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Suddenly, Naoto s body stiffened. The muscles of his body went rigid, eyes shut tight. His mouth
stilled on Koji s cock, and he moaned. Koji s head bobbed faster, his throat moving as he
swallowed the seed from his lover s climax. After several moments, Naoto s body relaxed and he
went back to sucking his lover s cock.
Naoto s mouth slid up and down the rigid shaft, his movements slightly more vigorous than before
until Koji cried out, Naoto s seed still gleaming on his lips. He lifted his pelvis, pushing his cock
deeper into Naoto s mouth.
Toshi watched the shaft slide between his eager lips, throat working visibly with each swallow of
his lover s come.
Koji wilted against the futon, breathing heavily. Naoto carefully climbed off him and lay down next
to Koji, arms around him and pulled him close.
Long after the two men had climaxed and lay quietly, caressing each other s hair and backs, Toshi
watched them, unable to pull his gaze away. Naoto and Koji had obviously worked very hard
together and built a level of trust and caring that enabled them to make love in this incredible way.
Toshi looked at John and found him still captivated. His blue eyes were large, trained on the two
men and his chest rose and fell visibly under the thin material of his kimono.
Naoto and Koji rose and turned to the table. Together they knelt, heads bowed.
Toshi turned to Kiku.  That was truly& beautiful.
Kiku bowed to him.  I am glad to see that Koji and Naoto s devotion is so obvious. He looked at
Toshi and then at John.  If you wish to begin now, I would be pleased to guide you.
He nodded.  Yes, now would be fine. John 
Kiku s brow furrowed as the man looked at John.
Toshi looked too and his insides jumped. John was still staring straight ahead even though Naoto
and Koji were no longer on the futon.  Oh my god, John! He surged forward, but a hand on his
arm stopped him.
 Don t touch him. Kiku s voice was firm, almost stern.
Toshi pulled back. His heart pounded as he remembered other times when John appeared like this.
 Something s wrong.
Sedonia Guillone
But Kiku shook his head as he lifted his hand from Toshi s arm. He seemed to study John s face
before a placid smile stretched his lips.  No, Genjin-san, something is right.
No sooner had Kiku spoken than John s shoulders slumped and he fell over
Beautiful Samurai, White Tiger
After doing the necessary work at the station, Natsuka returned to Ni-Chome and walked into a
small bar two blocks from where he d dropped off Toshi and John. He seated himself on a stool at
the bar, hoping that his linen trousers and jacket and the Hawaiian print shirt gave him the look of a
Tokyo businessman trying to relax and find some male companionship. To help Toshi, he d do just
about anything, but, as he was not the least bit attracted to men, he hoped he wouldn t have to go
too far with this disguise.
Toshi believed that Natsuka deferred to him because of his samurai lineage, but Toshi was wrong.
Perhaps that had been true initially, but had changed during their partnership. Something about
Toshi brought out Natsuka s protective instincts and over their four years working together. In
many ways, Toshi was the son he and Tamiyo had never had. Their own son had died from illness
when he was barely out of the cradle and Tamiyo hadn t been able to conceive again. If he had
survived, Seiji would have been twenty now. But he hadn t, and so Natsuka had spent the last four
years living a vicarious fatherhood.
Toshi had all the qualities Natsuka would have wanted Seiji to have: courage, loyalty, and
kindness, to name a few. The fact that Toshi was planning to move to America in the near future
depressed Natsuka to no end, but for now, he was going to do whatever he could to help Toshi find
the missing young man.
The bartender greeted Natsuka and took his order for saké. As he waited, he glanced around the
small place. Only a few people were there, a couple of men talking together at one of the tables and
another man, probably in his mid-thirties, sitting at the bar, watching a newscast on the TV set up
in the corner. No one paid Natsuka any mind and after a few minutes, he began to wonder if he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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