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against marriage; I am for a higher marriage. I am against this marriage because this marriage has
created prostitution. I am for a higher marriage.
If you can find the intimacy, spiritual intimacy with a man or woman, then there will be a natural
togetherness; no law is needed to enforce it. Then there will be a spontaneous joy in being together.
While it lasts, good; when it disappears, there is no point in being together, no point at all! Then
are crushing each other, killing each other; then you are either a masochist or a sadist, you are
If my idea some day prevails - which seems very difficult, because man has become so accustomed
to dead roles that he has forgotten how to live - if some day life prevails and man becomes
courageous enough to live dangerously, then there will be real marriages. Then you will find many
soulmates together. There will be no prostitution.
Of course the larger part of humanity will go on changing partners, but nothing is wrong in it. The
only problem that arises again and again in the minds of men and women is: What about kids? That
not a big problem. My conception is that of a commune, not of a family. Families have to disappear.
Communes should exist.
For example, this is a commune. Kids should belong to the commune, and the commune should
care of the kids. The mother should be known, who the mother is, but the father should not be
known; there is no need. That was the original state of humanity, matriarchal. Then society became
patriarchal, father became important - and with the father came a thousand and one illnesses. The
greatest illness has been private property; it came with father, and the society will suffer from
property until father disappears.
A commune - where kids belong to the commune, where the commune can take care of them. The
mother will look after them, but the mother can trust one thing: that she can move from one man to
another, there is no problem in it. The kids should be taken care of; even if she dies, the commune is
And when the property belongs to the commune and not to any individual, there will be real
communism. Even in Soviet Russia real communism does not exist. It cannot exist with the father,
it is
impossible. Private property came with the family, with the nuclear family ~ father, mother, kids -
then private property came. Private property can go only when this nuclear family disappears and a
totally new concept of commune arrives. It is possible now. The world has come to that state of
consciousness where communes can exist, and through communes, communism. It is not otherwise.
Not that communism comes first, it is not possible. If communism comes first, it will bring only
dictatorship. It will bring only an ugly society as it has happened in Soviet Russia or is happening in
First let there be communal life as far as sex is concerned, then property will disappear. Property is
part of sexual possession. When you possess a woman, you possess property; when you possess a
man, you possess property - you have to possess property. When you don't possess any human
being, who bothers to possess property? Then property is to be used, there is no need to possess.
And it is easier to use it without possessing it, because people who possess cannot use it - they are
always afraid, they are miserly. Property can be used more freely.
But first the family has to disappear.
I am not saying that all families will disappear. Only spiritual families will remain; non-spiritual
will disappear. But it is good, because those people who are not spiritual enough, why should they
be forced to remain bored? Why should they be forced to remain in a relationship which does not
lead to any joy? Why? This is criminal.
The fourth question:
Beloved Osho, 1 used to think that I am pretty aware, pretty surrendered. That image still
crosses my mind, but I don't really believe in it. And all this makes me wonder that maybe all
your talk of awareness and surrender is just to drive us crazy like a carrot in front ofa
donkey, and that none of it really exists - and that makes me feel angry, stupid and indifferent
all at once.
The carrot exists...and the donkey does not. Now it is up to you to choose: you can be a donkey,
then the carrot does not exist. If you look at the carrot, the carrot exists and the donkey disappears.
Naturally if you think the carrot does not exist, you will feel angry, stupid and indifferent, because
you will be the donkey. Rather than thinking that the carrot does not exist, why don't you look
Do you exist?
My whole emphasis is: Enlightenment exists, you don't exist! Awareness exists, ego does not exist!
That is my whole emphasis.
But still the choice is yours, it is up to you. If you want to choose misery, then misery is possible
with the ego. Then you have to choose the ego, then you have to choose the donkey. Then you have
to go on believing that the carrot does not exist. But it exists! And once you start feeling the carrot,
you will start seeing that the donkey is disappearing: it was just an idea. With the carrot there is
With the ego there is only hell. Choose whatsoever you want to choose.
The fifth question:
Beloved Osho, Before I met you, I was miserable and totally unaware. Now I am miserable
with some degree ofawareness. What's new?
Can't you see it? That "some degree of awareness" - do you think it is valueless? That is the first
ray...and the sun is not far away. If you catch hold of the ray, if you move in the direction the ray is
coming from, you will reach to the very source of light.
If even one ray exists in darkness, it is enough proof of light, of God. Don't call it "some degree of
But I understand. We have lived unaware so long, we have lived unconsciously so long, we have
lived like machines so long, that even when a little awareness comes our old habits are so heavy, so
There was once a young woman joined the ATS and went for her medical. The doctor had her strip
off, and then called over his assistant: "Look at that - the biggest navel I've ever seen in all my
The young doctor looked and said, "By George, girl, that's a huge navel! Can I take a photograph of
it for the medical press?
The girl was fed up and could not understand what all this was in aid of. "You'd have a big navel if
you'd been in the Salvation Army for as many years as I have."
This only heightened the mystery. "The Salvation Army? What's that got to do with it?"
"I carried the banner for ten years!"
And you have been carrying the banner for millions of lives, so the navel has become very big. The
unconsciousness is all your biography; all that you know about yourself is nothing but
unconsciousness. So even when a ray of light enters, first you cannot trust it - maybe you are
at a dream, illusion, projection? Maybe there is some trick in it? Even if you trust it, it looks so
against your great past that you cannot trust that it is going to help in any way.
But let me tell you one thing: A small candle is more powerful than all the darkness upon all the
planets. Darkness has no power; darkness is impotent. A small candle is potential - because it is! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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