him. There was no need to alert Limikkin to the
possibility that she would escape from him.
Chapter Ten
Area 51 Compound
Outside Sin Vegas
Doctor Gideon Roberts, a.k.a. "Doc," continued to analyze the data in the lab. He got
a lot of work done compiling his notes and theorizing the odds that Mel's possession was
actually beneficial to the siblings' bizarre genetic makeup. He only prayed the vampire
hadn't done any damage to her when he bit Melissa long ago. He'd been perfecting his
data and was close to coming up with a permanent solution for the Air Clan's dormant
alien DNA when that woman came back. Now all he could think about was Camilla
Stevens. Three floors down in the library, yet she haunted him.
At times he could hear her moan and groan. He'd been tempted to see what the
apparition was doing, but he was afraid he would find her masturbating or something.
Actually he was terrified he might be tempted to watch her and not be satisfied.
"Not again," he muttered, hearing the start of what seemed an ongoing activity in the
Doc left the Lab and floated down to the Library. Only to find Camilla wasn't there.
He heard her otherworldly moans, but still nothing. He continued to roam the corridors of
the sub-floor until he reached the room where the aliens used to be housed thousands of
years ago. He stopped short. The metal room was impenetrable for humans. The room
was set up for interrogation. Doc walked around until he reached the glass panel. The
sight he found was beyond his imagination.
There on the table in the steel room was Camilla, gyrating her bare hips up to her
wanton fingers. Doc watched in amazement. She wasn't a ghostly Camilla, though. The
woman beyond the glass was flesh and blood. Crimson hair cascaded over the table,
while ivory skin contrasted against the metal table. Her pink mouth was open in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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