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1. The arising of ignorance causes the arising of material-
ity produced by kamma.
2. The arising of craving causes the arising of materiality
produced by kamma.
3. The arising of clinging causes the arising of materiality
produced by kamma.
Knowing and Seeing
4. The arising of volitional formations causes the arising
of materiality produced by kamma.
5. The arising of kamma causes the arising of materiality
produced by kamma.
Having in that way discerned the causal arising of materiality
produced by kamma, you now discern the momentary arising of
materiality produced by kamma. That is seeing only the mo-
mentary arising of that materiality.
You then need to see both the causal and momentary kinds of
arising for materiality produced by mind, materiality produced
by temperature, and materiality produced by nutriment.
6. You discern that mind causes the arising of materiality
produced by mind, and then discern just the momentary
arising of materiality produced by mind.
7. You discern that temperature causes the arising of mate-
riality produced by temperature, and then discern just
the momentary arising of materiality produced by tem-
8. You discern that nutriment causes the arising of materi-
ality produced by nutriment, and then discern just the
momentary arising of materiality produced by nutri-
This is how you see both the causal arising of materiality, and
momentary arising of materiality. You then have to see the mo-
mentary arising and causal arising of mentality. In the same
way, the discernment of causal and momentary arising is applied
to the mind-moments seen in the fifth method of dependent-
origination. It would, however, take some time to list the details
of the method for mentality; so, I shall pass over them, and in
each instance explain the details for only materiality.
How to Develop the Insight-Knowledges to See Nibbana
The Observation of the Nature of Passing-Away
(Vayadhamma i)
After you are able to discern both the momentary arising and
causal arising of materiality and mentality, you then see again
and again their passing-away, and the cause of their passing-
For example, in the case of materiality, you discern the causal
cessation of materiality by seeing it according to the fifth method
of dependent-origination. You look forward to the future life in
which you become an arahant, you see that when you attain Ara-
hant Path and Fruition (arahattamagga and arahattaphala), all
the defilements cease. You see that at the end of that life all
formations cease: this is directly seeing your Parinibbana when
no new materiality or mentality arises. You see that:
1. The cessation of ignorance causes the cessation of ma-
teriality produced by kamma.
2. The cessation of craving causes the cessation of mate-
riality produced by kamma.
3. The cessation of clinging causes the cessation of mate-
riality produced by kamma.
4. The cessation of volitional formations causes the ces-
sation of materiality produced by kamma.
5. The cessation of kamma causes the cessation of mate-
riality produced by kamma.
Having in that way discerned the causal cessation of material-
ity produced by kamma, you now discern the momentary pass-
ing-away of materiality produced by kamma. That is seeing only
the momentary passing-away of that materiality.
You then need to see both the causal and momentary kinds of
passing-away for materiality produced by mind, materiality pro-
duced by temperature, and materiality produced by nutriment.
You see that:
Knowing and Seeing
6. The cessation of mind causes the cessation of material-
ity produced by mind, and then discern just the mo-
mentary cessation of materiality produced by mind.
7. The cessation of temperature causes the cessation of
materiality produced by temperature, and then discern
just the momentary cessation of materiality produced
by temperature.
8. The cessation of nutriment causes the cessation of mate-
riality produced by nutriment, and then discern just the
momentary cessation of materiality produced by nutri-
This is how you see both the momentary cessation of materi-
ality, and the causal cessation of materiality. You then have to
see the momentary cessation and causal cessation for mentality.
The Observation of the Nature of Arising And Passing-
Away (Samudayavayadhamma i)
After you have seen both the momentary cessation and causal
cessation of materiality and mentality, you then see again and
again both their arising and passing-away. This involves seeing
their momentary arising and momentary passing-away together.
You then see their causal arising and causal passing-away.
In the case of materiality you see that:
1. The arising of ignorance causes the arising of material-
ity produced by kamma. The cessation of ignorance
causes the cessation of materiality produced by kamma.
Ignorance is impermanent, materiality produced by
kamma is impermanent
2. The arising of craving causes the arising of materiality
produced by kamma. The cessation of craving causes
the cessation of materiality produced by kamma.
Craving is impermanent, materiality produced by
kamma is impermanent.
How to Develop the Insight-Knowledges to See Nibbana
3. The arising of clinging causes the arising of materiality
produced by kamma. The cessation of clinging causes
the cessation of materiality produced by kamma.
Clinging is impermanent, materiality produced by
kamma is impermanent.
4. The arising of volitional formations causes the arising
of materiality produced by kamma. The cessation of
volitional formations causes the cessation of material-
ity produced by kamma. Volitional formations are im-
permanent, materiality produced by kamma is imper-
5. The arising of kamma causes the arising of materiality
produced by kamma. The cessation of kamma causes
the cessation of materiality produced by kamma.
Kamma is impermanent, materiality produced by
kamma is impermanent.
6. Mind causes the arising of materiality produced by
mind. The cessation of mind causes the cessation of
materiality produced by mind. Mind is impermanent,
materiality produced by mind is impermanent.
7. Temperature causes the arising of materiality produced
by temperature. The cessation of temperature causes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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