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 What s going on, Nathaniel? And why did it have to happen when she was
naked and tied up?
 I know who this is. He moved over and quickly started untying Violet.
 But there s no one here. Or was there? And had they been watching her squirm
and shriek as Nathaniel had sucked on her clit? How embarrassing.
Nathaniel freed her from the bed and started to pull on his breeches.
 Where are your weapons, Violet?
Weapons? Other than nail clippers and wax strips she had nothing deadly in the
 Um I don t have any. She quickly grabbed her robe and covered up.
Nathaniel looked dumbstruck at her words.
 How do you protect yourself?
 Well I ve never had any need to fend off a dagger. Nathaniel s hand gripped hers.
Just knowing he was with her made her feel safe.
 Where s the galley? I need a weapon.
 Galley? Violet looked at him vaguely.  Oh, right, that s pirate-speak for kitchen.
She looked around her.  Is it safe for us to move?
 He won t touch me yet. He s just taunting me. Nathaniel led the way out of her
Shiver Me
 He? Who is he and why would he taunt you? Though to Violet a knife was more
than a taunt.
 Black Pete, Nathaniel responded as they made their way to the kitchen.  The last
thing I heard as the curse took hold of me was Black Pete saying if I ever became free he
would arise from his grave and hunt me down and finish me off.
 Frigging hell! What is his problem with you? Violet watched as Nathaniel
assessed the knives in her knife block.
 How do you cut anything with these? He shook his head in dismay.
 They re designed for vegetables. I get very little call for slicing and dicing people.
Violet rolled her eyes at him.  Now tell me why this Pete is pissed off with you? It was
only then that it occurred to her that if Black Pete was alive and cursing Nathaniel in
1728 then Black Pete was now a ghost. Nathaniel words came back to her&  He would
arise from his grave and hunt me down and finish me off.
 What ails you beauty?
 He s dead.
 He s more undead until he can be vanquished forever to hell. Nathaniel finally
settled on a weapon.
 So if he s undead that means you re undead and I ve been having sex with you so
what does that make me? Oh ick.
Nathaniel grabbed her hand and put it on his cock.
 Do I feel undead?
No, he was most definitely alive under his breeches.
 I am very much alive and I plan to stay that way, Nathaniel assured her.
Okay, Violet felt less icky and was now strangely aroused, which was odd
considering someone was using them for target practice.
 Okay so what s his problem?
Amarinda Jones
 Black Pete is the one who had me cursed by the witch. Nathaniel looked down
and grinned at the hand that still stroked his cock.  It was over a woman.
 You loved her? Her hand left his penis immediately at the thought of another
with Nathaniel. Get a grip. The man would not have lived a monk s life.
 She was available.
 What am I then?
 Beauty beyond compare. He smiled into her eyes.
 Cut the crap. Violet needed to know this was just more than a man needing to
find a hole and fill a need.
 You are my true love.
 After one night of sex?
 Some things are as they are, beauty. Nathaniel slammed the handle of the blade
into his hand.
Violet could easily see him with a cutlass between his teeth, swinging from one ship
to another, mid battle as he fought the enemy.
 What are you going to do with that?
 I will kill him if he touches you. It was said as a solemn promise.
It was such a sweet yet murderous sentiment. Violet saw Nathaniel s eyes drop to
her chest. One of her breasts was peeking out through her robe. He pressed himself
hotly against her.
 We re in danger, Nathaniel. She licked her lips as his came close to hers.
He cleared his throat and shifted his stance as if to alleviate pressure he was feeling
in his groin.
 Yes, you re right.
 Dread! a bloodcurdling voice yelled out.
Violet jumped in shock.  Fuck!
Shiver Me
 If only we could, but we have to deal with this scurvy bilge rat first, beauty.
Nathaniel pushed her behind him, shielding her with his body.
 You have sex on the brain.
 With you, yes. He stiffened slightly when his enemy came into view.  Black Pete,
still as ugly as ever I see.
Violet peeked out from behind Nathaniel and surveyed the apparition that had
appeared before them. Nathaniel was right. He was as ugly as sin. His face was dark
and malevolent and his clothes were covered in what looked like layers of dust. It
looked like he had arisen from his grave and was none too happy about it.
 Pete s hardly a scary name, she murmured as she looked at him.
 Shut up wench! Black Pete roared at her.
Dagger throwing undead person or not, no one spoke to Violet Rose like that and
got away with it.
 Oh piss off. This is my house and 
Nathaniel held her back from the other pirate.
 What do you want, Pete? He held the knife lightly but with an expert hand.
 Keeping me imprisoned for over two centuries was not enough for you?
Nathaniel asked.
 No, I want to kill you as you killed my Peg, Black Pete spat out.
Nathaniel shook his head at the man.
 I did not kill her, the plague did that.
 She would not have stayed at port and endangered her life waiting for you so long
if you had not trifled with her, Black Pete snarled.
Nathaniel had done that? Violet could see how a woman would wait for him on the
promise of more.
Amarinda Jones
 If you had loved her you would have taken her and your child away from
danger, Nathaniel pointed out to the evil spirit before him.  I tried to come back to
take Peg and the babe to safety. You made no attempt at all.
Okay, that sounded like the man she loved.
Black Pete hesitated for a moment as if Nathaniel s words had hit home hard.
 You killed her and I will kill you.
 Go ahead. Nathaniel held his arms out from his body as if wanting him to attack.
 No! Violet yelled as she pushed herself in front of her lover.
 You love him wench? Black Pete asked as his eyes roamed her body.
Violet turned to look at Nathaniel.
 Yes, I love him. Nathaniel s eyes were hotly passionate on hers as she said the
 Good. Then he can watch me kill you first, then I ll kill him. The evil pirate
seemed happy with this turn of events.  See you at the witching hour, Dread. He
vanished before another word could be spoken.
Nathaniel pulled Violet close to him. The thought that he could lose her so easily
just after finding her chilled him. He adored everything about her from her eyes to her
toes and he wanted to spend a lifetime getting to know every thought in her mind. If
anything happens to her I do not want to live in any form.
 Okay, that didn t go well. Violet looked up into his eyes. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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