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refused, it would look like she was afraid. Each move, each word, was calculated to put
her on the defensive, to take control away from her. She wondered if he practiced that
sort of thing, or if it just came naturally to him.  I don t want to kiss you.
 I think you lie. He took a step closer.  Can you look me in the eye and tell me that
you feel nothing for me? That a part of you doesn t want my touch?
She stood her ground. She could feel her nails pressing into her palms.  What have I
done or said to make you think I m attracted to you? Or are you just so full of yourself
you don t think there s a single woman on the planet who can resist you?
 You didn t answer my question.
 Fine. I feel nothing for you.
 Then prove it. He cupped the back of her neck with one hand. His mouth lowered
toward hers. She tried to pull away, but his fingers tightened on her neck.
 Let go! she shouted.  You promised  Cool lips pressed against hers. She felt
hard fangs behind them.
The door flew open.  Ashley, are you all right? I heard& 
Victor released her, and she stumbled backwards, shaking. She looked up, saw Will's
stunned expression. She looked at Victor and saw the satisfaction on his face, the
smugness in the upturned corners of his mouth.
 Will&  Her chest clenched in a spasm of pain.  It wasn t what it looked like.
 Wasn t it? said Victor.
Will stared at Victor. One hand still clutched the doorknob, the knuckles white.
Ashley could hear his heart pounding, even from across the room.
 That would be very unwise, Victor said.
 What would? asked Will. His voice was low, guarded.
 What you're thinking about doing. I wouldn t attempt it.
Will glared at him, but didn t move.
 Smart boy, said Victor. He turned to Ashley.  I promised you that if you came
here tonight, you would have the chance to undo the claim. Perhaps you are not aware,
but among our people there is something called the rite of challenge.
 I haven t heard of it.
 You are aware, I m sure, that females are often claimed when they are very young,
too young to mate. The blood-bond, however, is not completed until they are old enough
to bear children. Strong sexual urges often accompany a blood-bond, and a child could
not withstand the passion of an adult male vampire.
 Nice to know that you wait until they re fourteen or fifteen before you start raping
them, said Will.  Very civilized of you.
Victor cast a disdainful glance in Will s direction, as if he were a buzzing fly.  The
law of our people states that before the blood-bond is complete, any adult male may
challenge the claim-holder for the right to his mate. The law was created to ensure that
only the strongest and fittest vampires may mate, as it should be. The claim-holder may
turn down the challenge, in which case he relinquishes his mate to the challenger, or he
may accept& in which case, they fight. If the challenger wins, then the female rightfully
belongs to him. Often, it is a fight to the death. I ve killed several challengers, myself.
His eyes narrowed.  And I can assure you, my dear, none of them would have waited as
patiently for you as I have, or allowed you so much freedom.
 I don t see what any of this has to do with&  She stopped. Her eyes widened.  No.
You can t mean& 
 A human has never competed in the challenge, and for good reason, but our law
does not forbid it. If your pet boy wishes to challenge me for the right to you, I will
graciously accept.
She stared, her mouth open. It took a moment for her to find her voice, and when she
did, it emerged as a harsh squawk:  That s your offer? You ve got to be kidding me!
That s a joke! You said you d tell me how to break the claim. You didn t say Will would
be involved.
 I ll do it, said Will.  I challenge him. If it s the only way& 
 No. This is insane. Ashley turned to Victor.  I challenge you. I ll fight you for the
right to myself.
 A female may not issue a challenge. The law is clear on that point.
 I don t give a shit about the law!
 I ll do it, Will said.  I ll fight him.
She whirled around to glare at Will.  The hell you will!
Victor smiled, looking like a cat with a mouthful of canary. And Ashley knew all too
well who the canary was.  A challenge, once issued, cannot be withdrawn. The law is
also clear on that point. He must fight me.
 When? asked Will.
 One week from tonight, Victor replied.  That should give you a sporting chance to
 What are the rules?
 Unarmed combat. No one leaves the circle. The fight goes on until death or
surrender& though granting surrender is optional. Aside from that? Victor shrugged.
 Anything goes.
Will nodded, his expression grim.
 One more thing, Victor said.  Until we fight, Ashley still belongs to me. If I find [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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