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is there!"  all the time stamping with his feet and shouting. To quieten him he was assured
that nothing extraordinary had happened, and finally he gradually calmed down. After that he
Publisher Love(+)Wisdom(=)Truth
slept for a long time and became normal again. 11
Is it possible that this was one of the mysterious beings which forbade him to speak about
further stages in evolution? Hitler's behaviour invites one to compare the remarks of
Mathers. The  string of meaningless figures, then words and scraps of sentences . . . the
strange expressions strung together in bizarre disorder' all sound remarkably like the arcane
languages and  barbarous names of evocation' used by ceremonial magicians to control
their consciousness. The reader may learn with relief that there is another, more rational,
explanation; overbreathing. Oxygen intoxication is probably the simplest method of getting
into a trance; it has been suggested that Hitler used this method in his oratory, hence his
shouting; and it is certainly possible that an exercise of this sort produced hallucinations.
We cannot resolve the question of whether spirit beings have an existence independent of
the human brain, or whether they are personalised components of the unconscious mind,
and we leave the reader to judge. From the above, however, it is clear that the Führer
thought in terms of an objective world of spirit beings. Admittedly it is hard to accept that
such obsessions nourished one - of the twentieth century's most prominent political figures,
and yet he said himself, when talking of the destiny of the human race:  Politics are only a
practical and fragmentary aspect of this destiny.'
The world of magic will not leave us alone when we turn to examine the phenomena that
have fascinated so many people, the Nuremberg Rallies, where its techniques were used
with a precision that leaves one gasping. Francis King has taken a close look at them, and
has seen much more than mere vulgar propaganda:
 Hitler's public appearances, particularly those associated with the Nazi Party's Nuremberg
Rallies, were excellent examples of this sort of magical ceremony. The fanfares, military
marches and Wagnerian music all emphasised the idea of German military glory. The
massed Swastika banners in black, white and red filled the consciousness of the participants
in the Rally with National Socialist ideology. The ballet-like precision of the movements of the
uniformed Party members, all acting in unison, evoked from the unconscious the principles
of war and violence which the ancients symbolised as Mars. And the prime ritual of the
Rallies  Hitler clasping to other Nazi banners the "blood banner" carried in the Munich
putsch of 1923  was a quasi-magical ceremony designed to link up the minds of living
Nazis with the archetypal images symbolised by the dead National Socialist heroes of the
 The religio-magical aspects of the Rallies were emphasised by the fact that their high points
were reached after dusk and took place in a "Cathedral of Light"  an open pace surrounded
by pillars of light coming from electric searchlights pointed upwards to the sky.
 If a modern ritual magician of the utmost expertise had designed a ritual intended to "invoke
Mars" he could not have come up with anything more effective than the ceremonies used at
Nuremberg. 12
Mars was the Roman equivalent of the Egyptian Horus, those Age is alleged to have begun
in 1904. One cannot resist speculating whether Hitler had had some kind of intercourse with
the beings described by Aleister Crowley ... At any rate, two things are certain: European
statesmen were to prove as blind, if not more so, than they had been from 1914-18; and
Hitler was bent upon a war which he knew would be many times as destructive as that which
he had fought in. There was no indecision about this:  I go the way that Providence dictates
with the assurance of a sleepwalker.' Whether or not Hitler knew of Horus, he was only too
happy to serve the god. Years before the World War he said to Hermann Rauschning:
 We must be prepared for the hardest struggle that a ration has ever had to face. Only
through this test of endurance can we become ripe for the dominion to which we are called.
It will be my duty to carry on this war regardless of losses. The sacrifice of lives will be
immense. We all of us know what world war means. As a people we shall be forged to the
hardness of steel. All that is weakly will fall from us. But the forged central block will last
forever. I have no fear of annihilation ... Cities will become heaps of ruins; noble monuments
Publisher Love(+)Wisdom(=)Truth
of architecture will disappear forever. This time our sacred soil will not be spared. But I am
not afraid of this.'13
PART THREE: Hitler & Horus
The Conquest of an Empire
 Worship me with fire and blood; worship me with swords and with spears. Let the woman be
girt with a sword before me: let blood flow to my name. Trample down the Heathen: be upon
them, o warrior, I will give you of their flesh to eat.' (The Book of the Law III 11)
 The idea of treating wars as anything other than the harshest means of settling questions of
very existence is ridiculous. Every war costs blood, and the smell of blood arouses in man all
the instincts which have lain within us since the beginning of the world: deeds of violence,
the intoxication of murder, and many other things. Everything else is empty babble.'
Adolf Hitler
The values of Western civilisation continued to crumble after the hammer-blows of the First
World War. There was a brief respite in the world economic boom of 1925-9, which induced
in the naive a temporary return to the belief in progress, but once the 1930s were under way,
it was obvious that conditions had worsened to an extent undreamed of by the most feverish
pessimist of far-off 1889. Never had there been such tyranny over the individual human
spirit. Never had suffering been so widespread: nor was this suffering dictated by the natural
enemies of man, hunger, thirst, and the rages of the elements, but by his alleged
benefactors, the men who governed.
We have seen what happened in Germany. It is arguable that the plight of man was even
worse in the Soviet Union. Stalin's drive to industrialise had produced horrors unseen in the
most frightful days of the British and French industrial revolutions. For this, Stalin had at [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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