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sucked a gulp of air and moaned softly while caressing the massive mammaries through the pretty
fabric!  L-let me see yours, Julia gasped,  hurry up and take your top off!!!
As much as she loved Julia s chest, Marge was sure that Julia loved hers even more! It was a game they
never tired of playing, that being Marge teasing her boss with a slow strip tease that literally whipped
her into a frenzy! First came the jacket, then the blouse, and then ever so slowly the black bra that
contained her perfect 36C s!  Jesus I love your boobs, Julia said while reaching out to caress the pink
nippled wonders.  I m sure that you do, Marge said lightly while backing up just out her boss s range,
 but you have to promise me one thing!  W-what, just tell me what you want, Julia stammered,
 anything, just please let me touch them!  Wellllllll, Marge replied sweetly,  it s just a little thing.
 Good fucking god, tell me! Julia begged.  Ohhhhh, all right, Marge teased while lifting the hem of her
own skirt,  it s just this, I want you to masturbate my clit with one of your big nipples! At the sight of
her hairy muffy Marge was sure that Julia would pass out, but instead she frantically ripped off her bra
and offered a huge nub for her secretary s use!
A wild look covered Julia s face while she panted,  Here it is, come and get it from mama! Julia s
normally pink nipples had taken on an almost purple hue as they stood out hard as little cocks, as if
begging for attention! Marge s pussy lurched at their mere sight, and as much as she wanted to keep on
teasing her boss, she knew that it was hopeless to resist any longer! She sighed deeply, and after giving
Julia a sweet little girl s smile, stepped forward with her legs spread wide apart allowing the big titted
bitch to run
her huge dig up and down her hairy crack! The sensation was incredible! Julia s hard nip snapped back
and forth over erect clit, causing an electric shock to whip through her with each stroke! Now the shoe
was on the other foot, so to speak, and it was Julia s turn to have her way with the sassy cunt! While the
fury in her pussy roiled out of control, Julia took her time and purposely avoided connecting her hard
nipple with Marge s hard clit! Desperately Marge tried to maneuver her pussy around to get positive
contact, but the wily older woman managed to keep her nipple just out of reach! Finally in desperation
Marge grabbed the fat tit from her boss and guided the excited nipple where it would do the most good,
directly on her needy clit!
When it happened it washed over her like a waterfall as her pussy convulsed out of control leaving her
crashing on the rocks of orgasm city! With her legs wobbly and her knees weak Marge let the huge boob
slip from her hands as she leaned heavily against the wall for much needed support! Both women had
the dazed look of a deer caught in the head lights of a semi, but Julia managed to pant,  And that is
what it s all about! Marge dropped her skirt and began helping Julia put herself back together while
sighing, I guess that will make you forget about Roberts, huh!  Roberts who?!? Julia replied with a
 What a crummy way to spend a nice spring day, Linda thought to herself while staring out the window
from her sixth period math class. Her mind was quickly snapped back to attention, however, when the
sharp voice of Sister Mary Marie cracked,  Are you ready to join us now Miss Burton!?!  Uhh, no, I
mean yes, Linda stammered,  I was just thinking, that s all& & & .  Well think about this, the nun
replied harshly,  if you don t get with the program you re going to be taking Algebra II all over again, do I
make myself clear???  Yes ma am, Linda answered quickly! She was getting ready for yet another
verbal assault from the old biddy when thankfully the bell sounded ending the period.  & & .problems 1-
25 on page 77, Sister Mary Marie called out to her exiting group of students while at the same time
taking Linda by the arm while indicating for her to remain behind.  Shit, Linda said to herself,  how
long s this gonna take? After everyone had left leaving only Linda and the nun alone in the old class
room, Sister Mary Marie turned to face the eighteen year old and offered evenly,  I ve just about had it
with you young lady.  I-I m sorry, Sister, Linda replied contritely,  I promise to do better, I really will!
 I m afraid that s not good enough, Sister Mary Marie replied,  so I ve been thinking about it for a
couple of days now and feel it s time that I gave your mother a call and explained the situation to her
 My mother, Linda asked nervously,  w-why do we hafta talk to her? The old nun stood with her arms
crossed and an impassive look on her face while replying,  Because it seems that s the only way to get
your attention! A feeling of desperation swept through her, and in a last ditch effort to keep her mom
from becoming involved Linda blurted out helplessly,  Please, Sister Mary, I ll do anything you asked,
just don t call my mother! The Sister stood silently for a few moments while giving the whole matter a
bit more consideration before asking,  Anything, you ll do anything that I ask? Sensing a ray of hope in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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