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a way that didn t seem to belong to the twenty-first century? Hadn t there been
something in her eyes, a knowing look that no girl of only twenty-one ever could have
achieved? The explanation almost made sense& in a completely crazy sort of way.
Three hundred years of loneliness would make it hard to trust someone. It would
explain why she d been so certain that he would leave, why she d broken down and
wept in his arms as if an unbelievable burden had been lifted from her heart. It would
also explain why she d been so ready to jump to the conclusion that he d chosen Ella
instead of her. But could he really believe that she had lived for three centuries? Could
he really believe that she was cursed?
 I ve already explained. She s not cursed anymore. You helped break her curse,
Melonia said.  She loves you true love and so the spell is broken. Unfortunately, her
heart is broken as well. What madness possessed you? How could you abandon your
soul mate for a woman who means nothing to you, regardless of the fact that she
carried your child?
 Ella wasn t carrying my child, and I didn t abandon Wren she ran off without
giving me time to explain. And she screwed another man.
 She didn t screw anyone, that s ridiculous, Melonia said, looking genuinely
surprised.  I know that much for a fact.
 I saw a tape, Austin said, still finding it impossible to think about that tape
without wanting to smash something.  It made it pretty clear what she was doing.
 I don t know the real truth behind that story, but I know that she loves you. I also
know that she hasn t touched another man in eight months, Melonia promised.  If you
go to her, I m sure she can explain.
 I don t need any explanations, Austin said, despite the fact that a part of him
wanted to believe anything, no matter how weird, if it meant he had an excuse to see
Wren again. He wished more than anything that Wren could explain the situation with
Joe away, that there had been some horrible misunderstanding and they could start
over again, give their love a real chance.
But how could she explain away that tape? He knew what he d seen. It had
certainly been more logical than the conversation he was currently having. Call him
crazy, but it was easier to believe what he d seen on a hidden camera than to buy into
the story of a mind-reading witch and a centuries-old cursed princess.
 This is ridiculous, the witch sighed.  If you d just listened to me that night when I
told you she was still in the building, we wouldn t be having this conversation. You and
Wren would still be together, and you wouldn t be wasting everyone s time.
Austin suddenly realized why her voice seemed so familiar. Hers was the voice he
had heard in his head all those months ago, the one that had started speaking to him
Anna J. Evans
only hours before he and Wren had finally come together. His mouth felt very dry and
the sounds of the outside world muted as his mind tried to wrap itself around the fact
that he was actually talking to a real, live witch.
 There are many truths in the world that are not accepted by current notions of
reality, Melonia said.  Remember, reality is always shifting. Once people thought the
world was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth.
 Right, Austin muttered.
 I m glad you re starting to see things sensibly, Melonia said, irritatingly chipper.
 None of this matters. I don t care if you re a witch or the goddamned tooth fairy. If
Wren wanted to be with me, she d be here herself.
 She wants to be with you, Melonia argued.  She s just confused.
 I understand the feeling.
 Go to her, Melonia said, putting an envelope in his hand.  Explain yourself, let
her explain. By tomorrow night, you could find yourself happier than you ever
 What is this? Austin asked, looking down at the package in his hands. When he
looked up, the witch seemed to have disappeared into thin air. Hurrying down the
steps, he looked down the street in either direction, seeing no sign of the small, curvy
woman with the long black hair. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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