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Cordelia gasped.  You were talking to Molly this
whole time?
He shrugged.  Yeah. So?
 She didn t say she wanted to speak to me?
 Um, no. What s the problem?
Cordelia felt her eyelids twitching uncontrollably.  I
better get some crackers and ginger ale, she said as she
made her way toward the nearby country store.
 Grab me another Yoo-hoo! Jake shouted.
She was about to turn around, scream  Yoo-hoo
this! and give him the finger, but she didn t. Cordelia
was just too rattled by what had happened. Jake still
seemed to be into her sister, and even worse, from the
way he was acting, it seemed as if he believed Molly was
the only person who would ever truly understand him.
And that s when it hit her. Why she hadn t slept with
Paul that day. Even though he was great and nice and
gorgeous and smart, the one thing that she needed to
feel sure of deep down in her gut just wasn t quite there.
Did she truly understand Paul, and as much as he
seemed to like her, did he really understand her?
Getting Lost with Boys
Maybe she d find out in another twenty-three hours.
* * *
An hour and a half later, Cordelia, Jake, and the
Charger rambled down Sunset Road in Las Vegas,
where Jake s ex-roommate, Mike, lived in an off-
campus apartment. She d never been to Vegas before,
but she d seen enough films and TV shows to know
what the Strip was like. There d be flashing neon signs
towering above all the out-of-towners and gamblers
who were trying their luck at the casinos. There d be all-
night restaurants, cabaret bars featuring topless dancers,
and drunk people who were attending bachelor or
bachelorette parties.
That kind of thing wasn t necessarily Cordelia s
idea of a good time. She d much rather be listening to
the roar of the waves at Pacific Beach and watching
the sunset while lying down on a fluffy blanket. But
she could see why people might get swept up in the
glitziness of the city. They were only a few blocks
from the Strip and she could feel the giddy vibe of
people who were about to embark on an evening of
As for Cordelia, she would be spending another
action-packed evening in Jacob Stein hell.
 This must be the place, he said, and swerved into a
Hailey Abbott
parking lot facing a row of apartments. A sign greeted
The complex was actually pretty nice. Cordelia liked
the beach-inspired style of the place and the open, airy
architecture. Some of the windows held flower boxes,
and pansies lined the walkway leading up to Mike s unit.
All of it reminded her of home.
 There it is. Apartment twelve, Jake said.
But before they could get out, a large husky guy
wearing a stained fraternity T-shirt, ripped cutoff jean
shorts, and a backward UNLV baseball cap came bum-
bling out.  Yo, bro! he yelled.
Jake jumped out of the car while the other guy
leaped over the ledge and enveloped him in a bear hug.
Then the friendly stranger came around to the side
and opened her door. She got out and took a good look
at him. Red hair, bright blue eyes, freckles all over his
nose and cheeks, and the goofiest, sweetest smile she d
seen on any boy.
 Hey, you must be Cordy. I m Mike Cavanaugh.
Cordelia immediately felt relaxed around Mike. He
was that likable off the bat.  Nice to meet you, she
said, shaking his hand.
 Your stuff in the trunk? Mike asked.
 We ll get it later, Jake said.  I m wiped out and
Mike chuckled.  You re tired? Please, dude. How
Getting Lost with Boys
many all-nighters did you pull cramming for tests?
Cordy, this guy was a total geek last semester. Barely par-
tied at all.
She eyed Jake, who seemed to already regret intro-
ducing her to Mike.  Is that so?
 Oh my God. The guy never stopped studying. I
thought his head was going to explode.
Jake put his hands in his pockets and slumped over a
bit as if he d been humiliated. Cordelia just smiled. All
this time she d thought Jake was a slacker, but appar-
ently behind closed doors he was a hard worker. How
crazy was that?
Mike ushered them into his apartment, which was in
typical college-guy condition. Beer cans were strewn
around the living room; the kitchen was covered in
empty pizza boxes; and there was a scent in the air that
reminded Cordelia of either kitty litter or maximum
strength kitty litter.
 Maid s day off, Mike said with a grin. He opened a
pizza box that had TONY S emblazoned on the top and
held out a cold slice to Cordy.  Want a snack? If you
don t like this, I ve got plenty of stuff in the pantry.
 You ve got a pantry? Jake asked.
 Yeah, Mike said.  Most people call it a coat closet,
but whatever. There is a ton of food in there. Doritos,
Combos, pretty much anything ending with  os. 
Cordelia laughed.  Bring on the Doritos.
Hailey Abbott
 Salsa, Cooler Ranch, or Guacamole flavored?
 Cooler Ranch, Cordelia and Jake said in unison.
 Aw, how sweet, Mike said while punching Jake in
the arm.  You guys are like twins or something.
 Just get the chips, Jake snarled.
Mike disappeared into the other room.
Cordelia couldn t help but smirk at Jake.
 What? he said, irritated.
 I m just happy we agree on something, she replied.
 Don t get too happy. It s probably a sign of the end
of the world.
Cordelia put her hands on her hips.  And how come
you never told me you were a nerd?
 I didn t know you were so interested, Jake said,
raising an eyebrow.
 I m not, she said quickly.
It was strange, though. She kind of was interested.
Mike came back with three bags of Cooler Ranch
Doritos.  One for each of us, he announced.
Jake patted Mike on the back with brute force.
 Thanks, man. You re a gracious host.
 So, what do you guys want to do tonight?
Mike asked.
 How about you and me heading out to a casino?
Jake suggested.
That pissed Cordelia off. Jake obviously didn t want
Getting Lost with Boys
her to tag along. What, wasn t she cool enough to go?
She could certainly hold her own with these guys.
Mike nodded.  Sounds good to me. He turned to
Cordelia.  How about you? Wanna tear up the Strip?
 She can t go, Jake snapped.  Cordy can t pass for
twenty-one like us.
 That s ridiculous, Cordelia said.
 Doesn t even matter, Mike said flippantly.  I m
tight with one of the bouncers at Mandalay Bay; he ll let
her in.
Jake fidgeted.  Well, gambling s not her thing any-
way. She s more of the stay-at-home-and-knit type.
 You are so full of crap, Jake, she said curtly.
Mike let out a belly laugh.  Seems like she s feisty to
me, man. I say she s in.
Cordelia wasn t usually a gloater, but she just couldn t
help herself this time. She took a chip, tossed it into her
mouth, and then gave Jake her best  so there grin.
Judging from what she knew of Mike, she had a good
feeling that she might even have fun tonight. Now if only
Molly were around to help her pick out what to wear& .
Chapter Seven
ordelia arrived at Mandalay Bay around ten thirty
that night. She was dressed in her very, very skimpy
Cpurple dress and flanked by two really good-looking
guys. This could mean only one thing. They had all
somehow traveled into some alternate Molly-engineered
universe, where everybody was gorgeous and destined to
have a good time. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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