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reading. The more the sphere is handled by other people, the
less responsive it becomes. We were taught that when we
had given a number of readings in a day we should take
the crystal to bed with us so that we should personally
magnetize it by its being close to us. The same result would
be attained by carrying the crystal around with us, but we
would look rather foolish ambling around twiddling the
crystal ball!
When not in use, the crystal should lie covered by a black
cloth. One should NEVER allow strong sunlight to fall on
it, as that impairs its use for esoteric purposes. Nor should
one ever allow a crystal to be handled by a mere thrill
seeker. There is a purpose behind this. A thrill-seeker not
being genuinely interested but wanting cheap entertainment,
harms the aura of the crystal. It is much the same as hand-
ing an expensive camera or watch to a child so that its
idle curiosity may be appeased.
Most people could use a crystal if they would take the
trouble to find what type suited them. We make sure that
our spectacles suit us. Crystals are equally important. Some
persons can see better with a rock crystal, and some with
glass. Rock crystal is the most powerful type. Here is a brief
history of mine as recorded at Chakpori.
Millions of years ago volcanoes belched out flame and
lava. Deep in the earth various types of sand were churned
together by earthquakes, and fused into a kind of glass by
the volcanic heat. The glass was broken into pieces by the
earthquakes and spewed out over the mountain-sides. Lava,
solidified, covered much of it.
In the course of time rock falls exposed some of this
natural glass, or "rock crystal." One piece was seen by
tribal priests in the dawn of human life. In those far off
days the priests were men who had occult power, who could
predict, and tell the history of an object by psychometry.
Such a one must have touched one particular fragment of
crystal and been impressed enough to take it home. There
must have been a clear spot from which he gained clair-
voyant impressions. Laboriously he and others chipped the
fragment into a sphere, as that was the most convenient to
hold. From generation to generation, for centuries, it was
passed from priest to priest, each charged with the task of
polishing the hard material. Slowly the sphere became
rounder and clearer. For an age it was worshipped as the
Eye of a God. In the Age of Enlightenment it came into its
own as an instrument whereby the Cosmic Consciousness
could be tapped. Now, almost four inches across and as
clear as water, it was carefully packed and hidden in a stone
casket in a tunnel far beneath the Potala.
Centuries later it was discovered by monk explorers and
the inscription on the casket was deciphered.  This is the
Window of the Future, it read,  the crystal in which those
who are fitted can see the past and know the future. It was
in the custody of the High Priest of the Temple of Medicine.
As such, the crystal was taken to Chakpori, the present
Temple of Medicine, and kept for a person who could use it.
I was that person, for me it lives.
Rock crystal of such size is rare, doubly rare when it is
without flaw. Not everyone can use such a crystal. It may be
too strong and tend to dominate one. Glass spheres can be
obtained, and those are useful for gaining the necessary
preliminary experience. A good size is from three to four
inches; size is NOT important at all. Some monks have a
tiny sliver of crystal set in a large finger-ring. The import-
ant point is to be sure that there are no flaws, or that there
is only a slight defect that is not at all visible in subdued
lighting. Small crystals, of  rock or glass have the advan-
tage of light weight, and that is considerable when one tends
to hold the sphere.
A person who desires to purchase a crystal of any type
should advertise in one of the  psychic papers. The things
offered for sale at certain shops are more suitable for
conjurors or stage turns. Usually there are blemishes which
do not show until one has bought the thing and taken it
home! Have any crystal sent on approval, and as soon as
you unpack it wash it in running water. Carefully dry it, and
then examine it, holding it with a dark cloth. The reason?
Wash it to remove any fingermarks which may appear to
be faults, and hold it so that YOUR fingerprints do not
mislead you.
You cannot expect to sit down, look in the crystal, and
 see pictures. Nor is it fair to blame the crystal for your
failure. It is merely an instrument, and you would not blame
a telescope if you looked through the wrong end and saw
only a small picture.
Some people cannot use a crystal. Before giving up they
should try a  black mirror. This can be made very cheaply
indeed by procuring a large lamp glass from a motor
accessory shop. The glass must be concave and quite smooth
and plain. The ridged type of car headlamp glass is not
suitable. With a suitable glass hold the outer curved surface
over a candle flame. Move it about so that there is an even
deposit of soot on the OUTER surface of the glass. This
can be  fixed with some cellulose lacquer such as is used
to prevent brass from tarnishing.
With the black mirror ready, proceed as you would with
the round crystal. Suggestions applicable to any type of
crystal" are given later in this chapter. With the black
mirror one looks at the INNER surface, being careful to
exclude all random reflections.
Another type of black mirror is the one known to us as
 null. It is the same as the former mirror, but the soot is
on the INSIDE of the curve. A big disadvantage is that one
cannot  fix the soot, as to do so would be to provide a
glossy surface. This mirror may be of more use to those who
are distracted by reflections.
Some people use a bowl of water and gaze into it. The
bowl must be clear, and entirely without pattern. Place a
dark cloth under it, and it becomes in effect a glass crystal.
In Tibet there is a lake so situated that one sees, yet almost
doesn't see the water in it. It is a famous lake and is used
by the State Oracles in some of their most important pre-
dictions. This lake, we call it Chö-kor Gyal-ki Nam-tso
(in English, The Heavenly Lake of the Victorious Wheel [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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