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Noeline rushed to bring a steaming bowl of gumbo and thick wedges of bread from the kitchen. Lysette
dragged him to the cushioned settee in the parlor and hovered over him worriedly. Philippe seemed
numb, not fully aware of what was happening around him. His stepmother was relieved to see that he had
no serious injuries. But it worried her, the scarecrow-thinness of his limbs and the emptiness in eyes that
had always been warm and smiling.
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Taking his hands in hers, Lysette examined them and breathed a prayer of thankfulness that they were
undamaged. It had been a particular worry of hers that the pirates might have injured Philippe in a way
that would prevent him from resuming the medical practice he loved. Philippe s long, thin fingers tightened
over hers. There had always been an affinity between them. In many ways they were very much alike,
genial and good-natured, the peacemakers in a family of volatile personalities.
 Where is Celia? Philippe asked.
It was the question Lysette had dreaded.  She is not here, she said. She had discovered Celia s
absence only a short time ago, and she didn t know what to make of it.
 What? Alexandre braced his hands on the back of the settee and leaned toward her.  Where the hell
is she? Alex demanded.
 I don t know, Lysette said, giving him a frankly worried glance.  She is not in thegaronnire and one
of the horses is gone. Apparently she left without telling anyone where she was going.
 You don t think she tried to  Alex began, and stopped as Lysette s eyes flashed a warning. It would
not be wise to upset Philippe with speculation.
 I am certain she will return soon, Lysette said evenly.
Alexandre frowned.  I will go for Dr. Dassin, he said. Lysette nodded to him, and he left with a
purposeful stride.
Philippe s face was drawn.  Is Celia in trouble? he asked.
 Of course not& you are not to worry about anything,comprends? Bien, here is Noeline with some
soup, and after you eat you will see Dr. Dassin and have a long rest.
Philippe looked at her with the shadow of his old smile.  You almost make me believe everything will be
all right,Belle-mre. 
 But it will, she said, so reassuringly that she almost believed it herself.
 No. Justin is at Legare s mercy, Philippe said huskily.  He traded his life for mine.
 Justin is very resourceful. And he has lived among men like Legare for many years. He knows how to
take care of himself and how to get what he wants.Mon Dieu, he managed to rescue Celia from the
pirate island and bring her here safely. She handed him the spoon.  Try some of the gumbo, she urged,
and he began to eat slowly. The spoon shook in his hand. Lysette wanted to take the utensil and feed him
as if he were a child, but she did not offer, knowing he would rather do it himself.
 Alex said that Justin has been masquerading as me, he said after the first few mouthfuls.
 Yes. We thought you were dead. When Justin was brought here wounded, we thought it was the best
way to protect him.
 Badly wounded?
 Oui.At first we thought he might die. But Celia&  Lysette hesitated, wondering how much he should be
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told.  Celia nursed him back to health.
Philippe put down his spoon.  And while he took my place she has been posing as his wife, he said
Lysette nodded.
 He did not try to take advantage of her? Celia is an innocent. She would not understand someone like
him, his dark side 
 No, I believe she& understands him very well, Lysette said uncomfortably.
 Really. He rubbed his forehead and looked at Lysette in a puzzled way.  I would have thought
someone like Celia would hate him, be frightened by him.
 No, that was not the case. Your brother& relied on her.
 Relied on her for what? Justin has always had contempt for soft, gentle creatures of her kind.
 Justin has changed, Philippe. He has made peace with your father. I believe has has come to value
many of the things he once discarded so lightly. His cavalier attitude and wildness seem to have been
replaced by a new caring& and Celia has been  She stopped and looked at him helplessly.
All at once Philippe understood. His blue eyes held a stricken look as he read her thoughts.  My God.
You re trying to tell me there is something between Justin and my wife. That is why she is gone now, isn t
it? He closed his eyes.  No, don t answer. Don t tell me any more. Not right now.
He seemed utterly lost and alone. Lysette wanted to comfort him, but she knew it was beyond her
ability.  Philippe, she said hesitantly, touching his sleeve,  shall I send for Briony?
The name seemed to pierce through his numbness.  Briony, he repeated gloomily.  She wouldn t come
if you did send for her. Aside from you, she s the one person in the world I ve never had to fear being
hurt by. I should have worshipped the ground beneath her feet. And instead I hurt her.
 Philippe, Briony understood why you had to choose someone else 
 Yes, Briony understood, he said bitterly.  In my vanity and self-importance I felt she wasn t good
enough for me. She wasn t educated or refined, she wasn t born a lady. He focused on a distant
memory, his lips suddenly touched with a smile.  She ll never be able to speak a word of French. I tried
to teach her, and it was hopeless. If I had married her, everyone in New Orleans would have laughed
and gossiped.
 Perhaps for a little while, Lysette conceded.  Would that have mattered?
 I thought it would. Philippe shook his head listlessly.  What I did to her was unforgivable. Now it is
too late.
 Is it?
 There is no reparation I can offer her, nothing but shallow, useless apologies that she ll only throw back
in my 
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 Shall I send for her? Lysette interrupted gently.
Philippe gripped her hand and stared into her hazel eyes. He took a deep breath.  Yes. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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