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addresses. To me it feels like keeping my money in a bank rather than
keeping it under my own mattress, but I can make a withdrawal at any
time and move my money freely.
2. Squeeze pages & opt in forms.
A squeeze page is a simple one page website designed with one
purpose in mind. The purpose is to gather email leads. The most
important part of a squeeze page is the opt in form where prospects
can fill in their contact information and then begin immediately
receiving the follow-up messages that you have preset in your email
management account. If you are going to automate your email
marketing efforts you will need to send prospects to quality squeeze
pages that contain an email opt in form.
Use this link to watch the short video that shows you how to set up a
squeeze page or opt-in form without requiring ANY technical skills:
So how do I use a squeeze page?
When I do radio interviews, write a guest article for a blog, comment
on other people's blogs, participate on forums, etc. I always sign off
by making mention of my  squeeze page at SilentJim.com.
When someone asks what I do for a living, or if they ask for a business
card, I send them to that site. It's the gateway to a establishing a
business relationship with me.
If I were to send first time prospects to a webpage full of random facts
and sales pitches trying to sell something, I would have far lower
retention and far fewer sales ultimately.
Components of a good squeeze page:
" Easy to spell AND hard to misspell domain
" The entire page fits easily on one screen. No
scrolling required.
" Give something of high perceived value away
for free in exchange for a lead
" Short bullet point benefits of  opt-in clearly
" Make sure the prospect knows that you'll be
sending them regular, relevant information
(This can all be set up one time and put on
3. Moving prospects from list to list automatically
As prospects become customers, and then customers become  VIP
customers they will begin receiving different types of email messages
from you. Ideally you will have established  automation rules inside of
your email management account so that as prospects shift from one
list to another, it can occur automatically. For example you can tie your
website checkout system to your email management service and
automatically move any prospect onto the  recent customer list when
they make a purchase from you.
4. Your follow up messages
As new prospects are added to your email lists you can begin sending
them a series of preset messages that arrive sequentially. Sometimes
this is referred to as a  drip campaign. Any email management
system like the ones I've already told you about can accommodate
such a set up.
Some tips for your follow up email message campaigns:
Keep it short
A great rule of thumb with email is to always keep it short. Even if
you have a great article, newsletter, or other important information to
share, you should always keep your email communications short and
sweet. For example, when I write a great blog post it's rare that I'll
send the entire blog post out in an email broadcast. Instead I'll write a
short description of the article in a couple sentences and then include a
link for more information in my email broadcast. This type of
broadcast message is far less likely to generate spam complaints, and
it will also increase the traffic to my blog where I can present the
information in a more attractive fashion. On the blog I can interact
with the readers in the comment section of my blog post.
HTML is pretty, but I don't do it
There is an ongoing debate about plain text email versus HTML graphic
 pretty messages. I fall firmly in the camp in favor of simple plain text
messages as do most other marketers who I work with. Email
management services like to try to sell other services (and some of
them even throw it in for free), but I still don't use HTML  pretty
messages. I won't go into all of the reasons here, but a couple of the
strongest arguments I have are the fact that HTML email messages are
clearly more likely to get caught in spam filters, and they also instantly
identify you as being  a business and not  a person. I try to keep my
email communications personal and friendly. I want my subscriber to
completely forget the fact that 100,000 other readers are also reading [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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