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Burning Up Flint
Chapter Fifteen
The feel of the bed dipping from a heavy weight on the mattress woke Mira
instantly. Flint had turned the lights on low. She turned, opening her eyes, to smile at a
naked Flint as he lifted the covers to get under them with her.
“That was more than a few hours.”
He chuckled. “I’m sorry.”
“Thank you for sending me food. I was starving.”
“I figured. We missed lunch.”
“What was the holdup?”
“We had some cargo issues. We are supplied with spare parts for the Vontage and
the Moonslip but unfortunately our food supplies were loaded in the wrong cargo area
so we had to sort it out. Then I had to have a vid meeting with the Cyborg Council.
They are very excited about the discovery of the survivors of the Moonslip. As we were
conferencing they got an incoming message from the Vontage. We were able to
communicate with her commander by vid for the first time since it went missing. They
were able to fix it since their last communication with our council. Steel is the Vontage’s
commander. He was relieved we got his message and he’s returning to the planet to
prepare the survivors to abandon the planet.”
“How long will it take to reach them?”
“It will take a good week but we are looking at three weeks minimum for repairs on
the damaged ships when we arrive. No one knows why the Moonslip was so far out. It
had been heading for Garden but it must have gone off course. I was able to get more
details so I know what I’m facing. The Moonslip suffered damage from an asteroid hit.
They were able to set it down on the planet’s moon and then shuttle everyone to the
habitable planet nearby. It will make it easier to lift the Moonslip from a dead moon with
hardly any gravity than to try to lift her off from the planet’s surface. That makes my
job a lot easier. We could have transported all the survivors on the Vontage, the Star, and
the Rally but we would have been really packed on all three ships. The Vontage was
damaged by pirates but it was a lucky break since they found the survivors of the other
ship. We’ll have both ships running as quickly as possible.”
“The Rally is traveling with us?”
“They left when we did but they are faster so they have taken the lead. They will
arrive before we do. They are going to assess the damage to both ships so that by the
time we arrive we can get the repairs immediately underway.”
“That’s good.” Mira was glad that he was opening up to her, talking to her, and it
made her happy.
Laurann Dohner
Flint inched closer to Mira. “I was thinking about you.”
She turned, curling against his large, warm body. His hard erection rubbed her bare
stomach. “You were? You sounded like you were too busy to give me much thought.”
She raked her fingernails lightly over his nipples, instantly loving the way they
immediately pebbled in response. His cock jerked slightly against her, letting her know
he was in tune to her slightest touch so she lowered her head to make a pass at his neck.
He tilted his head, letting her bury her face between his cheek and his wide shoulder.
She opened her mouth to tease his skin with her tongue before she kissed the area she
had just wet.
“I was also late because I made Doc activate my sperm.”
She pulled her face away from his neck. Their gazes met. “How long does it take to
He smiled. “By tomorrow my sperm will be viable.”
“So we’re really going for this trying to get pregnant fast, huh?”
He suddenly pushed her on her back, pinning her under his body. She spread her
legs so he could fit his hips in the cradle of her thighs. They stared at each other as he
settled down on her. She loved the feeling of Flint surrounding her.
“I want everything with you. My request was approved. We are officially a family
unit and Cal was nice enough to officially close the application as well.”
“Close the application? I don’t understand.”
“On Garden a family unit isn’t complete until there are three males with the female.
Arrion is the female you met. She offered me the third male spot in their family unit.
Her application is still open. If I had agreed then the unit would be closed and so would
the application process. Cal closed our application so no other person can enter into our
family unit.” He smiled.
Mira smiled back at him. “I’m starting to like Cal. I’m almost sorry that I called him
a jerk.”
“I don’t like him at the moment for sending me on this mission. We should be
celebrating our family unit approval in my large tub together. Instead we’re in this
closet of a room on a tiny bed.”
“It’s cozy.”
“It’s tiny.”
Wiggling against him, she arched her back. “Cozy. Look how close we have to get
all the time. We can’t sleep together without wrapping around each other. While I wish
we had that tub in here if it would fit, which it sure wouldn’t, I can happily live with
this. You’re all mine and I’m all yours.”
“You’re more than property to me, Mira.” Flint stared into her eyes. “I have spent
hours thinking about you and I realized something I have been struggling with for
Burning Up Flint
Her heart stilled at his serious look. “You haven’t reconsidered being in a family
unit with me, have you?”
Flint chuckled, his dark blue eyes sparkling with amusement. “No. I want you to
know that I feel more than just possessive of you. When you wanted to die before you
were willing to let another man own you I realized how important you are to me and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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