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way or another, the shooting and killing would soon begin.
Hannah stepped onto the front porch. Luke stood beside her. Both
clutched rifles firmly in two hands, ready to commence battle.
McCabe dismounted and strode up to the house. His spurs clinked
ominously in the silence. He stopped at the bottom of the three steps
that led up to the porch. He tipped his hat politely at Hannah.
“Good morning,” he greeted civilly. “I believe it’s time to call in a
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Hannah’s Gold
“Not till noon it isn’t,” Hannah replied, equally civilly, as though
their discussion concerned cattle or crops and not her impending fate.
McCabe gave a short laugh and glanced back at his men. Still
astride their horses, they joined in his laughter. Luke saw Hannah
shudder. He knew McCabe’s men were more than eager to capture
their boss’s prize because that prize would one day find her way to
them too.
Luke did a quick headcount of twelve.
The odds were definitely stacked against them.
McCabe fixed Hannah with a cold smirk. It sent a bolt of anger
shooting down Luke’s spine. It curled and twisted into a huge knot
that sat ominously in his gut. He wouldn’t let the bastard have her.
McCabe tipped his hat again. “You drive a hard bargain, ma’am,”
he said. “But you’re right. Noon it is.”
Then, turning his attention to Luke, he said, “You still here? I
hope you’re not planning on causing anymore trouble. We have a real
bone fide deal. Don’t we, Hannah?”
The way he turned to her and spoke her name now sent a shiver of
dread coursing through Luke. He could only imagine how Hannah
felt. However, the way she shrugged in response, belied any fear she
might be suffering. Luke was proud of her.
“If you say. Your lawyer drew up the papers.”
A corner of McCabe’s mouth curled sardonically.
“And what might you be meaning by that?” he goaded.
She tilted her head defiantly and looked him straight in the eye.
“That if it’s anything like the rest of your scheming, cheating
ways, it’s probably not even worth the paper it’s written on,” she
* * * *
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Cindy Crane
A short, intimidating silence followed. McCabe’s lips turned up
fully. His smile exuded pure evil. He always felt at his best when he
had his prey cornered, and he had Hannah well and truly cornered,
despite, the brave act she put on. His men hadn’t returned yet but that
fool Jacob hadn’t come back either. That meant only one thing.
They’d successfully, and permanently, dispatched him and her brother
to that big graveyard in the sky for any idiot who dared to cross him.
His men were probably still on their way back, along with Jacob’s
little fortune in gold that he’d worked so hard to gather. Just wait until
he screwed her in his bed, making her beg him to stop hurting her.
After he’d done with her, he’d show it all to her.
Hannah’s Gold. That was what Jacob called it in his letters.
His imagination ran riot, thinking of how he’d taunt her with it.
He’d crow in delight, boasting how he knew everything about Jacob
in those months he’d been away. That he’d written to her and told her
how well he was doing. How the fool had described how hard life was
but that he would soon be home to pay off his father’s debt and
release her from hers.
Hadn’t he realized he would never let him pay it off?
These people were so weak and such pushovers.
He could have taken Hannah any time he wished but he’d enjoyed
the little games he’d played with her this past year, cruelly taunting
her and whispering crudities in her ears. Frightening her, he hoped,
with thoughts of what would become of her. Yet, at the same time,
he’d let her hold on to that sliver of hope that her shining knight
would one day return to rescue her.
So, let her think she had a little more time. Let her think the two
strangers would protect her and save her from her inevitable fate.
He’d put a bullet through this one now but his brother probably
skulked inside, waiting to shoot him if he tried. He’d ride a little way
off first and get out of harm’s way before pulling the trigger.
He climbed back on his horse.
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Hannah’s Gold
“Midday, it is then, ma’am,” he said, before turning to Luke,
“And I hope you and your brother will have come to your senses by [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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