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her fur cloak and the hilts of her dagger and sword. "We were at no risk. I am
armed and I know how to use a blade."
"LaRenya, I beg your favor. Hear me. Couredh has its enemies, and there are
always brigands who might seek to capture you for ransom, you and my
betrothed." He continued to clutch Ilissa's hands and stroke her fingers
Jathelle exclaimed hotly, "I tell you there was no danger."
Instantly, Aubage agreed, anxious to praise her, extravagantly, in fact.
Page 18
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"No danger, surely. Omaytatle witness how everyone loves you. None would
knowingly harm you. But& some accident might have occurred."
Tyrus reserved judgment. He did not much care for the looks and manners of the
foppish nobleman, but perhaps Aubage had spoken with wisdom. Jathelle's
disguise had not been so secure as she believed. Tyrus had his arts to look
past her mask, but Rof, he suspected, had also known who they were the moment
he saw Jathelle and Ilissa. It would explain why the Kran-tin had left so
precipitously. Most likely he feared that where LaRenya and LaSirin would go,
soldiers and thief-takers could not be far away. A cutpurse had tried to take
Ilissa's coin, not knowing her for royalty. If still rougher men had wanted to
harm them, what might have happened?
Jathelle was carrying on a half-hearted debate with Aubage. It was a quarrel
with only one side, for if she countered him, the Sirai changed his opinion to
suit hers, yielding everything. Tyrus was glad that Jathelle did not appear
fooled by such compliments and acquiescence. Ilissa, however, doted on each
word and nodded at everything Aubage said.
"And what have we here?" Sirai Aubage asked, finding a target he could aim at
with less caution. "Who are these vagabonds? Why are they staring? Have they
shown you some insolence, my treasure? We should have them, flogged to teach
them respect and manners."
"The only manners wanting here are yours," Jathelle cut in. Her tone made
Aubage pause and bite his lip thoughtfully.
"Do not be angry," Ilissa pleaded, interceding for the courtier. He caressed
her hand as she said, "Aubage is concerned for our safety, Jathelle."
Unmollified, Jathelle retorted, "I thank him for his concern, little one.
But in Couredh am the judge of who offends the house of Fer-Sro and
who shall be flogged to answer an insult to you or me." Her sweet-faced sister
clung to Aubage, begging for peace between the queen and the nobleman. Seeing
this, Jathelle relented and dismissed Aubage's interference with a shrug.
"What matter, though? The game is done because of that wag-tongue of a maid.
It was already done, despite my disguise, was it not, Tyrus of Qamat?"
"Your secret would have been safe with us, La-Renya& " he started to say.
Aubage cleared his throat loudly and talked over Tyrus' reply. "May we escort
you back to the palace, LaRenya? We have brought horses and a carriage for
your pleasure."
"In a while, Sirai."
Ilissa mutely warned Aubage to be patient, but he did not heed her.
"Surely there is no further need to linger in this dirty bazaar, LaRenya. In
your absence, messages have arrived from the outlands and Ulinia. These
require your opinion, LaRenya. There are also the caravans arriving from "
Her blue eyes sharp as ice, Jathelle snapped, "I will return to the palace
when I am ready, not before. I have a conversation I will finish. You will
give me leave for that, I trust, Sirai?"
The sarcasm was wasted on Aubage. He gaped at Tyrus and Erejzan.
Nonplussed, he exclaimed, "With& with these amusers, LaRenya? But how can that
be? Amusers have nothing to do with us."
"With you, no. I make my own decisions, as my father did before me."
For a moment, Tyrus thought Jathelle would strike the courtier for his
stubbornness. But once more she smothered her rage and fondly patted
Uissa's cheek, succumbing to the worry in those lovely eyes. In a calmer
voice, she said, "Sirai Aubage, take my sister and your men some distance
apart while I speak to the conjurer and his friend. I will join you soon.
Leave us, now." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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