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downhill fast. move on, to feel better after a difficult situation.
Maya: This is terrible. 6. To be back on your feet. To recover from sickness, to feel healthy
Father: It caught everyone off-guard. Your aunt Helen said one
day he was fine; the next day he was gone. 7. To be up to speed on something. To know or have all the
necessary information about something.
Maya: I can t believe this. . . . And how is Aunt Helen taking it?
8. To pass away. To die.
Father: You know your aunt she s hanging in there. But she s
up to her neck in bills. 9. To pull through. To overcome a temporary difficult situation,
including a serious injury or illness.
Maya: I can imagine . . . what with the funeral and all.
10. To take a nosedive. To become worse very quickly. Notice that
Father: Not just that. Hospital, doctors, medication. It costs a
 nose-dive is also a verb.
pretty penny these days. But your aunt says it was
worth every dime . . . She said the folks at the hospital 11. To go downhill. To become bad very quickly. To deteriorate.
bent over backwards to make them feel comfortable
12. To catch off-guard. To catch someone unprepared. To happen
and at home. And Uncle Bill didn t suffer very much.
without expectation or by surprise.
He was smiling right up to the end.
13. To take something. To react to a situation emotionally. To
Maya: Is there anything I can do?
respond to something.
Father: You might want to call your cousin. It seems this is
14. To be hanging in there. To handle something as well as can be
taking a big toll on Jackie. Your aunt says she s not
expected, especially a very difficult situation.
eating and won t talk to anyone.
15. To be up to your neck in something. To have a lot of something
Maya: You think she ll talk to me if I call?
to deal with, look after, or take care of.
Father: It s worth a shot.
16. To cost a pretty penny. To be expensive.
Maya: All right. Is there anything else?
17. To be worth every dime. To be a reasonable match of value and
Father: Yes, we ll be paying our respects this Friday. Do you cost.
think you can catch a flight home?
18. To bend over backwards. To do more than is required or
Maya: I don t have Friday classes, and I ll take off from work. expected in order to help someone.
I ll be there in the morning.
19. To take a toll on someone. To have negative consequences for
Father: Okay, give me a call with the details and I ll come and someone.
pick you up at the airport.
20. To pay your respects. To visit the family of a deceased person in
Maya: Okay, I will. Bye, Dad. order to show you care and tell them you are sorry.
21. To catch a flight. To take a plane to somewhere, sometimes on
short notice.
1. To check in with someone. To talk to or visit with someone for
the purpose of saying hi, or letting someone know that you re 22. To take off from something. To not attend your normally
okay. scheduled activity, such as work.
2. To have a rough time of it. To experience difficulty dealing with
a situation.
3. To feel or be under the weather. To feel ill, to feel less than
4. To catch a bug. To become sick with a cold or flu.
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Marcus: No way . . . I m keeping the poles. They re my security
20 Just Go with the Flow!
Mina: All right, whatever . . . Now to stop . . . make your skis
into a wedge shape, and just let yourself slowly come
to a stop. Let s give it a whirl . . . Drift towards me . . .
Marcus: I can t even stand up on these things!
and . . .
Mina: Relax . . . Don t try so hard.
Marcus: Here I come!
Marcus: You know what . . . I must have a screw loose I can t
Mina: Wedge!
ski! I ve never been one to do anything athletic I m
Marcus: Whoa!
just gonna throw in the towel now.
Mina: That was great! You re really batting a thousand!
Mina: Just keep your shirt on! You haven t even tried yet!
Don t be such a stick in the mud! Here, take my hand.
Marcus: I can t believe I just did that! I m actually taking to this
Good. Now . . . First thing you want to do is bend your
skiing stuff!
Mina: Like a duck to water!
Marcus: Like this?
Marcus: Would you say that I m poetry in motion?
Mina: Yeah . . . Now lean back. . . . All right, good. . . . Doing
Mina: Well, maybe not quite yet. But soon enough, so . . .
ready to get this show on the road?
(A bit later . . . )
Marcus: Don t I need more practice?
Mina: Now, pretend your knees are like springs. When you hit
Mina: This WILL BE your practice. Let s go up to the top.
a bump . . .
Marcus: There re bumps?! I thought we were on the bunny
Marcus: Yikes, from the top this hill looks a lot steeper than I
thought . . .
Mina: We are . . . but yeah . . . there might be a couple of
Mina: They always do . . . you just have to see your path
small ones . . .
down, and make up your mind to follow it.
Marcus: Well, what do I do then?!
Marcus: Uhh . . .
Mina: Just go with the flow. Pretend your knees are springs.
Mina: Listen, don t worry, you have the basics. It s all downhill
Let them bend with the curve of the terrain. Don t be
from here . . . Literally.
Marcus: Very funny.
Marcus: Sure . . . Whatever . . .
Mina: Best thing about a day on the slopes is the evening.
Mina: Same goes if you fall . . .
Tonight, you re going to sleep like a log, my friend. Here
Marcus: There s falling involved?!
we go . . .
Mina: You re bound to fall . . . You re just learning . . . Anyway
Marcus: Mina, if I buy the farm on the way down, I think you
. . . worst thing is if you re stiff when you fall . . . You ll
should know . . . You ve always been my closest
really do a number on yourself if your body s tense
friend . . .
when you hit the ground.
Mina: Right . . . Now get going.
Marcus: Hey! Look at that kid! She s not using any poles! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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