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magnetostatics, 4 plasma frequency, 142
massive photons, 85 Poisson equation, 124
mathematical group, 58 Poissons equation, 33
matrix form, 162 polar vector, 66, 170
Maxwell stress tensor, 94 polarisation charges, 89
Downloaded fromhttp://www.plasma.uu.se/CED/Book Draft version released 13th November 2000 at 22:01.
page 1
polarisation currents, 90 retarded potentials, 41
polarisation potential, 105 retarded relative distance, 113
polarisation vector, 105 retarded time, 41
positive definite, 58 Riemannian metric, 56
positive definite norm, 55 Riemannian space, 54, 160
potential energy, 77, 176 row vector, 159
potential theory, 106
scalar, 159, 173
power flux, 93
scalar field, 57, 161
Poynting vector, 93
scalar product, 167
Poynting s theorem, 92
shock front, 144
Proca Lagrangian, 85
signature, 54
propagator, 39
simultaneous coordinate, 121
proper time, 56
skew-symmetric, 66
pseudoscalar, 159
skin depth, 30
pseudoscalars, 170
source point, 3
pseudotensor, 159
space components, 55
pseudotensors, 170
space-like interval, 56
pseudovector, 65, 159, 170
space-time, 55
quadratic differential form, 56, 167 special theory of relativity, 51
quantum mechanical nonlinearity, 3 spherical Bessel function of the first
kind, 106
radiation field, 46, 49, 118
spherical Hankel function of the first
radiation fields, 97
kind, 106
radiation gauge, 38
spherical waves, 99
radiation resistance, 103
super-potential, 105
radius four-vector, 53
synchrotron radiation, 134, 137
radius vector, 159
synchrotron radiation lobe width, 135
raising of index, 164
rank, 162 telegrapher s equation, 27, 140
rapidity, 60 temporal dispersive media, 10
refractive index, 140 temporal gauge, 38
relative electric permittivity, 94 tensor, 159
relative magnetic permeability, 94 tensor contraction, 164
relative permeability, 140 tensor field, 162
relative permittivity, 140 tensor notation, 163
Relativity principle, 51 tensor product, 169
relaxation time, 25 three-dimensional functional deriv-
rest mass density, 81 ative, 79
retarded Coulomb field, 49 time component, 55
Draft version released 13th November 2000 at 22:01. Downloaded fromhttp://www.plasma.uu.se/CED/Book
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time-harmonic wave, 25
time-independent diffusion equation,
time-independent telegrapher s equa-
tion, 29
time-independent wave equation, 26
time-like interval, 56
total charge, 87
transverse components, 27
transverse gauge, 38
vacuum permeability, 5
vacuum permittivity, 2
vacuum polarisation effects, 3
vacuum wave number, 26
Vavilov- erenkov radiation, 142, 144
vector, 159
vector product, 170
velocity field, 118
virtual simultaneous coordinate, 114,
wave vector, 28, 140
world line, 58
Young s modulus, 77
Yukawa meson field, 84
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