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Sitting on a delicate settee, Jane was still trying to figure out how she was entertaining anyone when
her lovers had forbidden her to move from her spot. An hour had passed since they d brought her in here
and arranged her as if she were a piece of art. With her eyes fixed on the carpet, she was half-sitting half-
lying on the couch with her long limbs positioned in a demure fashion. Most people seemed to ignore her
presence while a few had ventured closer to see if she was real.
It was hard to keep from laughing when two women had argued whether she was real or a mannequin.
Antonio s feet appeared before her, and she slowly exhaled and lifted her head. Sitting for that long
had been difficult but when she saw the approval in his dark eyes she was pleased that she d succeeded.
Taking her hand, he pulled her to her feet.  I would like to introduce to a couple of our closest friends.
This big Sasquatch looking fellow is called Bear and this is Wyatt.
The one called Bear looked like a mountain man with shaggy brown hair and a thick beard. He d
already removed his tie and his shirt was partially unbuttoned. His big hands swallowed hers and his blue
eyes were warm.
 Well, little lady, he boomed.  I don t know how you ended up with a rascal like this one, but if you
ever decide to move up in the world just give me a holler.
Startled, she laughed and immediately decided he was her new best friend.  It s a pleasure to meet
you, Bear.
 Pleasure is all mine. He shook her arm so hard she stumbled forward.
 Don t break the beautiful lady, Bear. Wyatt stepped forward and rescued her hand from the big
man.  He doesn t know his own strength.
Dressed in head-to-toe black, Wyatt was a fine specimen of a man with dark hair and hazel eyes.
Laugh lines fanned his eyes suggesting a sense of humor though if there was ever someone who looked less
like smiling, it was this one.
Hot for Teacher
 We never do, she murmured.
 Beauty is our woman and still in training, Antonio was saying.  This evening she will be yours to
command. His gaze shifted from Bear to Wyatt then back again.  She s very precious to us, and we ll not
have her disrespected in any way.
Her eyes widened at the menace in his voice. Both of her lovers were very protective of her, but she d
never heard quite the level of intensity from him before. Not only was a little scary, it was incredibly
arousing too.
 You don t need to warn us, son. Bear nudged his arm.  We know how to treat a lady.
Wyatt s gaze never left her face.
 She s very beautiful, Antonio. A lovely redhead stepped in close to the men and her icy gaze moved
over Jane.  Since when do you share your women? When she looked away Jane felt as if she d been
dismissed by the newcomer.
Jane didn t like her on sight.
 As a rule, we don t. His warm smile melted away the chill the woman brought with her.  We ll
enjoy watching her pleasure our friends.
 Has she been with a woman yet? She reached out and pinched one of Jane s hardened nipples.  I
enjoy a virgin piece of ass every now and then.
Startled, Jane jerked under the direct assault even as fire raced to her groin. She didn t care how much
her lovers wanted her to entertain screwing this bitch could only result in frostbite.
 Come, Marissa, let us talk as friends. Antonio gave Marissa a coaxing smile and he offered her his
 So we re friends now? Together they walked toward the bar.
 Darlin , can you fetch me a scotch on the rocks? Bear stood on one side of her, and there was
something very comforting about his bulk.
 Certainly. Wyatt?
 Nothing for me, thanks.
Waiting until Antonio and the bitch were deep in conversation, she strolled over to the bar to place her
order. She could feel the stares from various corners of the room. Chancing a quick glance over her
shoulder, she saw Bear was fixated on her ass while Wyatt s hooded gaze sent a shiver down over her skin.
When she rejoined these two strangers she was pretty sure the party would begin.
Just over Wyatt s shoulder she caught a glimpse of Santos. Standing by the wall, he wasn t looking at
her but he probably knew every move she made. He was that kind of guy.
 Here you are, Bear. He was sitting in an oversized chair, the only kind that would hold a man of his
size, and she placed his drink on the small table at his elbow.
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Dominique Adair
 Thank you, Beauty. His hand brushed one of her breasts when he patted his knee.  Why don t you
join me?
Her cheeks were warm as she perched herself on his leg. Not only was he big, he was, well, BIG. The
jut of his semi-hard cock against her hip was difficult to ignore and she wasn t quite sure what to do.
Should she mention it? Ask him what he wanted?
Jump on him and bounce up and down on a pogo stick just for her?
The needy flesh between her thighs clenched. Damn it. Maybe if she weren t so horny she might be
able to think straight.
 You are one beautiful woman. Bear s voice was a comfortable rumble in her ear.  Shall I guess
what secrets you hide beneath your gown?
Perplexed, she frowned.  What do you mean?
He jiggled his leg and the motion pressed hard against the plug lodged in her anus. Turning her face
away, she whimpered against his neck. Just like that she was hot, wet and ready for a long hard ride.
 I would say that you re a woman in serious need, his words were rough. When he rocked his knee
again, her breath left in a rush.  And I m the man to take care of that need.
Before she could guess what he was up to, the big man picked her up like she was a doll and sat her
on his face. Her skirt covered his head, and her knees came to rest on the arms of the chair. She latched [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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