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toe.  This sword you use instead of my own, which was offered to you as a
gift how did you come by it?
 I  Gavril thought quickly.  Why, I picked it up after the battle by the
Charva. One of the men must have dropped it. I found it perfect for my hand,
and so I kept it.
 It seems a bit ornate for a common knight to carry, the king observed. He
bent down to pick it up by its hilt, and both Gavril and Dain moved as though
to stop him. Ignoring them, the king turned
Tanengard over in his hands to examine its golden ivy carvings and rosettes.
Gavril glared at Dain, still in his saddle, and thought, You jealous fool. You
want it for yourself. You hate it that I took it from you.
Dain was frowning. His gaze was on the king, who swung Tanengard
experimentally back and forth, hefting its balance.
 A fine-looking blade indeed, with these carvings. It is new. The king ran
his fingertip along the rosettes carved into the steel, and shuddered.  Yes, I
can see the attraction, he continued, his voice calm and conversational now.
 It s a sword worthy in looks for a prince ... or a king.
Dismay pierced Gavril s heart. Surely his father was not going to claim
Tanengard for himself. That would be too cruel. The king owned everything. Why
could he not be content to let Gavril keep this one possession of value for
his own?
 Sire, he said in protest.  Please.
The king shot Gavril a sharp look, and too late Gavril saw the trap that
Verence had laid for him.
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 So you fear I will take it from you, Verence said softly.  You stand here in
dread, lest I keep it for myself. And although that is my complete right as
your sovereign, still you protest. Have you forgotten yourself so completely?
Gavril stared at him. He had never been scolded this sharply by his father
before. The king s reprimands were usually mild ones, accompanied by long
lectures that left Gavril yawning. But today
Verence was furious, and Gavril did not understand why.
 Why do you stare at me this way? the king demanded.  So lost, so blank, so
unrepentant? What has become of you, Gavril? Have you destroyed your soul
completely, that you stand here on this unhallowed ground, in a place foul, a
place I have forbidden anyone to go near?
 Father, Gavril said reasonably,  it s just an old churchyard. The place has
been abandoned for years 
 Do not take me for fool! Verence a bellowed, and Gavril flinched.  You know
these stones remain impregnated with the old spells. It is not safe here for
anyone weak in the true faith. That you 
 Ah, Father, but I am not weak, Gavril said with his old assurance.  My piety
 I question your piety! Verence shouted.  Who was that man here with you?
Gavril s smile faded. He had been hoping the king hadn t seen the Sebein.
 Will you add lying to your list of offenses? the king demanded.  Who was
Gavril shrugged.  A man, a swordsman hired to teach me techniques used in
other lands. No doubt he s a ruffian of some sort. I wouldn t be surprised if
he s wanted for various crimes, but he was willing to do this work for me.
Coming out here was the only way to get privacy.
 And where is your protector? the king asked.
 I can defend myself against one man. I did not need protection.
Doubt flickered in the king s gaze. There was enough truth in Gavril s words
to give them some credibility. Gavril s confidence returned.
 Father, please forgive me. I did not mean to displease you. He held out his
hand in supplication.
But Verence s brows knotted together, and he moved Tanengard aside as though
he believed Gavril was reaching for it. Sorrowful disappointment filled his
green and blue eyes.  You must think I am a fool, he said softly.
Astonished, Gavril blinked.  Sire?
 This is a magicked sword! Verence roared. Turning livid, he held it aloft in
a fist that shook with rage.  Do you think you can prance about court with
such a weapon and have no one least of all myself recognize what it is?
Discovery. Feeling sickened by the thought of his disgrace, Gavril put out
both hands in appeal.
 Father, have mercy. It is a tool that can be used for good 
 It is evil! the king shouted.  Evil! Look what it has done to you. You crave
to hold it in your hands again the way an addict craves his opiates. My son,
have a care for your immortal soul.
Shame overtook Gavril. Tears burned in his eyes, and he looked away from his
father s wrath to hide his emotions. The king spoke the truth; he was like a
man crazed. He could think of little lately save the sword and how to master
it. Yet he was pious and strong in his faithfulness to the teachings of the
He could not be suborned so easily. Even meeting the Sebeins in secret was not
a sign that he was in danger of losing his soul.
 Majesty, Dain said, his quiet voice breaking the momentary silence,  take
care you do not hold the sword too long. Do not let it overtake you.
 Thod above! the king said in distaste. He stared at Tanengard with a
grimace.  This is a weapon that could lead a man into the greatest folly,
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perhaps even to turn against me.
 No, Father! Gavril said in anguish.  I would never do that.
Eyes hard with suspicion, Verence stared at him.  Would you not? And what of
your plans to add a new wing to the palace? A wing built for the pleasure of
Gavril felt as though he d been poleaxed. How did the king know about that?
 Sire, he gasped.
 She is my mistress, Verence said, his voice harsh with jealousy.  Her
pleasure is none of your concern.
 But but you misunderstand, Gavril said hastily, feeling as though the ground
was crumbling beneath his feet. The countess was a fascinating, intelligent
woman. He had happily spent time conversing with her whenever she permitted
him to visit her little circle of ladies.  I merely sought to abate her
loneliness during your absence. The building was proposed for her amusement
only. I did not 
 You have also been busy seeking to be named marechal of my armies, the king
continued.  When we discussed this, I told you I did not wish you in such a
 Father, I could 
 You went to my nobles behind my back! You think yourself above me!
 No, Father. I would never do anything that displeased you 
 But, Gavril, the king interrupted angrily,  you already have. During my
absence you have walked perilously close to both heresy and treason. I believe
it is all because of this accursed sword.
 No, Gavril whispered, staring at his father in horror. He reached out.
 Please forgive me. I will put
Tanengard away, lock it away, and I will not use it until I face the forces of
 Father, you don t understand. In the uplands, where the Nonkind roam and
attack, there is need of weapons such as these. When men of other lands use
them they do not become tainted. I swear to you that I will put Tanengard away
and use it only if I cross the Charva to to defeat the enemies of
The king s eyes narrowed.  You mean, when you cross the Charva to attack
 I know your ambitions. You want conquest, my son. You are content with [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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