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didn t hide her natural scent, the smell that was unique to Sophie. And a
fragrance he couldn t live without.
He lowered his gaze when her boot appeared at the edge of the stall. Standing
quickly, he grabbed her arm, pulling her to him and covering her mouth before
she could cry out in surprise.
 Little bitch. Her blue eyes opened wide with surprise when she looked up at
him. He held her firmly, pulling her into the stall as she relaxed and allowed
him to control her actions.  Did anyone see you leave your den?
She nodded her head while he held her face, his palm pressed against her
warm, moist lips.
 Will they follow you? he asked, glancing over her head at one open door and
then the other.
Slowly, she shook her head no.
He let go of her mouth and ran his hand down her smooth flesh, then wrapped
his fingers around her slender neck. His cock pulsed with too much energy,
straining to be free from the confines of his jeans. More than he wanted to
breathe, he ached to fuck her right now.
 Gertrude and Elsa know  she began.
 Shh. He placed his fingers over her lips, silencing her.
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She closed her mouth.
She pouted, looking up at him while desire glowed in her eyes.
 I ve been dying to see you since I woke up today, she whispered.
He grinned, loving her disobedience.  I told you to be quiet, he whispered
in turn.
Sophie licked her lips, the small act enough to almost make him explode. She
didn t say anything though, just looked up at him with blue eyes so clear that
he saw through to her soul. Her love for him made them sparkle. Her cheeks
flushed and she sucked in a breath, standing motionless next to him, waiting
for him to make the move.
Which was what made him love her even more. Her trust in him, her untamed
desire to please him and satisfy herself, added to her beauty and made her
glow. His bitch. His property. His female to cherish and see to it that she
continued looking as beautiful and happy as she did right now.
 Your pussy is soaking wet right now, isn t it? He watched her lips part and
pressed his finger against them, reminding her to stay quiet.  I want you to
keep it that way for me, little bitch. Stay as horny as you are right now.
Tonight there will be a party that you ll be attending. I will see you there
and take care of that pressure that I know is growing inside you.
Chapter Ten
Sophie hated Nik and couldn t wait to see him again, all at the same time.
He d left her with a fever raging inside her. And he knew he had her on the
brink of exploding. Not to mention, getting out her toy and taking care of
herself wasn t exactly an option during the day.
Babette Trent, one of the older bitches in the pack, had taken Sophie and her
littermates into Prince George to do some shopping. The pack was howling all
over the place about a party at Johann s den tonight, so new outfits were in
order. But shopping with Babette was about as much fun as running with a pack
of old bitches. Babette reeked of stale, stuffed emotions and body sweat.
Mostlunewulfs weren t overweight. Most of the pack stayed in shape by running
in their fur a few times a week. Babette was an exception to that rule. She
preferred her kill brought to her, already cooked with plenty of sauce. Sophie
couldn t believe that her pussy still throbbed when they finally returned to
their den before nightfall.
She headed upstairs with her bags of new clothes and shoes, taking the stairs
slowly. Her jeans rubbed against her crotch, creating a dampness that filled
the air around her with lust. She took each step deliberately, feeling the
bump in the hem of her pants press against her clit while she moved.
She would see Nik in a couple of hours. He d promised her he would take care
of the pressure that was making her nuts. They would fuck. Damn. She couldn t
But where would they do it? How would they do it? From what she d heard in
town, every member of the pack who was affected by the new law would be at
Johann s tonight. Simone planned on picking up Sophie, Gertrude and Elsa. All
their destined mates would be there. The place would be packed. Would they
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sneak off somewhere? Everyone would know if they did.
And who the fuck cared if the pack did find out? Pack law ordered them to
mate. Fucking each other would only show that they were following pack law.
She reached the top of the stairs, knowing her smile had to look
conspiratorial, and headed down the hall to her bedroom.
 Sophie? Elsa called from her room.  Come here. I absolutely hate this
fucking outfit.
Gertrude opened her door as Sophie turned toward Elsa s and followed her into
their youngest littermate s room.
 You don t look so bad, Gertrude immediately decided.
Elsa turned in front of her full-length mirror, twisting as she stared at
herself. The black leggings she had on showed off how slender she was. And her
dark blue wool sweater brought out the color in her eyes as well as showed off
how large her breasts were. Every male there would be drooling after her.
 What s wrong with it? Sophie wanted to know.  Why did you buy it if you
didn t like it?
 Nothing looked good. Babette was making me insane so I just grabbed these
without trying them on. I look like a damned slut. Elsa wrinkled her nose,
making a face at the mirror.
 Sometimes sluts have more fun. Simone appeared in the doorway, decked out
in a black miniskirt with black stockings and a silk blouse. She tossed her
hair over her shoulder and struck a pose for all of them.  Fucking is a good
thing, my dear. You should try it sometime.
 I m not opposed to fucking, Elsa said quietly, grabbing everyone s
attention. Elsa never gave indication of having any sex drive at all.  I just
don t see a need to advertise to the entire pack that I m dying to do it.
 Are you? Sophie asked before she could stop herself.
Elsa s blush was more answer than any of them would ever get out of her.  Not
with any of the limp-dick males in this pack, she said stubbornly, then
quickly turned her back on all of them even though she couldn t hide the smell
of her embarrassment.
Sophie smiled, walking over to Elsa s bed and plopping down on it. She
dropped her bags next to her. All three bitches in front of her were dressed
to kill. Excitement tore through her just thinking how much fun they would
have tonight.
 Tonight s party is going to be different than any other party we ve gone
to, she told them.
 Different is an understatement. Simone walked over and grabbed Sophie s
bags, dumping out their contents.  A night full of fighting and fucking, all
thanks to dear old Grandmother. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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