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his cock created such an intense pressure another orgasm swamped her. It
poured through to her soul, and she cried out. He grabbed her lips with his,
their tongues danced seductively as his cock found her perfect spot. One more
orgasm and she would die from a damn adrenaline overload. He held her hips
harder, his cock rushed to her womb and she felt the white liquid spurt from
his hole in a wonderful glory.
Brook couldn t move, didn t want to move as they laid on the
sunflower in fatigue. That was incredible. She snuggled against his chest
listening to his heavy breathing.  You know, sunflowers, are my favorite
flower. She grinned and kissed his chest after she spoke. His laughter was
happiness and hope.
 You know, mine is, too. His lips pressed lightly against her forehead.
 Would you like another ride?
 Naked? She said the words with a wicked grin and glanced up at him.
 If you re feeling frisky.
 Fairy man, you ll soon learn I m always frisky. She winked and
stood then realized she just admitted she wanted to spend more time here.
 I meant, the other fairies might see. Do you mind? He knelt before
her, his hands slithered up her legs, thighs and finally rubbed the sweet spot,
her clit.
 At the moment, I really, really don t. She screamed when he surged
upward and lifted her into the air. Her legs wrapped around his hips, her arms
around his neck and she knew he d never let her fall. He moved faster, her
heart pumping as he spun and tilted.
His laughter sounded over the rush of wind. Then he dove downward
until her breath caught and then he slowed to a hover, they were over his home,
his palace. She glanced over his shoulder at the true beauty. The fresh air
reminded her of a gentle rainfall and the sight of those giant sunflowers
basking in the sun was magical. The silence around them was more of a
comfort than anything else. She was in a damn fairy kingdom, magic had to
play some part in it.
 It s so perfect, she whispered in his ear as his wings kept them steady.
 You re perfect, Brook.
She caught his eyes and they seemed to lock as his hips shifted. His
erection decided to rejoin their party, it pressed against her thigh with urgent
demand. Brook leaned back, secured her hands on his shoulders and impaled
his cock inside her dripping hole. He thrust once, filled her completely. She
refused to close her eyes as she rode him. Here in the air, with the beat of
wings as music she moved her hips to control his speed.
In and out, she brought them so close to climax only to stop and kiss
him at the last minute. Their lips opened, tongues battled and it was so perfect,
so magnificent she almost cried. Crying during sex was the biggest blunder in
a relationship. She had learned that the last time she cried in front of her ex.
His verbal abuse was humiliating, the revulsion that raged in his eyes damn
near broke her and this time, with this man, she refused to ruin the moment.
Even if he was a man with wings.
Brook leaned back and began pumping, her legs using his hips to pull
and push. Their bodies began to sweat as the sun beat down on their flesh.
 Carrick! She was so damn close. They were moving on the next
downward thrust. His balls slapped against her and his cock pressed
fantastically against her womb. She squeezed, over and over until her back
pressed against something. Her gasp echoed, as she lay flat against the ceiling
dome and looked down at his whole kingdom.
 You better not drop me, she squeaked, and he growled as he pressed
against her and fucked her like a King. His thrusts were deep and fast. His
chest against hers, his hands on her hips, she watched Carrick s wings flutter
wildly on his back. Pleasure burst, the orgasm took her by surprise, and she
managed to glance out at the giant sunflowers that grew heartily toward the sun
and the kingdom of fairies beneath her while it swept through her body.
 Brook! His face was taut in the throws of ecstasy, his voice
reverberating through the night.
Then his mouth moved to her neck and sucked the skin between his
teeth. The nip was primal and a bit painful. It thrilled her beyond words and he
kept pumping. In and out, over and over until she thought she d explode from
sheer sensation. Then Carrick came, flooding her body as he grabbed her hips
and pumped everything he had into her.
She slid forward, grabbed his shoulders to keep from falling forward
until his balls were sated and empty. Brook was losing her grip, sweat and
exhaustion finally taking its toll, but he was there.
He kept his cock inside her, stretched the sore pathway as he wrapped
his arms around her torso and evened their position so they were upright. A
dizzy spell caused her eyes to close but she felt them move, heard his wings
and the harsh rays of the sun eased. Her feet never touched the ground. Instead,
she heard voices and opened her eyes to Carrick carrying her onto that
sunflower.  I really do love sunflowers.
He grinned down at her, laid her supine and then joined her. She
cuddled close, exhaustion kicking her ass but that was okay because Carrick
was right beside her.
An Ireland sunrise was one of the most precious sights. The colors
were astounding, the smell intoxicating, but it also meant he survived another
Keyn sat quietly beneath the willow tree as the first rays of sunshine
peeked over the green hills. Another day alive was a win in his book. He could
hear the grunts of Bray and Flance. They must have decided to spend the night
on the sunflower again. A few times, he caught a glimpse of naked flesh and
fairy wings.
It made him too jealous to watch his friend enjoy life but another
sunrise greeted and he was here to watch it. Soon, the kingdom, what few there [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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