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Saptvarga :- Add Saptamansa in Shadvarga.
Dasvarga :- Add Shodasamsa, Dasamamsa and
Shashtiamsa in Saptavarga.
1. Divisional charts are not independant like Rasi chart. An
event can take place only when it is indicated in Rasi chart.
Event should not be predicted on the basis of divisional
chart alone.
2. A planet becomes powerful if it is exalted, situated in his
own sign, possesses digbala in divisional chart.
3. In divisional chart planets in 4th, 7th, and 10th houses give
very good results. They give good results in 5th, 9th and
11th houses, whereas the 2nd house is neutral in all the
divisional charts.
4. Any planet situated in 3rd, 8th and 12th from ascendant of
a divisional chart gives bad result during his period. Exalted
planets situated in these houses become powerless to give
good results.
5. Benefics on both sides of ascendant of a divisional chart
or of a planet increase good effects. Similarly malefics on
both sides increase bad effects.
6. Principles of Dasa ýÿ Bhukti are also applied to divisional
charts to judges the effects.
7. The effects of transits are also judged from divisional chart.
8. A debilitated planet in divisional chart gives bad results in
his Dasa or Bhukti concerning aspect of life denoted by
that divisional chart unless there is a cancellation of
debilitation e.g. Debilitated planet in
Navamsa - causes problems in married
Sapthamsa - causes unhappiness about children.
Chaturvimsamsa - causes dislocation or obstacles in
9. Any planet placed in 3rd or 8th house in any divisional
chart causes death like effects during his Dasa or Bhaukti.
e.g. To spouse in Navamsa
To profession in Dasamsa (like retirement or resignation)
10. A Planet situated in the same sign both in Rasi chart and
any divisional chart is called ýÿVargottamýÿ with reference
to that divisional chart. The results of Vargottam planets
are always good. The results of Vargottam planets as per
different astrological texts are as under:-
Saravali - Good Results
Chandrakalanadi - Results of Rajyoga and enjoyment
Phaladipika - Results as if planet is placed in own sign
Let us now see how various divisional charts are cast and
what are the principles of interpretation of some of the
important divisional charts.
HORA (2 PARTS OF 15 degree each)
Since Hora chart is studied to know about the wealth of native,
the same is studied in conjunction with second house of lagna
chart. In respect of odd signs first Hora is of Sun whereas
second Hora is of Moon. In even signs first Hora is of Moon
whereas second Hora is of Sun. In Hora chart Rahu and Ketu
are always together.
Signs Hora Lord Hora Lord
(0-150) (15-300)
1 Sun Moon
2 Moon Sun
3 Sun Moon
4 Moon Sun
5 Sun Moon
6 Moon Sun
7 Sun Moon
8 Moon Sun
9 Sun Moon
10 Moon Sun
11 Sun Moon
12 Moon Sun
The various ways of representation of planets in Hora chart
are as under: -
Planets are indicated either in Hora of Moon (4) or in Hora
of Sun (5) depending on their position.
Caste the Hora chart for the given longitude of planets: -
Ven Ascdt
Ascendant 5s ýÿ 150 ýÿ 57ýÿ
Sun 1s ýÿ 40 ýÿ 11ýÿ
Moon 10s ýÿ 270 ýÿ 26ýÿ
Mars 6s ýÿ 110 ýÿ 24ýÿ
Mercury 0s ýÿ 120 ýÿ 34ýÿ
Jup. 0s ýÿ 120 34ýÿ
Ven. 0s ýÿ 240 ýÿ 2ýÿ
Sat 5s ýÿ 150 ýÿ 28ýÿ
Rahu 10s ýÿ 20 ýÿ 44ýÿ
Ketu 4s ýÿ 20 ýÿ 44ýÿ
Principles of interpretation of Hora chart:
1. Jupiter, Sun and Mars give pronounced effects in Hora of
Sun. The Moon, Venus and Saturn do so in Moonýÿs Hora.
Mercury is equally effective in both Horas.
2. In case of even Rasi, the Hora of Moon with be powerful.
In odd Rasi, Sunýÿs Hora will be powerful.
3. The effect due to a Hora will be derived fully if planet is in
the first one-third part of Hora. The effect will be medium
or nil according to the placement being in second or third
part of Hora.
4. During operational period of planets placed in Hora of
Sun, a native earns and accumulates wealth by own efforts.
During the planets placed in Hora of Moon, earning and
accumulation of wealth comes natural i.e. without much
( 3 Parts of 10 degree each)
This chart is studied in conjunction with third house of Lagna
chart. The first Drekkna (0 ýÿ100) of any sign is of the some
sign, second Drekkna ( 10 ýÿ 200) is fifth from sign and third
Drekkna ( 20 ýÿ 300) is ninth from sign.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1st Drekkana 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(0 - 100 )
2nd Drekkana 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
(10 ýÿ 200 )
3rd Drekkana 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(20 - 300 )
The Drekkana chart of example gives in Hora chart will
be as under :-
Mars Rah
Ven 9
10 12
2 3
There are 12 signs and each sign has three Drekkna and
therefore there are total 36 Drekkna. Each Drekkna has
certain characteristics,
which are described as under :-
1. ARIES :
(a) 1st Drekkana: - Man with a white cloth round his waist,
dark complexion, pretending to protest, fearful red eyes
and a lifted axe ýÿ masculine, armed, ruler Mars.
(b) 2nd Drekkana: - Woman with red cloth, fond of ornaments
and food, pot belly, horseface, vinsty and single footed ýÿ
feminine ruler Sun.
(c) 3rd Drekkana: - Man, cruel, skilled in arts, yellowish, fond
of work, unprincipled, with a lifted up stick, angry and
covered with purple clothes ýÿ masculine, armed, ruler
2. TAURUS:- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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