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down.  And a simple dessert.
 Looks good to me. Tyler seated himself on one of the stools at
the end of the island. Dominick sat across from him.  I can t believe
you found enough to make such a feast.
 Please. It really isn t a feast. She walked around and sat
between them.
Tyler had already started eating his sandwich. The moaning that
ensued made her feel better about the simple fare.  This is great. And
trust me, it s a feast compared to what we would have been eating if
you hadn t joined us tonight.
Dominick put his hand over hers and squeezed. She looked up and
into his beautiful blue eyes.  It s perfect, he said quietly.  Thank
The thrill of his touch sent her heart all aflutter.  It s the least I
could do. Thanks again for rescuing me.
 Not a problem.
46 Elle Saint James
They ate in companionable silence at first, and then light
conversation regarding their football game and the chilly snowy
weather commenced. Stella was delighted to have company for a
change while eating a meal. She hadn t realized how lonely her life
was until this auspicious moment. Sharing a simple meal with two
perfect strangers was the best dinner she d had in ages. And these
men weren t hard to look at, either.
After only a few minutes of conversation, it became obvious they
were best of friends and had been so for a long while. She appreciated
that they made her feel so comfortable in less than optimal
circumstances. After the sandwiches and potato cakes were all but a
memory, she fetched the coffee carafe as the two men started in on
the brownies. Her impromptu dessert was consumed quickly and the
plate practically licked clean.
Before Dominick and Tyler finished their coffee, Stella hopped up
and started putting plates in the sink to rinse before loading the
Dominick brought his plate to her. She turned and reached out to
take it, but he slid it into the sink and her movement put her within
hugging distance. And she really wanted a hug.
Stella started to grab the sponge on the sink, but he beat her to it.
His fingers brushed across hers briefly in the process. The surprise
zing when they touched traveled all the way up to her elbow.
She tilted her head to stare up into his eyes with question.
 You cooked, so we ll clean up. He stepped closer. Their chests
were practically touching. And she really wanted to touch him.
 I can do it, she whispered, afraid any loud voices might scare
him away. Behind her, Tyler had also stepped closer and hugged up
next to her. He deposited his plate in the sink on top of hers. She felt
the warmth of his body against her spine. A glance over her shoulder
and she noticed his chest only inches away from her back. She was
almost sandwiched between them again. If only they would each
move closer and touch her.
Unbridled and Unbound 47
The word double penetration echoed in her brain once more. And
all of a sudden she couldn t think of anything else in the world that
she d rather do than to be mashed in between these two sexy
cowboys. Naked would be better, but for now she just wanted the
connection of them both. She craved their touch.
Her gaze traveled back to Dominick. The look in his eyes couldn t
be mistaken for anything but lust. Imagine that, he wanted her, too,
even though he d been the voice of reason all night. She drifted even
closer. The front of her borrowed T-shirt briefly brushed against his
chest. She had to kiss him.
Stella touched Dominick first. In fact, she launched forward,
slipped her arms around his neck and pressed her mouth to his so her
intentions couldn t be mistaken. He tasted like chocolate brownie and
strong coffee. He didn t move at first. She worried for only a moment
that he might push her away. But instead, he leaned in closer and
pushed his tongue between her lips. And then they devoured each
Tyler pressed in very close against her back and trailed a slow,
tantalizing batch of kisses along the center of her very sensitive neck.
His hands gripped her hips and he pressed his cock into one cheek of
her butt. A thrill rode up her spine. A tingling sensation spiraled from
shoulders to knees. Her panties drenched with a sudden rush of juice
from her pussy. She wanted this. She wanted sex with both of these
men. She couldn t wait.
Never in the world would she have expected to find such
breathtaking anticipation and instant sexual desire sandwiched
between two men as they both kissed her to distraction.
Stella couldn t wait to discover what they had in store for her.
* * * *
Dominick didn t want to search for or find the strength to pull
away from Stella s sensually surprising overture. Her tongue burned a
48 Elle Saint James
swath across his lips in a furious hurry to tangle with his, but then he
hesitated. His mind went to how much he wanted to peel her clothes
off and teach her all about the unbridled nature of their club s
lifestyle. With Tyler s certainly enthusiastic help, they could
introduce her to ménage passion fueled by wanton desire and expert
seduction tactics. They were good at it.
She molded into his arms as if they d been machined to fit
together perfectly. The moment he engaged, she moaned into his
mouth. His hands framed her ribcage and inched upward to the lower
swell of her breasts. His cock reared up ready for action so fast he
wondered if the randy beast had punched a hole in the front of his
Doubt, however, soon nagged at the back of his mind. Don t do
this. Not yet. She s fragile.
Stella was trapped here with them for an indeterminate time. If he
didn t halt the momentum of the currently scorching events about to
ensue, they d be a naked threesome in a pile gracing the nearest bed
or flat surface before good sense could be applied. And what if she
had doubts in the morning? What if she never wanted to see them ever
again? The mere thought of her possible morning-after regret ate at
him. She s be stuck here and uncomfortable with them both.
No. He needed to stop this inevitable evolution. She needed to feel
like she had choices, not be sandwiched between them the moment
their meal was finished and fucked into oblivion. Even if it would feel
spectacularly amazing.
He took half a step back and broke the sultry kiss.  We shouldn t
do this.
Both Stella and Tyler answered in unison,  We shouldn t? Stella,
with a kiss-swollen mouth and a puzzled expression, stared at him.
Tyler, with a surprised,  Are you completely insane? gaze, narrowed
his eyes as his mouth shaped into a sullen pout.
Am I the only voice of reason?  You don t have to do this, Stella.
Unbridled and Unbound 49
 Maybe I want to. She flattened her lips together as if to keep
from saying anything further.
Tyler added,  Yeah, maybe she wants to. He placed his hands on
her shoulders.  And if she wants to, I certainly want to.
Dominick sent a quelling look to Tyler before turning a concerned [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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