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 No. Why?
 Because Blake can use the good news. I know Jeremy McDaniels. You can be damned sure he
lied his ass off to Blake s boss. My guess is he demanded that Blake be arrested and hauled off the
set. Hell, knowing Jeremy, he probably called the local paparazzi to come and cover it.
Her blood ran cold. That was exactly the sort of stunt Jeremy would pull.
 His boss won t believe a word Jeremy had to say. But in the face of such serious accusations,
Blake s boss is still going to have to pull him out of here until this mess can be sorted out. Blake will
be on the first plane out of here under military guard back to Washington, D.C. Once his boss has the
situation contained, he ll get around to sorting out what happened and verifying that Blake s telling
the truth. I wouldn t be at all surprised if his boss hasn t already got a couple of MP s from the
nearest military base on their way here to escort Blake off the set. If you love him, you ve got to move
Escort Blake off the set? But he would be safe here, and he might not be safe somewhere else! She
replied blankly,  But Jeremy assaulted me. We all saw it. Heck, it s on film.
 Yes, but Blake s boss hasn t seen the film. Based on Jeremy s lies, He ll have to remove Blake
until he can see the proof of Blake s innocence for himself.
 Do you know how to reach Blake s boss?
 No, but I know who does. Come with me.
Jackson took off running and she followed, her heart in her throat. He screeched to a stop in front of
Adrian s trailer and pounded on the door.
The director opened it, looking harassed. The reason for that expression leered over the man s
shoulder. Jeremy. Olivia glared daggers at him.
 What can I do for you two? Adrian asked in surprise.
 I need your phone, sir. Now. Jackson used the exact same firm, brook-no-disobedience tone that
Blake used when he got really annoyed.
A momentary frown creased Adrian s brow and then sudden comprehension lit his eyes..  Sure.
He coughed up the cell phone, and then herded Jeremy back into the trailer and closed the door
behind them.
 C mon, Jackson said, striding away rapidly. He scrolled through what looked like Adrian s
contact list as he walked a hundred feet or so away from the trailer. Out of Jeremy s earshot. Smart.
 Hah. Here it is, the stuntman announced. He poked the phone a couple of times and then passed it
to her.  Guy s name is Colonel Frank Santerros. Call him  sir. 
She took the phone and held it to her ear just in time to hear a woman answer.  My name is Olivia
Harper, and I need to speak with Colonel Santerros, ma am.
 I m sorry, he s on another line right now.
 I know, she replied wryly.  If you could please ask him to stop yelling at Major Ramsey long
enough to speak to me, I promise I won t take long to say what I have to.
The secretary sounded amused as she intoned,  One moment.
A very, very irritated male voice came on the line.  Miss Harper? If you ll forgive me for being
blunt, I m already aware the charges that my officer attacked your co-star and ruined your scene. I m
taking care of it as we speak.
She replied before he could hang up on her,  And are you also aware that my co-star was in the
middle of attacking me and Major Ramsey saved me from a potentially serious injury, possibly rape?
He s a hero, sir. He s not the villain of the scenario. That role belongs to my co-star, who, by the
way, is not renowned for his honesty. The whole thing is on film so you don t have to take anyone s
word for it.
 Come again? Attacking you? the colonel sputtered in disbelief.
 Blake saved me.
 Thank God. That sounds a hell of lot more like the officer I know.
 I think you should speak to Adrian Turnow and get the whole story from him. Please, don t do
anything rash. None of this was Major Ramsey s fault. He did nothing but act with the highest integrity
and honor. She added in a rush,  And the security team and stunt crew can keep him safe out here,
sir. Please don t take him away from their protection.
 What do you know about that? the colonel asked sharply.
 Not much. Blake will only admit that there are some people trying to find him and harm him.
 I know you ve got him made up to look like someone else when he goes out in public, but what
about when he s not wearing his disguise? Problem is, if this McDaniels kid makes a stink and gets a
lot of press for the incident, the ruse could be discovered and Blake could be exposed.
 That s why you have to call Adrian right away. He can get Jeremy to keep his mouth shut.
 You make a compelling argument. I ll call Adrian right now. Faint amusement had infused the
man s voice, banishing the anger.
 Umm, this is his phone I m talking on. Why don t I just pass it to him?
 One moment, sir. She pressed her hand over the receiver and held out the device to Jackson.  He
wants to talk to Adrian.
The stuntman nodded and ran back to Turnow s trailer with the phone.
She desperately hoped the conversation had been enough to avert disaster. If not, she d never
forgive herself.
Chapter Thirteen
Blake braced himself for the worst while waiting for his boss to return to the phone. He knew what
he d do in a similar situation if one of his men were accused of rape. He d arrest the guy, toss him in
jail, and once the situation was contained, he d get around to figuring out whether or not the soldier
was guilty.
His career was over. And if he got exposed publicly for this fiasco, his life might very well be in
real danger. Not to mention he wouldn t be with Olivia. That was, by far, the worst part of this whole
Could he really spend the rest of his career holed up in the basement of the Pentagon? Never get out
and about, never have any excitement? It was as if night had fallen and he suddenly couldn t see
anything ahead of him. His path, which had been so clear just a few weeks ago, was completely
obscured. He d totally lost his way.
One thing he could do was come clean with his boss about everything. At least then he d have a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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