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welled in her heart.  I want to know all of your secrets. She stroked Erin s face,
tracing the bones with her fingertips.  I want to know everything about you.
You re the most fascinating person I ve ever met.
Erin grinned, her eyes twinkling with amusement.  I know that s not true, but
I know what you mean. You could spend the next hour telling me how you do
your laundry, and I d be mesmerized.
 This falling in love is sweet. I would have done it years ago if I d known how
cool it was.
Looking up at her, Erin asked,  How close have you gotten?
 In retrospect, not close at all. I thought I was close about a year and a half or
two years ago, but I think I just wanted to be in love. I really wasn t.
 What was missing?
Katie slipped her fingers into Erin s thick, dark hair and drew them along
its length. As the strands fell onto her lap, she said,  I m not sure. I had a lot of
discussions with myself where I tried to make a case for love, but I kept losing
on the merits. She chuckled, looking at Erin to say,  That was a little lawyer
humor. Don t worry if you don t get my jokes; I appreciate them enough for both
of us.
 So, you really don t know?
 All I know is that this feels like a whole new game. I ve had discussions with
myself trying to make a case against love, but I lose every one.
Erin s whole body twitched, and she stared at Katie, wide-eyed.  Why are you
trying to talk yourself out of loving me?
Soothingly, Katie continued to stroke and play with Erin s hair.  That s just
what I do. I try to poke holes in my beliefs to make sure they stand up to scrutiny.
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The Lies That Bind
It s nothing to worry about, pup. Just my modus operandi.
 I don t do that. I just let myself feel. I let myself react and respond more often
than I logic something to death.
 Tell me about your feelings. What was the first thing that made your sweet
heart beat faster?
Erin grinned sexily.  I m sure I m like every other lesbian who gets a good look
at you, but that s attraction, not love. I started feeling like I loved you when I
realized how much you cared about other people. You re a good person, and that
attracts me as much as your beautiful face.
 It took me a long time to be able to read you. I was pretty sure you were
attracted to me, but then you d seem like you just wanted to be friends or&
stepsisters. She made a face.  Blech!
 I was a little up and down. I was attracted to you, but I m sure that s not
unique. Katie put her hand on her cheek, looking like she was surprised.  You
know how pretty you are, Katie Quinn.
 But that wasn t what interested you, was it?
 No, not really. Once I knew you were gay, I let myself think about what it
would be like to be with you. That s when it got fun.
Katie looked down at Erin, her expression so sweet and welcoming that Erin
forgot what she was saying. She was looking into Katie s blue eyes with a nearly
vacant grin on her face.  Go on, Katie urged.  This is just getting interesting.
 Oh. Right. Well, I wasn t sure where you stood with the woman you were
dating, or even if you were dating, since you were so cagey about it. And I was a
little worried that you partied too much.
 I assume that doesn t mean you thought my social life was too interesting.
 No. I thought you might have a drinking problem.
 That would ve scared you off?
 Yeah, it would have. I m pretty self-protective. I don t look for trouble.
 I think you re a little too self-protective. If you weren t, you would have been
hooked up by now. But I m not complaining.
Erin shrugged, looking a little embarrassed.  Maybe I am. I didn t know a lot
of other lesbians in college, but that changed at Dartmouth.
Katie playfully pulled on a hank of hair.  I think some women might have
contacted Erin Delancy, M.D., when word got out that she and Suzy were no
 Maybe, Erin said, letting out a girlish giggle.
 How many? Come on, tell me.
 A couple.
Page 191
Susan X Meagher
 How many is a couple? Two?
 Uhm, a couple of couples. Erin s cheeks were tinted pink, and she looked like
she desperately wanted to change the subject.
 You are so damned cute, and I am so damned lucky that you didn t follow up
with any of those Dartmouth girls.
 I like girls from Boston. Pretty ones with curly red hair and bright blue
 My hair is blonde, Erin.
 Yeah, it is, except when it s red.
 The Tierneys have red hair. The Quinns are blonde or brunette. I m a
 You should ve told the Tierney s allele to switch off before it got imprinted
onto your DNA.
Katie tweaked Erin s nose.  You can keep those big doctor words to yourself.
I m a Quinn. There s no Tierney DNA in here. She slapped her hand against [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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