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hell about first polluting our stream, then wrecking my crops and spilling oil
on the road. He was shook up to beat hell and blamed his own truckers for
leaking oil. I billed their company for three-hundred dollars in damages, and
he endorsed the bill for payment right there."
Farmer Dale did some other things that week, like move and replace
those "Underground Cable" markers used by the power and phone
companies to mark buried wires. Naturally, the driller's dozer tore up the
real wires, creating further havoc. He sprayed weed killer on his own crops,
within a hundred-yard radius of the gas well, then raised hell with the state
agricultural people. He submitted a bill for a thousand dollars for damaging
his crops, although the gas company balked -- at first.
"Finally I dumped some chemicals in my old well and had the water
tested (he had had the water tested prior to the drilling, of course) by the
county. They reported it had gotten polluted during the time the gas well
was being drilled. I turned it all over to my attorney at this time."
His attorney filed to have the drilling permit revoked and also to sue
the company for huge damage settlements. The case was settled out of
court, allowing the company to finish its rape, yet at a very high price,
including unlimited free gas and a lot of cash for Farmer Dale.
Another combatant in the never-ending war between the land rapists
and landowners or environmentalists borrowed the old OSS tire-spike idea,
married it to the Malay gate of Indo-Chinese fame, and put some heavy
vehicles on the shelf for a while. Angered because the well drillers for a
natural-gas company were filling their mammoth water-tank trucks from a
trout stream that ran through his property, a landowner spiked their plans.
He took a two-inch-thick piece of twelve-inch board and pounded five ten-
inch housing spikes through it. The board was about eighteen inches long.
He did the same thing to another board.
The ambush site was the deeply rutted pull-off spot the heavy water
trucks used when they sucked thousands of gallons of good water from the
clean stream. The giant trucks had callously dug deep ruts, which filled with
water from their sloshing loads. Our combatant placed his spiked boards
tips upward, into the ruts. He did this on a random schedule over a one
month period, disabling a total of seven trucks and finally forcing the land
rapists and their trucks to another fill-up point.
As a postscript, he enjoyed this activity so much that he built dozens
of the spike devices and became a traveling one-man hit squad, placing the
traps whenever he saw evidence of the heavy water-tank trucks.
Now that the feds have outlawed fireworks, you'd better save all the
M80s you can find. Extremely versatile devices, M80s are excellent
propellants for other substances. For example, this stunt started out as a
dorm prank at Clapper Packer University but soon escalated into more
deadly sport, which went like this. Put some fresh feces, the looser the
better, into a large Baggie. Gently break the glass on a large-wattage
lightbulb, but do not disturb the filament. Even more gently attach the
filament to the fuse of the M80. Screw the bulb carefully back into a ceiling
socket. Finally, move the bag of feces up and around the light fixture. Be
certain the fuse and filament do not touch the feces, but see that the M80 is
into the substance. Tape the bag to the ceiling.
Naturally, all this presupposes you have access to the mark's room or
to a room where the mark is likely to be the one who comes in and turns on
the light. One cautionary note: Be sure the light switch is off when you
screw in the bulb. If it's not, you have about four seconds to avoid getting
nasty coverage from the M80's blast. Done correctly, this is a spectacular
stunt. As the designer of this one, George Dierk adds, "You don't have to
limit your spatter substance to feces. Paint, cheap perfume, acid, and CS gas
all have their place."
Gun powder has a lot of uses in addition to filling up a portion of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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