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Surgeon was right in back of her.  We re going to use
the groom s college class ring for the ceremony.
Captain Betty Ryan said excitedly,  I m going to play
the wedding march on the organ. And Ann s technician
is going to sing Abide With Me. And I ve sent the news
to the Army newspapers, too!
Cherry learned what else these, and several other,
higher-ranking officers were contributing to the cause
of romance. Jack and Ann were to have twenty-four
hours off, for a honeymoon, come blitz, come battles,
come anything. The Brigadier-General commanding
this base would move out of his cottage for twenty-four
hours and lend it to the honeymooners. The General s
aide, a major, not to be outdone, had dispatched a cor-
poral in search of delicacies, wine, and flowers for the
honeymoon dinner à deux.
Suddenly Cherry remembered Muriel. Their mascot
must be present! She hastily telephoned Mrs. Jaynes.
Yes, the obliging neighbor would bring the little girl over
this afternoon, in her prettiest dress.
There was a last-minute scramble to find the tradi-
tional  something old, something new, something bor-
rowed, something blue. Ann s own shoes, a new pair
of Cherry s stockings, Gwen s Christmas combs, and a
pair of blue garters, solved that.
Cherry was completely out of breath as noon ap-
proached, but she remembered one more thing. The
masculine contingent had to be made presentable.
  Snails and nails and puppy dogs tails,  she mut-
tered laughingly to herself. She knew too well her
brother Charlie s life-long reluctance to dress up
and Bunce s tendency not to comb his hair. Wade,
too, needed an occasional prod. Stopping at the flight
technicians barracks, Cherry sent a soldier in to get
 H lo, Miss Cherry! the lanky boy grinned at her
happily.  Isn t it swell about Miss Ann? I m goin to be
there with bells on! All us technicians, especially her
own corpsman. We ll all be there!
 Bunce Smith, Cherry said sternly,  comb your hair,
scrub your face, shine your shoes, and throw away that
chewing gum.
 Pooh, you don t scare me! But all right, I sure will
look pretty.
Cherry crossed the field and threw pebbles at Wade s
window in the pilots barracks. When Wade stuck his
head out, she repeated similiar instructions.
Wade looked aggrieved.  You know what I m doing
this very minute? I m pressing my best uniform, you
bully! Anything I can do to help?
 No thank you. G bye.
He said,  Wait I have news, and slammed the win-
dow shut. He came racing out, took her arm, and walked
her along the path under the old trees.
 Cherry, my transfer came through! And the bomber
I m getting a brand-new B-17, a honey she s on the
field and getting your picture painted on her. Right
Cherry gulped. She really was touched.  That s a
wonderful compliment, Wade. I m honestly glad that
you re getting your heart s desire.
 No more fuming now, Wade grinned.  No more
Cherry gasped.  So you call what we ve been doing
 inaction ? Wade Cooper, I don t think I ll ever get used
to you!
Wade s brown face crinkled. He blurted out,  I was
sort of hoping you d get used to me. You know, Cherry,
I m pretty fond of you. And I ve heard tell that nurses
make the best wives and mothers.
Cherry trembled a little, but strolled on at his side
calmly enough.  Oh, Ann s wedding is just making you
feel romantic.
 No, I m serious. Doesn t sound like it because I have
to say it fast. Fast we re in the Army and we haven t
much time.
 Wade, dear, that s just it: we re in the Army. In the
Army, you think you fall in love, when you re only home-
sick, I guess. Let s not fall in love. Not in the Army.
Because soon you ll be transferred, and I may be trans-
ferred if uh well, or we ll move, or and if we were
in love, it would be tougher.
Wade strode along slowly with his head bent.  Sure,
love in a combat zone is a bad gamble. All right, we ll
skip it. Guess I was a little hasty.
 Why, Captain, you know your heart doesn t belong
to me, but to that B-17!
Cherry looked affectionately at this tall, sinewy
young man, tanned by the wind and sun of high skies.
It had been a happy time, working with Wade Cooper.
He was, beneath his cool breath-taking nerve, beneath
his ready humor, a touchingly sweet, gentle and simple
Cherry said,  Wade, now that we re going off in dif-
ferent directions, I want to ask you a very, very, very
serious question! Did you honestly fly in China and
Russia and Africa and all those places you said? Or
were those just tall tales to make the boys feel better?
Tell the truth.
 Sure I did! Wade said.  Why did you find that so
hard to believe? What s so remarkable about a record
like that? Now you tell me something about Mark
Cherry cleared that up for him omitting to mention
that her own Army standing still hung in the balance.
 So everything is settled? That s fine. Wade started
to whistle One Meat Ball. Cherry knew he was happy.
They went on to lunch. The meal was a snatch-grab.
No one cared: all the nurses and pilots were too excited
about Ann s wedding. It was only two hours off now. In
the midst of the happy confusion, Gwen wormed her
way over to Cherry with a big package and a message.
 Gosh, Cherry, the Flight Surgeon sent word that the
Brigadier-General himself wants to see you right after
the wedding ceremony!
She shoved the package into Cherry s arms. Cherry
stood there petrified. Here came her troubles and at
such a moment!
 Aren t you going to open it? The girls crowded
 Oh. Of course.
It was from Charlie a perfectly beautiful flowered
silk dress that he had picked up heavens knew where.
There was a note enclosed.  Happy Birthday, he wrote,
 a little late. Cherry cheered up immensely. Blessings
on her brother!
Just then, Muriel arrived with Mrs. Jaynes. The child
looked so happy and untroubled, and so doll-like in a
little pink dress, that Cherry s heart contracted.
 Am I going to be married? Muriel inquired.
 Not today, dear, Cherry explained.  You re going to
help Ann get married.
 I d rather help you.
 Well, you can help me get ready in my very best
Ann s wedding went off with great beauty and dig-
nity. Ushers seated the nurses in the garlanded pews
on one side of the chapel, the pilots on the other side,
the corpsmen behind their nurses. Everyone wore full
military regalia. The organ pealed forth and filled the
chapel with music. Jack stood waiting with the chaplain
at the flower-decked altar.
Then Ann came slowly down the aisle, on the Major s
arm. Everyone turned. Tears started to Cherry s eyes.
She had never seen Ann look so beautiful nor so moved,
as she did in her trailing, white gown, walking slowly
toward Jack. They had waited for each other for nearly
three years, Cherry remembered.
The music faded, ceased.
Cherry heard the low voice of the chaplain, reciting
the wedding service. Then his questions, and she heard
the even lower responses of the bridal couple as they
stood before the altar.
 I, Ann Evans, take thee, John Powell . . . 
 . . . to love, honor, and cherish. . .  [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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