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 That is your privilege, my lady, Marietta said, and smiled.  I hope you will continue to
use the herbs and infusions I have prepared, for they have seen him through the fever but
he still needs them.
 My mother will be here soon. She is skilled in the use of herbs. I shall ask her advice on
this matter.
Marietta inclined her head. Lady Catherine was hostile to her. She might try to influence
her son to turn away from the marriage he had proposed. Marietta would not hold him to
his promise if he told her that he had changed his mind.
Would the stigma of murder and witchcraft hang over her all her life?
Marietta was close to tears as she went to her bedchamber. She would begin to make
clothes for her son with the cloth she had purchased in London.
Perhaps it was just as well that Anton had told no one that they planned to marry.
Marietta had been at her stitching for three hours when someone knocked at the door. She
called out that they might enter, looking up in surprise as a woman she had never seen
before came in.
This woman was older, but had a gentle beauty, her once flame-red hair lightly streaked
with white, though her face had few lines.
 Madame la Comtesse Montcrief?
Marietta got to her feet and curtsied, for she knew at once who the lady must be.  Lady
Melford, forgive me. I thought when you knocked it must be a servant come to call me.
Had you summoned me, I would have come to you.
 I have come to thank you for your excellent care of my grandson, madame or may I
perhaps call you by your name?
 I am Marietta, my lady. I did only what was necessary, just simple nursing.
 You do not need to pretend with me, Melissa, Lady Melford, said, and smiled.  I saw
your work. It was excellent, my dear, and I believe his wound will heal well now. The
herbs you used are much the same as I would have chosen as I told my daughter.
Catherine was distressed. If she was a little harsh to you, please forgive her.
 She had the right to question me, my lady.
 She loves her son dearly. I am sorry if you felt slighted. You are of course welcome to
return to Anton s chamber whenever you wish.
 Perhaps it would be best if I left him to his mother and you. I am merely a dependant,
living on Lady Claire s bounty.
 I think that is not quite the case. My grandson asked for you twice. You will oblige me if
you will visit him, for unless you do I fear he may try to leave his bed too soon.
 Oh& the foolish man&  Marietta blushed.  It is always so. Men are the worst patients.
They will never be sensible.
 I have often found it so, Lady Melissa replied, and laughed.  As soon as they feel a little
better there is no bearing with them. So you will visit him soon?
 I shall go immediately. I thank you for coming to me.
 It was my duty and my pleasure. I have not lived this long without knowing the signs of
a man in love.
 Oh&  Marietta blushed.  I am not sure& He feels a kindness towards me, I know, but
 She broke off as she saw the amusement in Lady Melissa s face.  Do you truly think?
 I know my grandson, even though I have not seen him for some years. He has not
changed much: impatient, a little arrogant, quick to temper and sometimes he sulks. At
those times he looks grim and will not speak for hours on end.
 You do know him! Marietta gave a little chuckle.
 I should, for I have been married to a man of the same temperament for some years. She
nodded to Marietta.  You must go to Anton now, but one day, when you have leisure, I
shall tell you my story. I think you may understand a little better then.
Marietta thanked her and hurried away. She was feeling confused and uncertain, for
Anton had cried so pitifully for Isabella in his fever. He must have loved her dearly, but
perhaps it was possible to love again?
When she entered the bedchamber, Anton was lying with his eyes closed. He opened
them as she approached the bed, giving her a look of reproach.
 Why have you abandoned me?
 You were better, and your mother and grandmother are here. You no longer need me.
 Perhaps I do not need your nursing, but I shall always need you.
Marietta looked down at him, her heart racing.  I have not told anyone of
our& arrangement. If your family do not approve& 
 They may go to the devil, Anton said, and gripped her wrist.  I want you for my wife.
You have promised me and I shall not let you break your word.
 I do not wish it. I merely offered for your sake.
 Then rest easy. I am not a man who changes his mind lightly.
 I did not think it, but I should not wish to cause a breach&  Marietta smiled as his grip
tightened about her wrist.  Very well, it is settled now, tell me how you came to be
wounded like that. It looks as if you were struck from behind.
 Have you seen Miguel since the day I was wounded?
 No&  Marietta stared at him.  Was it he that wounded you? But he is your friend& 
 He was once my friend, Anton corrected.  I do not know it all, but I believe he blames
me for Isabella s death.
 Yes, he said something that seemed to indicate you were at fault as we journeyed here.
 You did not see fit to tell me?
 He was your friend. Besides, I thought it was merely a little jealousy. I did not want to
sound spiteful, because you were so fond of him and I never thought he would harm you.
He seemed to dislike me but you were his friend.
 Damn him! Anton s eyes darkened.  He waited his chance and this was his way of
murdering me. Miguel knows that he could never best me in fair fight, so he struck me
from behind as I fought the men who sprang on us from the trees. I killed your first
enemy he will trouble you no more but I fear we both have another.
 Was he& was Miguel Isabella s lover? She saw a flash of pain in Anton s eyes.
 Forgive me. I should not have asked.
 You have the right to ask what you will of me. I had no suspicion of it until very
recently, but I believe you may be right. Miguel has deceived me all this time. It was only
when I saw the look on his face that I began to suspect him of something, but even then I
did not realise how much he hated me. He cried out that it was for Isabella as he thrust his
sword into me. I may discover the whole truth, perhaps, when my enquiries in Spain are
done. I suspect that someone witnessed what happened the day she died. If the gardener
can be persuaded to speak we may have the answer at last.
 I am sorry Miguel did this to you not just the wound from behind, which was a
coward s way, but all the rest.
 Isabella s death has played on my mind for a long time. Anton s gaze narrowed.  In my [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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