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 You feel good, girl.
 Get on top of me.
He spread his knees between hers, lowering his hips to taunt them both with the
rough contact. Natalie clawed at his sides with her nails, slid her hands beneath his
shorts and kneaded his hips. Shane stared at her breasts in the candlelight, pale skin
and cream-colored satin. So feminine and perfect and, halle-fucking-lujah, so exactly
what Shane s body craved.
 Take your bra off, he whispered.
Easier than he d even guessed. She flicked her fingers between her breasts and the
cups fell away. Shane couldn t get his hands on her fast enough. Soft and warm and just
a bit more than a handful, none of it wasted. He dropped to his elbows and brought his
mouth to her nipple, breathed in the sweet smell of her sweat as he tasted her skin,
teased her flesh, lost himself in her moan. He felt her foot pushing at one side of his
briefs. He managed to reach a hand down and shrug them partway off, Natalie s toes
doing the rest. The seduction dissolved into frantic grasping as the need clouded his
Cara McKenna
head, spurred by the glide of his bare dick against the smooth fabric of her panties. He
angled himself with his hips and stroked her clit and lips through the satin.
 Jesus, she muttered.
Shane s patience dissolved. He knelt back and lifted her calves, nearly ripped her
panties getting them down her legs and off her ankles. Natalie grabbed a condom from
the box on the nightstand and he watched her open it and roll it down his cock, mean
and slow. The aggression they always found together had him panting and eager, but
the second he sank into her warmth, Shane s mood shifted. Someone yanked a rug from
under his feet and he fell headlong into new and unfamiliar cravings, warm and strange
and intoxicating.
He imagined there being no condom, imagined this as the first step toward a
family. A relationship that extended beyond his tiny kingdom, bringing him something
real and lasting instead of a series of hangovers. A relationship that lost him sleep over
worries that actually mattered. He let his body take over, the possession plain in the
hammering rhythm of his hips and the groans tumbling from his throat.
Warmth pulsed through him.  Love when you say that. He stared her down, lost
in how good it felt to be here above her, inside her, the only thing on her mind. He
thought of it again no condom and the distance between sanity and orgasm
evaporated. The room melted away and he saw more& his house, finally cleared of his
grandparents old junk, an actual home again, with Natalie there. Natalie on the front
porch with a baby on her lap. The scene made Shane s brain skip, but his body stayed
He took her in with his eyes, this beautiful, smart woman who seemed to like the
bull he dished out. She could keep him in check, call him on his shit, bring him to his
knees with the tiniest smirk. In a quick and graceless motion, Shane flipped them over.
There was surprise in her grin.  Well well.
 Can you come this way?
 With a little help, sure. She got her legs where she wanted them beside Shane s,
lowered down an inch.  Touch my breasts, she whispered.
 Yes ma am.
Shane drove his own pleasure to the back of his mind and simply watched hers
grow and deepen. Then another taste of that fantasy flickered across his brain the
image of her angling her hips back, sliding him out, stripping the condom away. Shane
bucked with excitement.
 What re you thinking about? Natalie murmured, sounding distant.
 Just how good you fucking feel.
 I m so close.
Shane intensified the teasing of his fingertips, met her body s motions with his own
thrusts.  Come on.
She lost it, took his cock all the way inside as her body squeezed him tight, made
him feel welcome and wanted and powerful, even on his back.
She sighed and collapsed onto his chest.
 Good. He stroked her hair as her breath slowed, waiting until she was good and
relaxed before he took his turn. Good, husbandly manners.
 You now, she said against his neck.
Shane turned them onto their hips, hugging her thigh to his waist as he found a
fast, hungry rhythm.  Kiss me.
She offered quick, deep tastes that mimicked the urgency of his thrusts.
Again, that guilty thought of coming inside her, bare. Shane lost control and
hammered his way home. He grabbed her ass and pulled her as hard against him as he
could, buried himself deep and hoped to die there.
As sanity returned, the fantasy faded. Shane watched her face as she grew sleepy
against him. He stroked her cheek. The mother of his children& ? She d told him that
wasn t in their cards in no uncertain terms, and it was a mild relief to find the idea lost
Cara McKenna
potency in the wake of the sex, a taboo fading along with Shane s lust. His heart sank to
realize the impulse had been fleeting, a product of the evening s warm atmosphere.
Shane saw only her now, only Natalie. Perhaps not the woman he d spend forever with,
but a damn great lover. An even better friend.
A good woman who deserved a lot better than half a man.
Chapter Six
Shane awoke to utter confusion Gabriel s body warm but too soft, hair too long,
tattoos gone. He jerked to full consciousness, realizing who he had his arms wrapped
The mix-up terrified him for a few seconds then he let it go. He d been with the
man for ages. Had to only be natural his body might still expect to find him there.
He squeezed Natalie tighter, trying to recapture what he d felt with her last night.
Some comfort came, along with a shadow of disappointment to remember how his
picket-fence-family fantasy had fallen apart as soon as the lust had ebbed. Like a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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