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newfound energy as her hair was now curling slightly around her shoulders. He
reached out for her, pulled her forward and, when she was in position, entered
They were lost in the throes of passion for a long, long time.
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"DID YOU GO on a honeymoon, Doc?" Dean asked as he prepared his bed in the
room he was going to share with the old man.
"Oh, I did indeed," Doc answered, smiling.
"What was it like?"
"It was gloriously wonderful," Doc said, looking out the window at the falls.
"My dear sweet Emily and I went on a riverboat ride down the mighty
Mississippi. While I knew that she was a lovely woman, I had no idea regarding
the depths of her charms. She was warm, vibrant and loving, and even though
the word hadn't been in common usage, if people knew about my Emily, the
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Axler,_James_-_Deathlands_61_-_Skydark_Spawn word sexy might have been in
common parlance long before the turn of century."
"You mean 1900?"
"That's the year."
"So men and women spend a lot of time having sex on their honeymoon?"
"Well, now, yes they do." Doc had turned away from the window and was a little
unsure if it was his place to talk about such things with Dean.
"Why is that?"
"It is a tradition that goes back hundreds of years." Doc pulled up a chair
next to the bed Dean was stretched out on and sat. He stared out the window
again and continued talking. "Honeymoon comes from the term 'honey month.' You
see, even though people had always gotten married, they weren't always
faithful to each other. So, when a man and a woman married, they went off for
their honey month, in which they drank an alcoholic beverage called mead, a
sort of beerlike drink that was made partly from honey. The alcohol helped
them& well, have sex, and it lasted a month because it allowed the woman to
complete an entire reproductive cycle. This insured that the woman's first
child was undoubtedly the offspring of her husband, since no other man could
have had an opportunity to mate with his wife during the honey month.
"Over time the ritual became unnecessary as there was less and less likelihood
of a woman's infidelity. However, the honeymoon still served as an opportunity
for a newly wed man and woman to become intimate with each other, so it was
maintained as a symbolic bonding period between two soul mates."
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Doc looked over at Dean and saw that the boy was already sound asleep. He
pulled a sheet over him, then went to the other bed to lie down.
"Honey month, honeymoon," he muttered under his breath as he prepared his bed
and made himself comfortable on it. "Honey month, honeymoon."
Minutes later Doc was asleep, dreaming of Emily and the Mississippi nights in
which he'd thought he'd found a little piece of heaven on earth.
MILDRED WAS in the bathroom of the room she would be sharing with J.B.
She'd taken a clean washcloth from the pile of clean towels she'd found in the
bathroom and with a few splashes of water from her canteen, she was now giving
herself a quick freshening up before bed.
"How long has it been, John?" she asked, looking at herself in the mirror.
"Too long," the Armorer said between bites of a pear. He'd eaten several of
them since they'd arrived in the room and was just starting to feel full.
Mildred drew her hands up over her stomach, marveling at how tight and toned
the muscles had become since she'd arrived in the Deathlands. Although she was
stockily built, her body had become hard and shapely. She cupped her full
breasts in her hands, pleased that they had become firmer, and if she said so
herself, more attractive, than they'd ever been in predark times.
"Too long is right," she said over her shoulder. "I can't even remember the
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last time." Mildred waited for an answer, but there was none. "John?"
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"I said, it's been so long, I can't remember when we did it last."
"I don't remember, either," J.B. commented, "but I do know that it was great."
Mildred smiled. "Such a romantic."
She finished up in the bathroom and gave herself one last look in the mirror,
putting her hands on her hips and twisting her body from side to side. "You're
definitely in for a treat, John Barrymore Dix," she whispered.
She left the bathroom and found J.B. stretched out on the bed closest to the
window. His eyes were closed and a half-eaten pear was in his right hand,
hanging over the edge of the bed and poised to fall to the floor at any
Mildred hurried to J.B.'s side. "Are you asleep, John?" she asked.
No answer.
"John?" She shook his arm, and the pear fell from his fingers. "Are you all
"Huh? What?"
Mildred stood, hands on hips again and doing her best to look indignant. "I
can't believe you'd fall asleep when you knew you had this to look forward
J.B. smiled and shook his head. "I can't believe it either." He pulled himself
into a sitting position and took one of Mildred's chocolate-brown nipples
between his lips. At the same time he let his left hand slide down between her
legs, gently feeling the invitingly warm and moist folds of flesh that
beckoned for more than
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Axler,_James_-_Deathlands_61_-_Skydark_Spawn the touch of his fingers.
"Are you going to get out of your clothes, John?" Mildred asked. "Or am I
going to have to strip you down like a blaster?"
"That would be, uh, interesting," J.B. said as Mildred began to work on his
"More than just interesting, Mr. Dix." She leaned in close, whispering in
J.B.'s ear. "I'm going to oil your blaster and pull your trigger. Only in this
dream, it's going to fire& round after round, until you're all but out of
J.B. pulled Mildred close to him, loving her long into the night until they
were both spent. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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